The sword flashed across the river, transformed into Li Qingshan's body, and kicked over half of Monk Fuhu's body. Apex Novel w-w--o-m.

"Bald donkey, you are the bastard!"

Zhang Yuntian felt as if his blood was about to solidify, and he was frightened there, unable to move.

The others were the same, with dull eyes and pale faces, as if they were stunned.

Even if the power of Thelma and Louise's sword is restricted and suppressed, it is still very easy to kill all the Qi Masters, but Li Qingshan feels that the power is a bit unsustainable. If Kuanghua Daohun hadn't tried his best to cooperate, he actually wouldn't have the strength to operate the Kuanghua Dao at the moment.

"You look like this, I really want to bite you!" Kuanghua Daohun said with a smile.

"Backfire on your uncle!"

Li Qingshan didn't care and walked up to Ma Xingkong with the knife in hand, "Are you Ma Xingkong?"

"Devil!" Ma Xingkong roared and drew his sword.

Li Qingshan struck again, and a line of blood appeared between Ma Xingkong's eyebrows. It separated from top to bottom, left and right, and fell to the ground.

"Who else?"

No one answered, dumbfounded.

Li Qingshan glanced at Zhang Yuntian: "By the way, there is you, right! What did you say about me just now? Fishing for fame and reputation, acting against the will, and worse than a beast!"

Every word is like a knife thrust into Zhang Yuntian's heart. His body trembles slightly, and a huge sense of powerlessness fills his heart. He deeply regrets that he should not have come to the north to take this muddy water, let alone follow Ma Xingkong southward. Even if everyone in the Ma family died, what would it have to do with him.

This Li Qingshan is not a devil, he is simply a devil!

He mustered up the courage to ask, "You...who are you?"

"Who are you?"

"I am the leader of the Wulin Alliance, Yuntian!" Zhang Yuntian said proudly.

Li Qingshan smiled and said: "Martial Arts Leader! Okay, let's discuss it then. Just give me the martial arts leader. Do you think my martial arts skills are much higher than yours?"

Zhang Yuntian was speechless.

Kuanghua Daohun muttered: "Hmph,

If it weren't for me, how would you be their opponent now? I should be the leader of the martial arts alliance! "

Li Qingshan rolled his eyes, "I still think this martial arts leader is too rustic and not as majestic as the King of Heroes!" Then he said to Zhang Yuntian: "Forget it, I am not the leader of the martial arts leader. Give me this sword! How about it? , are you willing?"

Zhang Yuntian took a deep breath. "The position of alliance leader is not based on force alone. It needs to be recognized by more than half of the four major families and the seven sects."

"Ha, you are quite democratic. Boy. How dare you deal with me? Give me a knife!"

"Wait! There are people from the four major families and the seven sects here. They are right behind me. If they are willing to accept you as their leader, I am willing to abdicate in favor of others!"

Zhang Yuntian glanced at the bodies of Ma Xingkong and Monk Fuhu. At least two families were unable to object. He had lived his whole life and could never be insulted like this, but he didn't want to die, so he simply left the problem to others.

Seeing Li Qingshan's eyes looking over, the other sects of the aristocratic family all cursed in their hearts.

"What a great idea! If any of you don't agree with my 'Ahua' being the leader of the martial arts league, just come out and compete with her."

"Devil, I am in a position with you..."

puff! A head rolled down.

Li Qingshan beheaded a few more "challengers" who overestimated their capabilities, and finally there was no more opposition. He obtained the alliance leader's seal from Zhang Yuntian, and a jade plaque with the word "alliance leader" engraved on it, hung it on Thelma and Louise's sword. On the throne, he ascended the throne of the leader of the martial arts alliance, pointing his sword into the sky: "Remember what I said! The Supreme of the martial arts, the precious sword Ahua, orders the world, no one dares to disobey!"

"Shut up, don't call me Ahua!"

Everything that happened here also left the elders of the Tianxiahui on the other side speechless. Such a big crisis ended in such a joke.

"The crisis has been resolved, please concentrate."

Gu Yanying said that even though Li Qingshan had unrivaled strength in the world, if he wanted to collect his willpower as quickly as possible, he had to establish an organization to unify the world. Moreover, she could also see that Li Qingshan's current state would not allow him to continue fighting for too long.

Although the confinement of the weapon is much smaller, in order to exert its true power, it also needs the support of the user's strength. The Immortal Abandoned Sword backfired on Elder Tian, ​​and sacrificed the entire Hidden Sword Palace with blood, so that he could fight.

Li Qingshan is unable to provide power to Thelma and Louise's sword, and now he relies solely on the power stored in the sword itself to fight, which will eventually be exhausted. If you want to supplement, you have to rely on the Dayan Talisman.

As she was thinking this, suddenly, an unknown force fell from the sky, penetrated the soul of her body through the Tianling Cap.

As if struck by lightning, Gu Yanying found that the mountain of corpses at her feet and everyone around her had disappeared, leaving only the bloody earth spreading endlessly. She slowly raised her head, and a single eye filled the sky, staring at her!

In an instant, her eagle eyes were dyed blood red, reflecting a black sun and moon. The aura on her body suddenly changed, and the ominous aura was overwhelming.

Li Qingshan suddenly looked back and frowned, what's going on?

The criss-crossing bloody lines twisted, and the blood mist rolled violently,

Yin Qing noticed the change in Gu Yanying, took a step back, and said in a voiceless voice: "Ji Du!"

Luohu and Jidu are the two major divine clans in the Shura Tao. It is said that their ancestors were born at the same time, so they both use the black sun and moon as their totems. The black sun and moon in Gu Yanying's eyes are exactly the opposite of those on Luo Hu Xiaoming's body, which is the symbol of the Jidu clan.

That's right, except for the Jidu clan, who can chase a Luohu to the sky and into the earth!

"Lord Luohu, what should I do?"

Gu Yanying slowly turned his head and stared at Luo Hu Xiaoming with his bloody eyes: "I found you!"

The voice was hoarse and sharp, but also inexplicably beautiful. Although it was no longer Gu Yanying's voice, it was still that of a woman.

"You are indeed here." Luo Hu Xiaoming sneered slightly.

"Do you think you can escape by hiding in a place like this? Look at how weak you are, like a bug, but it saves me some trouble. Just die!"

She stretched out her hand and strangled Luohu Xiaoming's throat. The laws of heaven and earth were shattered and the void was distorted. Faced with this god's blow across the realms of the void, everyone could only watch. Luohu Xiaoming was the same, but the sneer on his face It has not changed, but has become stronger.

A piece of blue feathers fell, light and soundless, but on the giant eye that filled the sky, a blood mark was cut, revealing the sneer face of Luohu Xiaoming.

Gu Yanying woke up from the nightmare and found that she could see the outside world again, but still couldn't control her body, and then realized that she was possessed.

"This is!?"

The hoarse and melodious voice was filled with shock and anger. She never expected that in such a small world, something could hurt her, even if it was just a ray of thought that came to her. The power in that pale green feather was minimal, but it contained a vast and lofty will, far beyond her reach.

"Huntian Feather!"

"Have you finally discovered it? This is just a return gift." Luo Hu Xiaoming said.

"It turned out to be a trap, you little guy is still so cunning!" The voice became very gentle and intimate. When the blood stains tore the sky, she said resolutely: "Even if I search three thousand worlds, I will definitely find you. My dear son!" (To be continued...)

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