Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 353 Devouring the World

Hungry Ghost Gate

No one can stop the mouth of the hungry ghost that is completely torn apart. `Ding`Point`-Novel `x` Under the gaze of countless corpses, the white bone tower like fangs and sharp horns rushed towards the sky, penetrated into the depths of the strong wind, until it connected with the sky.


The whole world seemed to be shaken, like a lamb whose throat was pierced by a wolf's fang, trembling with death.

The color of the sky changed, a dead gray color replaced the dark blue, slowly spreading, not quickly, but unstoppable, and would not stop until the sky was completely dyed.

In the gray sky, pairs of eyes overlook the land of Kyushu.

All living beings looked up, screamed in fear, and ran around in panic. It was like an ant nest that had been dug up, crawling all over the ground in a mess.

Even the most powerful "ants" looked shocked. This was an unprecedented disaster in Kyushu.

Compared to this, the demonic invasions were like children playing house. The invasion of demons only brought about world wars. At least they could struggle to resist and even defeat the enemy.

At this time, there is only despair.

The Big Banyan Tree King is also desperate. Not to mention that he is not the God of the World. Even if he becomes the real God of the World and the great steward of this world, he can only catch a few thieves who sneak into the manor. At most, he can deal with a few thieves. A robber, but now he is facing a huge army. Resistance is also massacre, surrender is also massacre, there is no chance!

The thousands of miles of forest in the north of Wuzhou seems to have entered the severe winter season, and begins to wither and wither under the gray sky.

A butterfly was flying gracefully and suddenly fell down without any warning. Accompanied by endless rustling leaves.

Rats and rabbits were running wildly in the forest, and wild beasts were running rampant. It seemed that they felt that a disaster was coming. Billions of forest birds screamed and flew into the sky, trying to migrate to the south. Their wings covered the sky and the sun, but after a while, they all landed one after another.

In a barbarian tribe, all the tribesmen knelt down and prayed to the totem pole, banging their heads heavily on the withered earth.

Only Wu Zhu wears a cloak made of colorful bird feathers. Dance around the totem pole. There are words in his mouth, as if singing an ancient song,

The old people fell first, silently.

Middle-aged people become old people. The shallow wrinkles are deeply carved.

Like the years. Show no mercy, shed tears all the time.

The young people turned into middle-aged people, looking at each other with horror. Watching each other's faces grow old quickly.

Naked children begin to age before they have time to grow, and their lives are quickly spent.

In the end, only Wu Zhu was left. His throat was dry and hoarse, and his movements were slow and stiff. He danced among the corpses everywhere, like a grotesque puppet show. Suddenly, the strings were cut off and he fell to the ground dead.

There was silence in the tribe. Wu Zhu suddenly stood up again. He looked down and saw a corpse covered with bird feathers. He realized that it was him. Before he could think about it more, an uncontrollable feeling filled his soul. He recalled a big accident many years ago. Famine, having nothing to eat for several days, and almost thinking that I was going to starve to death, the feeling at this time was a hundred times worse than then.

Corpses on the ground stood up one after another and turned into ghouls.

Without a second of hesitation, the corpses began to suddenly kill and devour each other, regardless of whether they were father and son or brothers just a moment ago, they just wanted to satisfy their deep hunger.

That is the curse given to all ghouls by the hungry ghost path. Low-level ghouls cannot restrain this instinct at all.

There are countless situations like this, and the Big Banyan Tree King feels miserable. It would be better to be swallowed up by her Samadhi White Bone Fire, at least it is not so painful.

Among the six realms of reincarnation, the realm of hungry ghosts is the second most evil realm after hell. As long as you have experienced it, you will understand that hunger is a kind of torture.

Finally, Wu Zhu was the only "person" left in the ancient tribe, and his strength even increased to a higher level. However, the hunger did not affect the barbarians, and he rushed into the dead forest in search of new food.

However, it does not mean that you will have a chance to "survive" if you turn into a ghoul. After being eliminated like refining gu, even if you turn into a ghoul, you will not survive, and the rest will be turned into food.

And when Kyushu was completely devoured by the Hungry Ghost Path, and those powerful ghouls poured in, all living beings in Kyushu could not escape being swallowed up even if they turned into ghouls.

Unless humans, monsters, and aliens who are originally powerful practitioners have a chance to exist.

The Big Banyan Tree King ignored other states and concentrated all his power in the towering city. Billions of leaves glowed with bright blue light, protecting the creatures within thousands of miles from the erosion of death.

In the Longzhou Imperial Court, a dragon spirit surged into the sky, transforming into a real dragon, entrenched on Longshou Mountain, looking at the approach of the gray sky. He only guarded the imperial court and ignored places other than the imperial court.

Apart from these two places, only the kings of various states can compete, and the ordinary sect formations are just for self-protection.

The practitioners will not be eroded so easily, but it is just a matter of time. The cornerstone of their survival will soon cease to exist. There is no other way except turning into a corpse.

The Big Banyan Tree King suddenly discovered that the most critical force against the devouring of the hungry ghosts turned out to be the demon caves. Thousands of demonic energies were like beacons, preventing the spread of gray in the sky.

Although the demon realm is not one of the six realms of reincarnation, in terms of world level, it is not below the realm of hungry ghosts. No matter how vicious the demons are, they are still living beings.

When the laws of the two worlds conflict with each other, the speed of the hungry ghost path's devouring and expansion will slow down until the devil's cave is clear. It was no longer a simple closure of the town, but a snatching of food from the tiger's mouth, completely cutting off the connection between Kyushu and the Demon Realm.

