Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 46 Alchemy

Qian Rongzhi felt that Li Qingshan was too weird, not like a young man at all. And the more I understand, the more I feel that his thinking is very abnormal. After thinking for a while, he explained with a smile: "Speaking of qi refining techniques that can cultivate to the tenth level, there are five most famous ones. . . .

"Which five?" Li Qingshan also focused on this important news. Although Qian Rongzhi came from a small family, according to the information in the copy, Qian Yannian had entered the sect of practice and was well-informed.

Qian Rongzhi said, "Did you know that everyone has the five elements?"

"The five organs of the heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney?"

Qian Rongzhi said: "It's not just as simple as the five internal organs, the study of the five elements is very profound, and it is not clear for a while, but everyone can choose one to practice, and if you specialize in one, the speed of qi refining can be greatly increased. There are many exercises for cultivating the Five Elements True Qi. The most famous five are the "Geng Jin Sha Qi Jue", "Yi Mu Qi Jue", "Gui Shui Condensing Qi Jue", "Bing Huo Qi Jue", and "Guardian Qi Jue". Earth Firmness Qi Art."

In addition to some special sects, such as ** sect, there are real sects, many sects will let their disciples choose one of these five exercises to practice.

Li Qingshan was still thinking about which method to choose to practice after the "Innate Qi Refinement". Now he has a vague direction. He doesn't believe in that kind of magic and secret method. Although it is not absolute, he believes this The world is said to have the survival of the fittest.

When a practice method becomes famous, it proves that it has been verified by countless people, and it has been improved by many generations, and it is universally applicable. Moreover, when practicing, there are many experiences of predecessors that can be used for reference. The so-called good people are really good.

Li Qingshan said: "Is it possible to cultivate any kind of True Qi?"

Qian Rongzhi said: "Of course not, everyone is inclined to a different genus, and in the major sects, there will be a way to test, and then choose the most suitable for their own practice, but I heard that there are geniuses with extraordinary talents, Being able to cultivate two or even three kinds of infuriating qi together, the amount of infuriating qi is far better than a monk of the same rank who cultivates only one kind of infuriating qi, and it is easier to break through the realm.”

"Why did you suddenly become so kind?" Li Qingshan was surprised that Qian Rongzhi didn't make any demands.

Qian Rongzhi smiled and said, "I'm not a bad person!" Li Qingshan was noncommittal.

Qian Rongzhi said, "If you don't believe me, I can teach you alchemy too."

Li Qingshan said, "Don't want anything?"

Qian Rongzhi said, "I don't want anything."

Li Qingshan said: "That feeling is good!" But his face did not seem particularly happy.

Qian Rongzhi really taught it carefully: "Alchemy, the three most basic things, the first is the material, from the most common herbs to the most cherished elixir, all kinds of strange, all-encompassing.

The second is the pill recipe. Every pill has a refining method, and there are extremely precise requirements for materials and timing. The third is the cauldron, or the flame. According to the alchemy recipe, refining the material is alchemy…”

Li Qingshan listened attentively, and before he knew it, two hours later, he had a basic understanding of alchemy. This Dao is indeed broad and profound. Even if Huā spends a lifetime of hard work, it may not be able to reach the extreme. Now he can only be regarded as a little understanding of the skin, and he can't even be considered a beginner.

Qian Rongzhi said: "I only know so much about alchemy. If you want to continue to study it, you have to ask someone else." Li Qingshan led the way slightly.

Qian Rongzhi pointed to the cauldron next to him: "Would you like to try it, there are still a lot of herbs."

Li Qingshan was stunned for a moment, wondering if she had changed her mind, but after listening to so many alchemy techniques, he felt itchy. , but due to the rapid fire, a furnace of condensed gas pellets was smelted.

Qian Rongzhi did not express any regret or blame, but instead encouraged him to keep trying.

Li Qingshan didn't say anything and continued to try. His infuriating energy is extremely pure, and he uses it like an arm and a finger. In the process of alchemy, he also uses it more delicately. After refining two pots of elixirs, he finally succeeded. He retracted his hands, took a deep breath, and smiled.

Qian Rongzhi also praised it.

Li Qingshan only saw the horizon was dim, and before he knew it, the night had passed. He stood up and took out a few bottles of condensing gas pills and put them on the ground as compensation for refining the waste pills and paying for school fees.

Watching Li Qingshan go out, Qian Rongzhi picked up the Qi Condensation Pill. Just as Li Qingshan was not happy because of her generosity, Qian Rongzhi now doesn't have much joy on his face.

The information about the Five Elements Qi Art and the basic alchemy technique are not secrets, and the condensing pills left by Li Qingshan are more than the condensing pills he has refined. And even if she came to control the cauldron, she didn't dare to say that she would succeed every time, so she still made a lot of money.

If it were an ordinary person, she would probably feel happy, but she felt something cold in it, that is, a very cold alienation, no favor, and no mercy. Any time she dared to plot against him, he would unceremoniously put her on the list of must-killers, and he would never tolerate it.

Another attempt failed, this is not a man who can be manipulated by human affection, could it be that there is really no weakness in him that can be exploited?

Li Qingshan didn't think too much about it, he was just happy that he had learned a new skill. The way of practice is so vast and far-reaching, and there are endless mysteries waiting for him to explore. It is not a bad thing to learn from anyone.

In the tiankeng, the flames were still raging, with Ye Gu Cang Yan already occupying a small half.

Xiao An's bones became as lustrous as jade. More powerful than ever. And the bones in the pit.

Ye Lian's whole body has come to an end, and there are still hundreds of bones in the pit.

And Xiao An didn't stop to refine the bones, the blood burning corpse and the corpse cangyan are the basic spells of "Zhu Yan Bai Gu Dao", the biggest role is not to hurt the enemy to kill the enemy, but to practice. The blood burning corpse inflammation is to absorb the essence of flesh and blood for the perfect fusion, so as not to waste a little bit. Bone-turning Cangyan can refine bone fluid to strengthen the body.

In addition to this, there is another important action, that is, refining.

The practitioners who practice "The Way of Zhuyan and Baigu" are different from other practitioners, and the tools they use are also very special. There is a special article on "The Way of Zhuyan and White Bone", which records dozens of exclusive tools.

Blood sea flags, human skin vestments, rosary beads...

Xiao An intends to use these hundreds of bones to refine his first bone rosary. ! .

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