Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 271 Unsealing

The bloody light that reflected the red sky made Yuntian, the leader of the Wulin Alliance, feel a little uneasy. But when he looked back, he saw that except for the people from the Ma family, everyone else seemed relaxed and casual. He thought that although there were many people in the world, there were still many people in the world. There are only a handful of true masters.

And because of the birth of the demon star, the innate masters gathered here accounted for almost one-third of the world's masters, and all seven sects were absent. Is this something that the "King of Chivalry" can compete with? As for which one No one would take an army composed of mortals seriously. No matter how many ants there are, they are just ants.

"I want to see if the 'Xia King' is as three-headed and six-armed as the rumors say!"

"Even if he really has three heads and six arms, how can he stop the master's "Big Fuhu Fist".

Monk Fuhu smiled hāhā and accepted the compliment calmly. There were indeed only a handful of people in the world who could block his punch.

The group of people passed through the dense forest. A large river blocked the road ahead, and many large and small boats were moored. This was where Li Qingshan landed. When they saw the scene outside Pegasus City in the distance, they were all shocked.

Bloody lines crisscrossed in mid-air, and thick blood mist shrouded thousands of people, all of whom stood motionless, facing a hill.

"There is a flat plain outside Pegasus City, where do the hills come from?"

Just after having such a sexual desire, his eyes passed through the blood mist, and he discovered that it was actually a mountain of corpses, all of which had changed color. Such a terrifying and mysterious sight was simply unheard of.

"Ah!" Ma Xingkong screamed miserably, and his eyes were about to burst. There were many familiar faces in the mountain of corpses.

Li Qingshan heard the sound and looked back: "It's just the right time, what should I do?"

"The enemy cannot move. I cannot move!" Gu Yanying said calmly.

"There will be ghosts if you don't move. Don't you look at what's under our feet?"

Li Qingshan trampled on a big nǎo under his feet. It was the old man in brocade robe who was pierced through his chest and died. It seemed that he was placed in this position because of his higher status.

"I am sworn in with you!" Ma Xingkong's howl came across the river and came from afar.

"Well, that's true. But then again, why are they piled up like this mountain of corpses?"

Gu Yanying looked at Luo Huan Xiaoming strangely. She originally thought it was going to be used as a sacrifice.

But it doesn’t seem to be used!

"Pile and play."

"Is it useless at all?"

Gu Yanying frowned. In order to pile up this mountain of corpses. She stayed up all night and took charge personally.

"What use can a pile of dead bodies do?" Luo Huan Xiaoming glanced at her contemptuously.

The other people standing on the mountain of corpses didn't know whether to laugh or cry. They endured all kinds of emotions and stood here, but this little kid just said it casually. Do you think this is a pile of sand?

"Ha!" Li Qingshan patted Luohu Xiaoming's small shoulder. "Well done!"

"Easy to say."

"Hey. Li Qingshan, you should be more serious. The opponents are all 'masters'. Go get your 'Ahua' and kill them!" Gu Yanying said angrily. Now except for her and Li Qingshan, the others Everyone is at the critical moment of transforming asuras.

"I won't go. I just sealed the sword yesterday. If you want to go, you can go by yourself!"

Li Qingshan was unhappy. Thanks to him being so serious about the seal yesterday, how could he slap himself in the face like this?

"If I can go, what do I want you to do? Don't fèi huà, go quickly!"

The army cannot be mobilized. At this time, Gu Yanying's strength is very weak and cannot stop so many "masters".

And if Luohu Xiaoming hadn't suddenly appeared and brought the Thelma and Louise Blade, even if the army could be mobilized, this battle would have been a tough one.

"Alright alright!"

Li Qingshan shrugged helplessly, held the handle of the knife with his backhand, and jumped down from the mountain of corpses.

Kuanghua Daohun woke up and immediately laughed at Li Qingshan.

Li Qingshan's forehead veins were exposed. When he came to the river bank, he was already furious. He shouted at Ma Xingkong: "Old guy, what are you howling for? Is the whole family dead?"

"you you……"

Ma Xingkong almost fainted from anger, his face turned red and purple, he pointed at Li Qingshan and couldn't say a word, and wanted to rush across the river to fight him to the death.

"Brother Ma, please stay, this may be a trap by the enemy!" Zhang Yuntian said.

Ma Xingkong looked back. Except for his own family, everyone else's faces were full of doubts and fears. The river ahead was surging and no one except for a few innate masters could easily jump over it. After all, he was an old Jianghu, suppressing his anger and hatred, he held his hands and said: "It all depends on the alliance leader!" He also said to everyone: "No matter who kills this thief and avenges this bloody vengeance for the Ma family, I am willing to sacrifice ten towns for him." Thanks!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was moved. Ten cities and towns with a radius of at least a hundred miles and a population of hundreds of thousands were enough to establish a sect.

"The Ma family is finished." Zhang Yuntian said silently in his heart. That mountain of corpses was almost the foundation of the Ma family for two hundred years. He originally thought that the world would just rely on the strength of the people to raid the surrounding towns, but he didn't expect that Pegasus City would be so easily destroyed. It was breached and could not be defended for even a day. Even if this battle is won, the power will be greatly reduced, and those ten towns are just a favor.

The figure with long arms and knees on the other side of the river was facing the rumor and asked in a deep voice: "Are you Li Qingshan?"

"It's you and me!" Li Qingshan said.

Zhang Yuntian's face changed, and he yelled with his halberd finger: "Devil, I thought you were just a hypocrite just trying to gain fame, but I didn't expect you to be so perverse and an enemy of the world's martial arts. You are worse than a beast!"

"What a big mistake. I am like a beast, not worse than a beast!"

In "The Nine Transformations of Gods and Demons, the phoenix is ​​a bird and the tiger is a beast." Li Qingshan's words can be regarded as seeking truth from facts.

Zhang Yuntian's face became darker and darker, and the uneasiness in his heart became stronger. He had never seen such a scene or encountered such an opponent in his life.

"Leader, this Li Qingshan is just a clown trying to delay time. They seem to be performing some kind of ritual. Now is the best time to attack. We must not let them succeed!" Ma Xingkong said loudly.

"Donor Ma is right. Since ancient times, good and evil have always existed. If we join forces, can't we still defeat him? I don't think Li Qingshan has anything big except for his unusually long arms. Maybe he is the White Ape King and a human woman. A hybrid hybrid!"

Monk Fuhu saw that the aura exuded by Li Qingshan seemed to have entered the innate realm, but it was by no means powerful. Even if he had a secret method to hide his true strength, if they join forces, even the White Ape King would hate it.

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly saw his mango shoes and couldn't help but blink hard, not understanding what happened.

With a thud, the naked nǎo dai hit the ground, leaving only half of the body still standing there.

Zhang Yuntian's eyes almost bulged out, and he wondered if he was dreaming. Li Qingshan on the other side just waved his knife, and Monk Fuhu next to him was cut in half on the spot.

"What the hell is that thing on the other side!?"

Others also followed him and almost went crazy on the spot.

"Hallucination, it must be a hallucination! How could something like this happen?" To be continued...)

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