These devil caves are like sharp thorns on a fish, they need to be carefully picked out, otherwise Kyushu will really become a fish belly.

"Is this step also expected by her?"

The Big Banyan Tree King secretly thought, in the past few months, she has been killing all over the world in various states, and almost opened most of the devil's caves in the world. It worked at this time. Not only could it resist the devouring of the Hungry Ghost Path, it was also the best way out.

Otherwise, even if he ascends now, he may only be able to ascend to the realm of hungry ghosts.

It's not that he is incapable of deducing this step, but he simply doesn't think so. With the God of the World as his goal, it's too late to seal off the Demon Cave. How can we lead the demonic people to invade?

At this time, he didn't care much, and immediately opened all the large and small demon caves in Wuzhou, using the sky-high demonic energy to fight against the spreading death aura and haze.

I couldn't help but sigh in my heart: "Perhaps the ultimate wisdom can be achieved by being ruthless, sexless, and without desires! But if she is really ruthless, she should leave this world now."

On the prairie of Liangzhou, the north wind fluttered her white monk's robe. Suddenly, she looked back and saw countless pairs of eyes in the distant sky passing through the barriers of the realm and focusing on her body.

The feeling is like a child observing a bug in a glass cover. Contempt, curiosity, amusement... of course. And vigilance.

Because she is not an ordinary insect, but a "poisonous insect". According to legend, the poisonous insect will destroy the realm of hungry ghosts.

These looks were just warning, not fear. Beings who are qualified to gather around this "glass cover". If it weren't blocked by this glass cover. Any one of them can defeat Kyushu, and can even cause a person's will to collapse just by staring at them.

But she was unmoved, just understood. The ghost tower was finally built.

"Master, let's go to the Demon Realm quickly! It will be too late when Kyushu is completely devoured by the Hungry Ghost Path."

Those pairs of eyes made Xian Qi Jianhun shudder and even feel fear. It is impossible for it to switch to another sword master. If it becomes an enemy of these opponents, it will definitely be destroyed.

There are many large and small demon caves in Liangzhou, any one of which can lead to the demon realm. As long as she reaches the Demon Realm, there is nothing she can do about the hungry ghosts, and she can no longer even send out corpses to chase them.

But she shook her head: "Take me to the Wujue Tomb."

The five immortals left behind five tombs, all calling themselves realms, wandering among the nine states. The soul of the Painting Tomb is not the Dragon King of the Mohai Sea, and the soul of the Sword Tomb is the Immortal Abandoned Sword. Now there are still the Qin Tomb, the Book Tomb, and the Chess Tomb.

The Immortal Abandoned Sword Soul said: "That is just a waste of time. The practitioners in this world are too weak to find the location of the Five Tombs. There are many ghosts, immortals and zombies in the Hungry Ghost Path. The Five Tombs are connected to Kyushu. Waiting for this The Fang World is completely swallowed up, and we have nowhere to escape.”

"I have made up my mind, no need to say more."

A tomb is a tomb, and hiding in a tomb is really a bad omen. But before he comes back, she will never leave, even if she is buried in a grave.

"All right!"

The man and sword merged into one, twisting and turning, and penetrated into the void.

Under the Tongtian Ghost Tower, a black coffin suddenly spit out from the mouth of the hungry ghost, flew up into the sky, and then landed with a crash.

The coffin was engraved with complicated and mysterious runes, and a gap suddenly opened. Not a trace of corpse energy or ghost energy came out. Only a pale hand gently grasped the edge of the coffin and completely pushed the lid open.

A young man tentatively stepped out of the black coffin, landed on the barren ground with his soles, and smiled slightly: "It really works!"

Two fangs were exposed at the corners of his mouth. Other than that, he looked just like a human being. He was dressed in white clothes and black armor, with a long knife hanging from his waist. He looked like a heroic warrior, not at all as hideous and terrifying as an ordinary corpse.

He glanced back and saw that all the zombie kings and ghost kings bowed their heads and did not dare to look at him. They were secretly shocked: "Zombie!"

If there is a so-called "god race" in the hungry ghost realm full of chaos and fighting, it is the "zombie race".

Unlike their ferocious and twisted counterparts, the appearance and body shape of zombies are almost the same as those of the living, and they even have body temperature and heartbeats. He is neither tortured by hunger nor devours other ghouls, but his power is far above that of ordinary ghouls. He is the true darling of the Hungry Ghost Path, almost equivalent to the Luohu clan in the Shura Dao.

However, the Rahu clan is all born, and zombies cannot reproduce. Except for their ancestor, the goddess Nuba, they are all inherited. Only extremely powerful zombies can inherit descendants, and since they have to consume their original power, the ones they choose are all unparalleled wizards in the Three Thousand Worlds.

Kuang Tianyou was such a zombie. He asked, "Why are you gathering here if you don't go find some strangers to eat?"

"This is Lord Lihuang's order, Lord Zombie. Legend has it that the enemy is in the north."

Once she leaves the Hungry Ghost Gate, even if the corpse king and ghost kings come together, they are no match for her.

"I have the guidance of the stars, so I don't need your nonsense."

Kuang Tianyou glanced at the sky. Those pairs of eyes, big and small, were like stars, gathering somewhere in the north. At this time, many eyes were also focused on him.

He bowed to one of the eyes and waved his hand, "Since I'm here, I don't have to worry about Li Huang, let's make a scene! Hahaha, when I destroy the descendants of the Bones, I will be the leader of this domain. Emperor!" (To be continued...)

ps: I’ve been home for the New Year these days, and I have a lot of chores to do, so I’m not doing enough to update, so please forgive me.

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