Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 264 Spark

There are many towns and villages on both sides of the river. Needless to say, from the city lord to the village chief, everyone surnamed Ma is in charge. Li Qingshan will not let go of this opportunity to spread the revolutionary fire. Along the way, he encounters cities and destroys them, and every village enters the village. I don’t know how many public trials there were, and I don’t know how many people named Ma were killed.

Of course, not everyone with the surname Ma deserves to die, and Li Qingshan didn't massacre his entire family, but it was inevitable that his family would be ransacked. After a winter, the army was short of food and pay. If there was any shortage, they would all use money to buy it on the spot, without any harm to the people.

The word "King of Heroes" has really spread, and it is upright.

When the army set off, the whole city would be greeted with a farewell, and everyone would shed tears of gratitude, and more people would join the Tianxiahui. After only a few hundred miles, the fleet had almost doubled in size, which showed the support of the people.

Even if the swordsman was dissatisfied with Li Qingshan, he couldn't help but sigh: "Throughout the ages, I have never heard of any big demon who brought trouble to the martial arts world doing such a thing. No matter how high their martial arts skills or how powerful they are, they are all full of selfishness." Selfish desires, no, even if you are a righteous person, isn't that the case? Perhaps such actions can be called chivalrous and righteous!"

A small spark turned into a prairie fire, and at the same time, the extreme north was still freezing.

Many gangsters were exploring the rugged snowfield, surrounding the empty wasteland like an iron barrel, guarding it against countless prying eyes from the distant mountains and forests.

A thin man with a compass in his hand and a rat's beard, who looked like a bookkeeper, hurriedly came to a large tent and said loudly: "The fortune teller wants to see the leader of the alliance!"

"Come in!" A majestic voice came from the tent.

The guard opened the heavy door curtain, and the fortune teller bowed and entered the tent. A wave of hot air hit his face. He saw luxury, wealth, and jewels. There was a soft and thick carpet under his feet, and he could not feel the coldness of the snow at all. The tent is extremely wide, and a group of young girls are waiting on it quietly.

The two men held their positions high and were sipping tea. Their every move exuded the majesty of a superior.

"I'll see you, Alliance Leader Zhang and Chief Ma."

The fortune teller bowed deeply to Yuntian, the leader of the Wulin Alliance. His eyes turned and fell on the silver-haired old man, and he bowed deeply.

Zhang Yuntian came up north in a hurry, and this luxurious enjoyment was naturally the work of the Ma family, the largest family in the north. This old man was the patriarch of the Ma family, Ma Xingkong, known as the "Tianma".

But what the fortune teller envied even more was his other title - Stallion.

Ma Xingkong has reached the age of 60,

He was still able to control several women every day, and he had many beauties in his harem, and he gave birth to hundreds of children and grandchildren. And not only did he not regard "stallion" as a shame, he was also very proud of it, boasting that if every descendant of the Ma family was as powerful as him. There are no other surnames in the North.

"How about it?"

Zhang Yuntian put down his tea cup and waited for almost a whole winter. He went north alone several times but could not find the fallen demon star, so he invited the martial arts master "Magic Counter". Use the secret number method of Shenji Sect to calculate and determine the direction of the falling demon star.

As soon as spring began, the Ma family sent a large team of people northward to conduct a large-scale search. Finally, they returned home by different routes and found the place where the demon star fell, but no trace of the demon star was found.

"Leader Bing, according to my calculations, this is where the demon star fell, and it also caused a landslide."

"Fortunate God, do you mean that the demon star is buried under here?" Ma Xingkong shouted in a loud voice.

"This... I can only say that the demon star fell here. As for whether it is below, it is hard to say."

"Then you're talking nonsense!"

"Brother Ma. This place is not your territory, but belongs to the old ape at the Divine Ape Villa. It is not impossible if he takes away the demon star quickly."

Zhang Yuntian took a sip of tea. He was the one who invited the fortune teller. He couldn't be insulted at will. The reason why he went north alone was that ordinary masters couldn't move in such ice and snow, and also to guard against this unconventional behavior and not want to get a share of the pie.

"This is impossible. The demon star is not a stone. You can take it away as long as you want. Although the White Ape King is a sword sect of the first generation, this is not an ordinary frozen soil. There is no way to dig a tunnel. Even if I put all the miners It will take two or three months to dig out these rocks if we are dispatched here. Shen Yuan Villa definitely does not have the manpower."

Ma Xingkong calmed down his arrogance a little, but the implication was that without the manpower and material resources of my Ma family, even if you are the leader of the martial arts alliance, you would never expect to see this demon star.

"I have sent people to pay homage to the Ape Mountain Villa. I believe they will come back soon. If it is true that the old ape got the demon star, he must not be able to hide it. There is no need to hide it. There is nothing we can do about him. I believe he will be here soon. News will come back.”

"Why didn't the alliance leader inform me?"

"I believe Brother Ma doesn't want to waste all his hard work and only dig out a pile of rocks. Anyway, the things here cannot be hidden from the White Ape King, so why not just talk about it." Zhang Yuntian's expression suddenly changed: "Brother Ma, sit down for a moment. , I’ll go out and have a look, they’re really rotten fish and stinky shrimps, they all want a share of the pie, I’ll teach them a lesson!”

Zhang Yuntian led the fortune teller out of the tent again, and the people he sent to Shen Yuan Villa finally came back.

A young man who looked very similar to Ma Xingkong asked strangely: "Grandpa, isn't it a bad thing for this demon star to come to the world? If it is buried by a landslide, that would be great. Why do so many people want to get it? "

"My dear grandson, you don't understand. As the saying goes, great disasters must be followed by good fortunes. Did you know that the Seven Kills Demon King who once dominated for a while was an ordinary swordsman who was hunted down by his enemies. He just happened to meet Yao Xing. After falling, he finally mastered the Seven Kills Sword Technique, killed all the enemies, and created the Seven Kills Demon Sect. The four major families and seven sects worked together to destroy it. This is just an example. All those who came into contact with the demon star and survived, All martial arts have improved greatly. As long as you are determined and not bewitched by the demon star, you can understand the ultimate martial arts, unify the martial arts, and shatter the void!"

"Grandpa must let this demon star also have the surname Ma!"

A gust of cool breeze rushed in, and Ma Xingkong was about to curse when he saw Zhang Yuntian walking in with a frown on his face, "The Ape Villa has been turned into ruins. It seems that it was struck by lightning and caused a fire."

"Haha, what a retribution! As for the White Ape King and those swordsmen, they couldn't all be burned to death!"

"They were all missing, and only some bodies were found later."

Zhang Yuntian frowned deeper, feeling that everything about this matter was weird.

"What! Did he really swallow the demon star and run away? No, this is absolutely impossible!"

A panicked figure broke into the tent and fell at Ma Xingkong's feet: "Clan leader, it's not good, they are rebelling, they are all rebelling!"

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