Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 360 Lingguo Temple is destroyed

There was deathly silence on Longshou Mountain. No matter what power or plan, in the face of such absolute power, they were nothing more than a child's family drink.

Jiutianxi soil is extremely precious and unspectacular. It is obviously not something that this group of "country bumpkins" can understand, and they have never even heard of it. Even Kuang Tianyou, who comes from the Hungry Ghost Realm, has probably only heard of this name.

Even among the pairs of eyes in the sky, only a handful of them can identify the real name of the piece of "soil" at a glance, but it is even more puzzling. They have never heard that Jiutian Breathing Soil has such an effect.

When Li Qingshan stood in front of Longshou Mountain again, his human appearance turned into the body of a pure bull demon: "Let him go, or I will kill these bald donkeys first, and then I will kill you bastards!"

It was as if the kidnappers were kidnapping hostages and confronting the police. The police did not shout out or negotiate. They just kidnapped the kidnappers' entire family and the dog that had been raised at home for ten years. They would kill them all if they didn't let them go.

Of course, Li Qingshan is neither a policeman nor a hero. You, a compassionate Buddhist, dare to show your limits to me. If you do this, I will accompany you to the end. I have already shouldered all my sins, and I don’t care about adding a few more dead souls.

"You...you...you..." Master Zuo pointed his halberd at Li Qingshan, trembling with anger.

The fellow Taoists beside him all looked nervously at the wooden fish hammer in his hand, fearing that if he killed the monk in anger, the matter would not end, and Li Qingshan might directly smash Lingguo Temple over.

Like Zuo Guoshi, the Emperor of Daxia was originally quite confident in the "gathering of dragons in a grand formation". I don't think it's a big problem to block Li Qingshan, I just don't want to be disturbed in worshiping the sky. However, looking at the mountains floating in the sky, this confidence suddenly disappeared.

Li Qingshan didn't have to risk his life to fight against the imperial court's mountain defense formation. As long as they lifted up the peaks one after another and smashed them towards them, they would have no choice but to resist. The Temple of Heaven would definitely not be able to be saved. Don't even think about a ceremony to worship heaven.

Gu Yanying said: "Your Majesty, it seems that Li Qingshan will not be satisfied with the status of a mere demon king of ten directions."

The Emperor of Daxia frowned. Only then did he realize how ridiculous his words just now were. Leng Ran said: "I'm afraid you won't be satisfied with this now!"

"Never satisfied with that."

Zuo Guoshi said: "Don't be angry, don't be angry, you have really taught a good disciple. Tianlong Zen first showed up an enemy of the Buddha, and then showed up such a monster to destroy our Lingguo Temple. What an outstanding person!"

The Angry Monk straightened his figure. Sighing: "Qingshan, stop it! I'm a fair-weather monk, and I don't deserve this.

From today on, I will kick you out of the door, and there will be no more connection between you and me. I am a disciple of Buddhism. I am willing to be punished by the Buddhist precepts. Please let all my fellow disciples of Lingguo Temple go! "

He absolutely did not want to see such a scene when the lives of tens of thousands of monks were put on the line to save him.

Li Qingshan frowned and laughed again: "Since we have nothing to do with each other anymore, why should I listen to you? If you want to live or die, it's up to you. But even if you commit suicide now, I will send you to the entire Spirit Kingdom. The temple will bury you with you."

The Angry Monk was speechless and let out a long sigh. This evildoer's wings are already as hard as iron, so how can he still be affected by him? In other words, he has never been affected by him.

"I'll give it tens - ten!"

Li Qingshan activated the earth force field and raised Lingguo Temple into the sky. When he shouted "five", Lingguo Temple was already level with Longshou Mountain and was about to enter the Gangfeng layer.

Even Yuren's Yunzhong City cannot float in the Gangfeng layer for a long time, let alone Lingguo Temple, which is not designed in this regard. Once the formation is broken, there will be a few monks who can withstand the Gangfeng.

Li Qingshan didn't need to fight to the death to break the formation, borrowing the power of heaven and earth was enough. When he shouted "three", thousands of strong winds were already slashing on the mountain guarding formation of Lingguo Temple, stirring up pieces of golden light.

Before Zuo Guoshi could speak, the Emperor of Daxia couldn't help it anymore: "Guoshi, I see that this enemy of Buddha really listens to Li Qingshan's words and will not kill wantonly. The dead are dead and cannot be resurrected. Now we have to fight against hunger. Ghost Road needs their power."

All the ministers also persuaded one after another that except for the Buddhist disciples, no one else had much idea about "Buddha's enemies". Although what Xiao An did was a heinous crime, it did not kill him. Since he did not have enough strength, he should Stop causing trouble. Cultivation is for longevity, not for upholding justice. Even with the power of gods and Buddhas, the demon realm has not been destroyed.

