Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 342 Why Home?

More than twenty rays of golden light cut through the sky and stopped over the Lianyue Mountains. `Top`Point`;Novel`.2wx.om

Zuo Guoshi looked down at the rolling mountains, his eyes focused, and his eyes passed through the eight-door golden lock formation, locked on the three words "Qing Xiaojia", and asked:

"Wuwei, is this the cave where Buddha's enemies and monsters live?"

The fearless monk said: "Report to the Imperial Master, I don't know, maybe it is!"

"Fellow Taoists, please give me a helping hand!"

Zuo Guoshi slowly raised the wooden fish hammer, and all the monks and kings clasped their hands together and chanted the Buddha's name in a low voice.

The golden light gathered like a sea on Zuo Guoshi's body and condensed on the wooden fish hammer, which was brighter and brighter than the sun.

They are both Buddhist monks, even though they belong to different sects, they are still connected by the same spirit. This alone is far better than the more than 20 ordinary monks joining forces, and Zuo Guoshi, the most powerful person in the world, is sitting here. , can easily use this terrifying power. Even if Xiao An is in the best condition, it is difficult for him to compete head-on, let alone being seriously injured now.


Zuo Guoshi gathered enough strength to throw the wooden fish hammer with all his strength.

In an instant, it was like a sun falling into the mountains. Wherever the light shone, the mountains and forests were on fire. It was a hundred times more violent than the sneak attack on Xiao An.

The eight-door golden lock array was shattered like a piece of tissue paper, the sun set on the lonely peak, and the three words "Qing Xiaojia" melted in the golden light.


Thousands of golden lights shone through the sky and the earth, and dozens of surrounding peaks collapsed and disintegrated in an instant. Countless peaks collapsed, and the entire Lianyue Mountains turned into a mess and burst into flames.

The golden light dissipated and the sky turned blue.

The small green cave has disappeared between heaven and earth. No trace remains.

Perhaps nothing is indelible. Whether it is a mountain peak or a memory, it will gradually fade away as time goes by, until it seems as if it never existed.

What a home!

"National Master, it seems that the Buddha's enemy is not here."

"Amitabha, according to my opinion, I am afraid that no matter where the Buddha's enemy is being healed,

Neither will be here. "

The monks and kings were talking a lot, even though they were in awe of Zuo Guoshi. But everyone is in the same realm. Buddhism also emphasizes the equality of all living beings, so they will not be afraid to speak.

Zuo Guoshi's face was as dark as water. After so much effort, it was all in vain. His face also looked a bit unsightly. See the burning Lianyue Mountains again. Countless birds and beasts were burned alive. There seemed to be several other families.

He sighed: "Oh, that's all, this Buddha's enemy is fierce and cunning. She is really the enemy of our Buddhism. If we can't kill her today, we will have to poison the people. We can only wait until the future to make plans. It's a pity that the creatures in this mountain have to suffer this Buddha for no reason. The enemy will hinder you. If you are not afraid, just stay and recite the "Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's Original Vow Sutra" to liberate them!"

"National Master, my junior brother..."

"Don't forget your identity!" Zuo Guoshi warned, making a majestic gesture.

The Fearless Monk knew that Master Zuo was in a very bad mood, and speaking for the Angry Monk at this time would only anger him. And I don't have a good temper either, and my mood is also extremely bad, with a cold face and not saying a word.


Zuo Guoshi snorted coldly and walked away, followed closely by the other monk kings.

He glanced back at the burning Lianyue Mountains and said, "This Wuwei is unworthy of being the head of Tianlong Chanyuan. He is so ignorant of dignity and generality. Zen Buddhism is almost evil. However, this time he inflicted heavy losses on the Buddha's enemy. I don't think she dares to do it again." If you cause trouble randomly, it won't be too late to deal with her after you finish the big thing."

The fearless monk frowned and looked at the burning mountains. He did not recite the "Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's Original Vow Sutra" and went straight back to Tianlong Zen Monastery.

a moment ago.

The sharp bone claw pierced Qian Rongyi's cheek, then he suddenly stopped and slowly retracted it.

Qian Rongyi opened her eyes, and through the gap between the jagged bones, she saw Xiao An opening his eyes at some point and looking at her with his ethereal eyes. He couldn't help but trembled in his heart and smiled, but also felt a little bitter inexplicably:

“Pain is sobering, right!”

Xiao An raised his arm, looked at the four tooth marks on his wrist, and nodded seriously.

With a move of her hand, the Skeleton Demon turned into a rosary and returned to her wrist, but it became very sparse.

With another wave of her hand, the huge white bones piled on the ground turned into Samadhi White Bone Fire, which was sucked into her mouth.

Looking inside, his bones were covered with cracks and his injuries were not easy to heal, but at least it looked better on the surface.

She reached into the Blood Sea Flag, grabbed the hilt of the Xianqi Sword, then grabbed Qian Ronzhi's hand, and escaped deep into the ground.

The earth and rocks flashed by quickly, and Qian Rongyi was filled with thoughts. Staring at her back, something seemed to be filling her chest, but it was empty.

At this time, a huge roar spread to the ground, and the earth trembled.

Xiao An stopped, looked up, and seemed to see the scene of Qing Xiao Cave Mansion being destroyed, and clenched his fists.

After a while, he lowered his head and said, "Thank you."

"Your injury... doesn't matter!"

Qian Rongzhi seems to have lost her usual eloquence. Sometimes, sincerity is more difficult than lies.

Xiao An shook his head gently and sat down on a stone. Although his face was still expressionless, he looked tired and lonely.

Qian Ronzhi was immediately at a loss, not knowing what to say. After thinking about it, she sat down on the ground beside her. Suddenly she stretched out her hand in front of her, and a green vine sprouted from her palm. The vigorous branches reached deep into the void, and she didn't know where it stretched.

Xiao An's eyes were also attracted by this magical plant and asked: "Did you get this from Chu Tian?"

Qian Ronzhi smiled and said, "You still remember Chu Tian."

"He is still alive and his name is Lin Xuan now."

Xiao An's plain words were like a thunderbolt that struck Qian Rongyi's heart, and she murmured: "I see, that's it... Why didn't you say it before?"

"Qingshan didn't let me say it."

Xiao An pursed his lips, rarely showing such a human expression.

So Qian Rongyi couldn't blame her for concealing it in the past, "Okay, then why did you say it again now?"

I don’t think she has the concept of repaying a favor, and even if she did, she probably wouldn’t go against Li Qingshan’s wishes for such a trivial matter.

"I'm going to do something that Qingshan won't let me do." Xiao An looked a little sad and looked at the ground: "I don't know if he will forgive me."

"Is this all for him?"

"Um. "

"Then he will definitely forgive you."



"Thank you, I'm leaving." Xiao An's thanks were more sincere: "What about you?"

"I want to stay a little longer."


Xiao An left, leaving Qian Rongyhi alone talking to herself: "Chu Tian, ​​Lin Xuan, Chu Tian, ​​Lin Xuan..."

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and the smile gradually widened, and he burst out laughing, then turned into a sad laugh, until it turned into a hysterical laugh.

Snakes danced all over her body, savoring the pain and drowning her body. (To be continued...)

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