Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 298 The war is coming, the grudges will be settled

The autumn rain began to fall continuously again.

"You want to join the Tianxiahui?"

Gu Yanying put down the information in his hand and looked Wuhuan up and down. Even though everyone in the north is practicing martial arts, only a few can break through the innate realm. Innate masters are still important talents, not to mention those who come from the south to surrender, so they need to be taken seriously and examined.


Wuhuan tried his best to calm down from the shock, but he still couldn't believe that there was such a beautiful woman in the world? I thought that her beauty was the ultimate in the world, but even if she added an affectionate rendering, she had to admit the difference between the two.

Perhaps the word "beautiful" is no longer accurate. She also exudes a kind of fierce majesty. The ordinary long table seems to be raised thousands of meters high, and she is looking down from behind the table, with a cold and sharp look. The eyes penetrate people's hearts and make people tremble.

Is this the majesty of the Lord of the World?

"Why?" Gu Yanying crossed his hands and leaned on the back of the chair.

"Because I admire Prince Xia's chivalrous actions, and also to learn more advanced martial arts."

These two reasons were perfectly normal. Wu Huan lowered his head, hiding his thoughts.

"Oh? So what kind of righteous deeds do you most admire from King Xia, and what martial arts do you want to learn?"

Wu Huan couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and his own anger when she was taken away resurfaced in his mind. That was Li Qingshan's most impressive "righteous act", and as a dying man, he didn't want to learn any martial arts.

He quickly started thinking, and the only way he could do it was as a member of the World Meeting. Only then can he naturally approach Li Qingshan. If his identity is exposed before that, the consequences will be disastrous.

While he was raising language. Gu Yanying smiled slightly: "Which hall do you want to go to?"

"I'm just a martial artist. I don't know much about everything in the hall. I just want to serve by Prince Xia's side!"

Wu Huan could no longer look into her eyes, feeling that every moment in front of her was torture.

"The King of Heroes is controlling the floods in the north."

"Then I'll go control the water." Wu Huan said immediately.

"Okay, I agree to your joining. After taking the oath, you can set off immediately.

Wuhuan! "

"Yes..." Wu Huan's throat choked, and his heartbeat began to accelerate: "Guild Leader. My name is Wu Heng."

"Wuhuan Wuheng, you chose this pseudonym too carelessly. Your father is Wu Ming, the master of the seventy-two 'caves' in the south!"

Wu Huanru was struck by lightning and reluctantly said: "I am Wu Heng, the distant nephew of the owner of Wu Cave."

Because when filling in the membership information. The martial arts you have practiced must be written down and verified by a dedicated person, so there is no way to falsify your origins. However, the Wushi clan has a large number of people and is not a large family. It is also located in the south of the southern border, thousands of miles away from here. The world will take care of everything. How? Would you know such a trivial matter?

"Master Wu Cave has eight nephews. None of them are named Wu Heng. As for the distant cousin, with your martial arts, how can you be a famous person? You are here for Nangong Wan'er, one of the top ten beauties of the year. I remember you were engaged back then, but I didn’t expect that more than ten years have passed since the incident, and you will still come to take revenge. Have you developed any special skills that will kill you? "

Wuhuan's face turned pale. As if he had been stripped naked in broad daylight, he instinctively wanted to grab the murderous bones in his arms. If Li Qingshan cannot be killed. He can only kill the leader of the world in front of him.

"You can find him by going up the river outside the North Gate city. Nangong Wan'er happens to be there too."

Gu Yanying lowered his head and continued to handle official duties.

"You won't kill me?"

"You are not my enemy, why should I kill you? And I also think what he did is too unfair. You have worked hard for so many years, but you have to give him a chance." Gu Yanying didn't even look at him. "Since you don't sincerely want to join the Tianxiahui, just get out, I still have things to do!"

Wu Huan walked out of the gate of Tianxiahui tensely without encountering even the slightest obstacle. He was both happy and angry in his heart. He was happy that the other party was careless and angry that she didn't take him seriously.

"Hmph, you will definitely regret it when I see Li Qingshan!"

Gu Yanying didn't take the little thing just now to heart. If Li Qingshan was so easy to be assassinated, he would have died countless times. He has traveled around the world in these years and stepped on almost every trap he could. Once again, no matter whether it was the mysterious poison formation or the sea of ​​fire and swords, they couldn't do anything to get him, so he slowly stopped playing and returned to work.

In fact, even if she didn't have the ability to memorize things, she could easily see through Wu Huan's lies, because over the years, her sense of the hot wind in hell has improved by leaps and bounds, and she can trigger the hot wind in hell without the help of any external force. If you return to Kyushu, "Hell Sutra Transformation Diagram" will definitely be able to break through the bottleneck.

After all, laws were established in her world and strictly maintained for sixteen years. This kind of experience was impossible to have in Kyushu, where she was just acting as a trapper. The world may be divided into big and small, but this experience and understanding makes no difference.

As a result, her majestic and murderous aura became stronger and stronger. If the other party had something in his heart, he would be frightened when he saw her. And she also has a strange ability to 'pierce' the truth and distinguish between right and wrong.

So from the moment Wuhuan walked in, she knew that he was definitely not here to join the Tianxiahui.

Of course, she didn't intend to use this assassination as an excuse for war. She stood up and came to the entrance, looking towards the south, "Those guys can't wait any longer!"

In the past sixteen years, she has put her wisdom and strategies to full use on this land, including the methods of Confucianism, Legalism, Mononism and other schools, established grammar, revolutionized technology, opened up commerce, improved crops,

Although the Tianxiahui did not raise troops to go south, the general trend formed has swept the entire world, causing people's hearts to gradually drift away. Not to mention the common people, even the young people of the first generation of sects and aristocratic families are also unconsciously accepting Part of the philosophy of Tianxiahui.

This is also thanks to the Wulin Alliance. In order to cope with the external offensive of the Tianxiahui, under the order of the alliance leader Yuntian, various factions released a large number of martial arts secrets and spread them among the people. Because if we don't do this, everyone in the world who wants to practice martial arts will come to the north.

But doing so is in line with the philosophy of the Tianxiahui and will facilitate future unification. And those young warriors who come from the civilian class naturally have a feeling of gratitude towards the Tianxiahui.

Zhang Da, the leader of the alliance, also made great efforts to restrain the sects of the aristocratic families from plundering the common people, and also established a set of decent laws. He almost did whatever the world would do. The current martial arts alliance is simply like Regarding Tianxiahui's crude imitation, martial arts people jokingly called him the number one spy sent by Tianxiahui.

He personally gained great fame in secret, and his position as leader of the alliance was quite stable. He no longer even looked like the leader of the alliance, but like the king of a country. It became a confrontation between two countries.

Now that the world is at home, everyone is eagerly hoping that the world will go south. She has already begun to order people to encroach southward. If she waits for another sixteen years, the world will be unified, and there will be no need for war.

If the other party refuses to accept the fate of defeat, they must fight to the death. War is imminent!

It's time to make a break. q

ps: I won’t say anything anymore and continue asking for monthly votes!

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