Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 355 The superstar arrives and Qingshan returns

The sword edge pierced the black armor and white clothes and touched the skin. {[}

The hair on Kuang Tianyou's body stood up, feeling the terror of death coming, and there was an incredible look in his eyes. He inherited the bloodline of the Demon God, and his body was so strong that even the strong wind could not hurt him at all. What is powerful is his resilience. Even if he is dismembered and beheaded, he will never die. He is even mistakenly called an immortal existence.

The word death is really unfamiliar.

When his thoughts changed, his reaction was not slow at all, and he grabbed the edge of the sword with his backhand.

Looking back, he saw golden light shining across the sky, facing a pair of dark pupils, and said with a ferocious smile: "I wonder what other tricks you have up your sleeve? Ah!"

He suddenly felt a sting in the palm of his hand, and blood gushed out, staining the Buddha-Slaying Sword red. It turned into flames in an instant, and burned along the torn wound.

"Get away!"

Kuang Tianyou waved his hand fiercely and sent Xiao An flying away. I saw that my right hand and wrist were all on fire, and in a blink of an eye, it had reached my elbow.

His heart was shaken, and a strong man's wrist was cut off. The entire right arm was torn apart and turned into a ball of flame in mid-air.

Xiao An felt a little regretful. If this sword hit the vital point, there would be great confidence that he could be killed. No matter how strong his body was and how quickly he recovered, he could not escape death. Even a stab to the torso can severely injure him.

Although one of his arms has been cut off now, there will be no second chance.

That glimmer of hope was suddenly cut off.

"How dare you hurt me!"

Kuang Tianyou's fangs protruded, his face was ferocious, and he roared fiercely. That sword not only cut off one of his arms, but also injured his soul. and dignity.

This feeling is like when a human is teasing an ant and is suddenly bitten, the pain is nothing more. The ant is still poisonous, and the only way to save his life is to amputate. This is simply a sad joke.

Angry and angry, the violent aura rushed out, the chess tomb shook violently, and even the surging sea of ​​blood approached him. Also dries up immediately.

Xiaoan holds the Xianqi Sword. The man and his sword merged into one, left the chess tomb, and flew south.

Under the gaze of several pairs of eyes, even though he knew he was alive. But she will not sit still and wait for death to be disturbed by her emotions.


The "Corpse Emperor" did not immediately pursue him. She was a little surprised. Could it be that that sword hit him hard?

In the chess grave, Kuang Tianyou was half-kneeling on the ground with exposed veins on his forehead. Focusing all his strength on his right shoulder, a granule grew out. There were five branches at the top of the granule, vaguely like a small hand.

He was confident that he could kill the descendant of the White Bones with one hand, but he didn't want to run out dragging a broken arm in front of everyone. That would be a great shame and humiliation, and would definitely become a laughing stock in the world of hungry ghosts.

And among those many eyes, there is also his own master.

Originally, such a "minor injury" could be recovered with a change of mind, and it only took a little effort, but now I find that it is not that simple. The sword mark on the giant banyan tree king in Towering City has become very small, but it still exists. How could it be so easy to heal from the injuries sustained by the Buddha-Slaying Sword?

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! I will definitely kill you!"

Xiao An went all the way south and came to the territory of Longzhou until he stopped at the foot of Longshou Mountain.

The golden dragon condensed with dragon energy roared at her, and its roar sounded like an alarm throughout the imperial court.

The Emperor of Great Xia, the three princes and nine ministers all came to the top of the mountain and looked down at the white figure through the floating clouds at their feet.

"It's Buddha's enemy. What does she want to do?"

Qian Rongzhi was also among the crowd. He had not survived three catastrophes yet, but he was treated with courtesy. He was even on par with the Emperor of Daxia. He was quite proud of the spring breeze, but at this moment, there was a layer of haze in his eyes, and he already understood Xiao An's intention.

There was not a single stupid person present, and they all understood.

Zuo Guoshi said angrily: "Buddha's enemies want to lure that Corpse Emperor to the imperial court!"