There are always people who have to take the overall situation into consideration, and the so-called "overall situation" is never world peace or justice in the world, but "the strong". "Strong" often does not refer to an individual. When a group of mediocre people gather together, they can judge a genius as a madman, just because there are so many of them. If you don’t want to endure the reputation of a madman, you have to restrain your hands and feet and take the overall situation into consideration.

But now, Li Qingshan took charge of the overall situation by himself and shouted: "One!"

"Stop!" Zuo Guoshi waved his hand to release the restraint imposed on the Bunu monk, and took a deep breath: "Bunu, let's go, you are no longer a disciple of Buddhism."

The Angry Monk stood up, with no expression of joy or anger on his face, and saluted: "The Imperial Master can beat me or kill me, but he cannot take away my identity as a Buddhist disciple. All sentient beings are Buddhist disciples as long as they have Buddha in their hearts. Even the enemy of Buddha is the same."

All living beings are equal and can become Buddhas, which is the purpose of Mahayana Buddhism. But just like all the great principles in the world, if anyone really behaves according to these principles, he will be beaten to death, or even be incompatible with the same kind.

Zuo Guoshi shouted: "You...get out of here!"

The Angry Monk had just left Longshou Mountain when an ugly monk flew from a distance and shouted: "Master!"

The monk who was not angry said in surprise: "How many!"

It was the little demon that Li Qingshan met under His Majesty the Demon Suppressing Highness, and he was also his second junior brother.

Duojia learned that the Unwrathed Monk had been captured, so he rushed to the vicinity of Lingguo Temple, but he didn't know how to rescue him. Even the Unwrathed Monk was brought to the Great Xia imperial court by Zuo Guoshi, and he didn't know until Li Qingshan came and uprooted the Lingguo Temple. , he followed over and immediately saw the Angry Monk being released. He couldn't help but praise:

"Eldest Brother, you are indeed a very vicious person!"

The corners of Li Qingshan's eyes twitched, and he realized the gaffe later and laughed dryly. But it's not that the devil's nature has relapsed, but that Li Qingshan's method of saving people is really vicious.

The Angry Monk couldn't help but smile when he saw Duo Ge. Even if he could only save one small demon after all his efforts, it was still worth it.

However, how many people in the world would think that the lofty and righteous monk king is equal to the humble and twisted little demons?

Seeing that the strong wind was about to destroy the formation, Zuo Guoshi shouted: "Li Qingshan, put down Lingguo Temple!"

Li Qingshan smiled and said: "Okay, I will follow the national master!" Then he closed the earth force field.

Seeing Li Qingshan's smile, Zuo Guoshi's heart skipped a beat and he felt bad. He saw Lingguo Temple falling straight down.

Zuo Guoshi was shocked and said: "Monster, stop!"

"I've stopped!" Li Qingshan stretched out and waved his hands.

The weight of a large mountain is more than 100 million tons. Except for Li Qingshan who holds the Nine Heavens Breathing Soil, no one in the world can lift it up, and no one can stop its fall.


There was a loud noise like the earth was shattering, the mountains fell into the embrace of the earth, and a round of smoke and dust swept in all directions. Even if the body is broken into pieces, it is still its original meaning.

The same is true for the thousands of pagodas and palaces, clay sculptures and stone sculptures on the mountain. The holy places of Buddhism and Bodhisattvas and Arhats all return to dust, and dust to dust.

Lingguo Temple is destroyed!

"Pfft!" Zuo Guoshi spurted out a mouthful of blood and glared at Li Qingshan, his eyes seeming to burst out with fire: "You are treacherous!"

"I remember that what I promised you was just the lives of the monks in this temple. Don't you think they are alive and well?"

Li Qingshan pointed to the sky. The time it took for Lingguo Temple to fall was enough for the monk kings to save all the monks in the temple. Except for some Qi Refiners, they didn't even need rescue. They could levitate in the air with their own strength.

"You destroyed my cave, and I smashed your ruined temple. Let's retaliate. But you attacked Xiao An in a despicable way. The debt will have to be settled slowly. I don't want more. I'll take my punch." That’s it!”

Zuo Guoshi said: "Monster, you will not die well! I only regret that I did not kill the enemy of the Buddha that day, which caused suffering to all the people in the world!"

Li Qingshan said angrily: "Buddha enemy! Buddha enemy! When she was fighting the Hungry Ghost Realm, where were you, the bald donkey? He will pay for my sins on his own, so there is no need for you, the bald donkey, to stand on the moral high ground and say Nonsense. I have no time to pay attention to you today, zhǔn bèi just suffer death!"

"Yanying, come with me!"

Li Qingshan left his back to everyone on Longshou Mountain and strode southward, which was the direction of the Tongtian Ghost Tower.

"What do you want to do?"

"Save the world!" To be continued...)

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