For her, although Kyushu is big, there is no way out, and she must use all available power. Only by relying on the Immortal Abandoned Sword can one break through the imperial formation and enter. But we must seize the opportunity to divert disaster eastward, otherwise it will lead to internal and external troubles. The Imperial Court of Great Xia also regarded her as a mortal enemy, and Longshou Mountain was also a tiger's den and a dragon's pond. She would never take the risk unless forced to do so.

Zuo Guoshi further said: "Your Majesty, why not take this opportunity to kill Buddha's enemies!"

No matter at any time or place, the enemies of Buddha are the primary enemies of Buddhism. As for demons, people, corpses and ghosts, they have to wait and deal with them.

There was a sneer, and everyone looked at Qian Ronzhi. Zuo Guoshi frowned and said, "Why are fellow Taoists laughing?"

Qian Rongzhi said: "I laugh at the master's ignorance of priorities. Let's fight against the Buddha's enemy first. Do you think the Corpse Emperor will thank us when he comes? Will he sit back and watch us sacrifice to heaven? If the sacrifice to heaven fails, then The best outcome is to die together, and the best result is to become a corpse."

Zuo Guoshi's expression changed, but when he thought of her identity and the fact that the three ministers and nine ministers beside him also expressed their agreement, he had to hold back a breath.

The Emperor of Daxia asked: "What do you think, fellow Taoist?"

Qian Ronzhi said: "If she wants to come in, let her in. Don't attack her. Put down your hatred first and join forces with her to fight against the Corpse Emperor."

The Emperor of Daxia said: "I'm afraid I can't fight him, that's no ordinary Corpse Emperor."

"If we can delay it for a while, we will start worshiping the heaven immediately!"

The Minister of Rites said: "But we are not ready yet."

Qian Rongzhi said: "I can't care so much anymore. When this world is completely swallowed by the hungry ghost realm, I can only sacrifice ghosts."

The Emperor of Daxia glanced at the sky, and suddenly found that among those pairs of eyes, there was an extra blue star. It was very small and dim, but it was definitely not an eye.

He disappeared again in the blink of an eye. Without any further thought, he had already made up his mind and ordered: "Start worshiping the heaven!"

The group immediately arrived at a high altar in the center of the imperial palace.

The high altar is in the shape of two wheels, the outer one is round and the inner one is square, and the north is high and the south is low. The beautifully carved white jade railings are obviously different from the style of alien architecture and must have been built by humans. Although it is not huge, it is simple and majestic. It is called the "Temple of Heaven".

Qian Rongzhi walked up to the Temple of Heaven alone and was about to plant the climbing vine in the center of the Temple of Heaven. Suddenly she looked up and saw a dark blue star, which was extremely bright and dazzling.

Everyone looked along her line of sight, and the star disappeared again.

This time, it didn't take long for the stars to appear again, like a blue moon, shining brightly across Kyushu.

From the South Sea sharks to the Shuangzhou herdsmen, all living creatures are looking at it from a distance, asking: "What is that?"

Xiao An looked up and suddenly felt his own heartbeat. That mass of hypocritical flesh and blood seemed to have really become the pillar of life, beating with every twinkle of the stars.

This feeling is unusually intimate and familiar.

When the blue moon flashed again, it broke through the sky full of malice, dragging its long tail, like a huge meteor, flying towards Longshou Mountain.

Everyone in the imperial court was shocked. If such a meteor hit Longshou Mountain, the consequences would be disastrous.

Xiao An looked up longingly, as if she were a girl making a wish on a shooting star.

The meteor fell at the foot of the mountain, melted into the void like a burst soap bubble, and disappeared.

Before Xiao An came back to his senses, he was hugged tightly in his arms, and his voice came to his ears: "I miss you so much!"

The world seemed to be shaking, and all the feelings since the separation suddenly came to my mind. Those longings and pains, grievances and guilt turned the ethereal and peaceful lake into a turbulent sea, and then calmed down in his arms.

All wishes come true.

"Qingshan..." To be continued. . )

ps: Let Qingshan and Xiaoan have a happy reunion year, and I hope everyone’s wishes will come true.

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