Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 391 Who are you treating?

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"It's you! Phantom Mirage King, it's you who did it!"

Silong was furious and pointed his halberd at Shen Mengdie. A golden light instantly penetrated Shen Mengdie's head. It was so sharp and dazzling that it seemed like it could split the sight and bleed out blood.

Li Qingshan wanted to rescue, but was a step too late. Looking at the other people, no matter they were humans or monsters, no one could react.

The faces of the Banshee Queens all changed drastically. If this finger was directed at themselves, they might be in danger of falling on the spot.

However, Shen Mengdie's body rippled for a moment, as if it was not a real existence, but just a reflection in the water. The hole on her head gradually closed, but her smile remained unchanged:

"Oh, who did I think it was? It turns out to be you! Are you also here to congratulate this fellow Daoist Li?"

"I spared your life in the first place, but you are just ungrateful. If you dare to come here to seek death, then I will give you a ride!"

Silong sneered and walked towards Shen Mengdie step by step. His eyes turned into golden dragon eyes and locked firmly on Shen Mengdie. Chen Mengdie's rippling body was fixed, as if even the space she was in was locked.

"Fellow Taoist, today is my special day. Isn't it appropriate for you to do this?"

Li Qingshan stood in front of Shen Mengdie. His majestic body was like a mountain, blocking Silong's energy lock. He took all the pressure, glanced back, and raised the corner of his mouth: "Well done!"

"Li Qingshan! I will give you another chance to surrender to me. For other matters 10∈, w ≤ ww. I will forget the past. I can also lead you to the human world and become a guest of Wanxiang Sect!"

Silong stopped. The only one who could force him to stop today was the deep and unpredictable man in front of him. His attitude is still like that of a superior king who wants to punish a traitor.

"Silong, don't you think it's ridiculous that you've come to this point and still play such little tricks?"

Li Qingshan raised his head. His red eyes were like fire, glaring at Silong.

The competition between masters is not only a battle of magic and supernatural powers, but also a collision of spiritual wills. As long as he had any luck and wanted to avoid this battle through "Zhao'an", his momentum immediately weakened. The odds of winning are greatly reduced.

And now with Shen Mengdie's actions, his energy and spirit are even better. Cuckolding someone is better than being cuckolded, which makes you feel just a little bit happier.

"Why don't you wait a little longer, and after you drink my wedding wine, we can compete again. I heard that fellow Taoist Su is the most beautiful woman in the world.

Gee, I didn’t expect that I would be so blessed today! If you can wait. You might as well wait until I enter the bridal chamber and spend my honeymoon before fighting again. "

"you wanna die!"

Silong squeezed out three words from between his teeth. He had never suffered such a shame and humiliation.

His momentum was soaring, like a dragon soaring into the sky, roaring and roaring.

The great monks and the Banshee Queen all around him kept retreating, unable to get within ten steps of him, nor could they think of a fight against him.

Li Qingshan's red hair flew back. The clothes make a sound, but they remain as motionless as a mountain. But the body is slightly lowered, like a prelude to a tiger pouncing on food.

In an instant, murderous intent surged into the sky.

Rumbling, rumbling, and a series of muffled thunders shook the chests of everyone in the palace and made them want to vomit blood, but it was just the collision of their breaths.

The great monks suddenly realized. This is not a battle that they can intervene in. The role they can play may be to distract Li Qingshan's attention and force Li Qingshan to attack him. Although victory or defeat may be just a few cents away, it is likely to cost one's life.

At this moment. Shen Mengdie came out from behind Li Qingshan: "Hey, you two, think about where this place is."

"Where is Mi Rao? What have you done?" Silong vaguely felt that something was wrong with what happened today, and was still concerned about the safety of the nine-tailed fox queen.

"Hey, let my bride come out quickly!" Li Qingshan licked his lips, but he was determined to make this cuckold Silong's wife.

"Okay, okay, since you are all so eager, then...the auspicious time has arrived!"

Shen Mengdie shouted loudly, and thousands of flowers bloomed all around, filling the entire palace, whirling around, colorful and dazzling, and full of joy.

A bride with a phoenix crown and a beautiful robe walked out from the back of the palace. She took one step at a time, her bead curtains rippled, her tassels fluttered lightly, like dance steps, stepping on everyone's hearts with every step.

She had a red hijab on her head, so her true appearance could not be seen clearly, but she glowed with a charm that could not be described in words. She attracted everyone's attention in an instant, and even directly resolved the imminent war between Li Qingshan and Si Long. They can no longer focus all their attention on the powerful enemy in front of them.

Even so, she still held the umbrella, with the paratrooper leaning on her shoulder, spinning it gently in her hands, and holding a cat in her arms. If it weren't for her outfit, it wouldn't look like she was getting married, but more like a lady coming out. Outing.

Li Qingshan was sure at the first moment that this woman must be the legendary Nine-tailed Fox Queen. There was absolutely no one else who could show such charm.

For a moment, I had mixed feelings in my heart. Was she going to use herself to test Silong, or was she really going to marry him? Anyway, all this can't be Si Long's conspiracy. No man would use this kind of thing as a conspiracy, and Si Long's strength is not necessary.

Humph, it doesn’t matter if it’s true or not, if it’s false, I’ll do it for real!

"Dahei!" Mao'er shouted in surprise, pounced on Li Qingshan, turned into a girl in mid-air, and hugged Li Qingshan tightly.

"Crescent Moon." Li Qingshan hugged her waist and said with a smile, "Are you a dowry maid?"

"I am your master, master!" Xianyue tapped his forehead with her finger.

"Your master will soon become my wife." Li Qingshan said meaningfully. Whatever the conspiracy, it's time to reveal it.

"Mirao, what's going on? Are you kidding? Then this joke is too much. It's really hard for me to accept." Silong frowned, his face originally filled with anger and confusion. In the end it turned into a slightly wry smile.

"Hee!" The woman put her hands under the hijab and chuckled.

Li Qingshan's heart wandered, and he felt a little light all over. He almost couldn't help but step forward and take off her hijab to see what she looked like.

"If I say this is a joke, can you forgive me?" The moving voice floated out from under the red hijab, as if it was composed of beautiful notes.

Silong sighed: "How can I say 'no'? I know I made you wait so hard, that's why you teased me like this. That's it. After I deal with this Li Qingshan, I will apologize to you again."

If he had never seen her with his own eyes, Li Qingshan would definitely think that Silong was a coward. However, at this moment, he couldn't help but understand. He felt that even if it was him, he might not be much better. This woman was simply a monster. He couldn't help but be wary and guarded at the same time. She and Silong.

The woman sighed: "This is not a joke."

Silong was shocked and opened his eyes wide: "What did you say? Have you forgotten the agreement between us?"

"What agreement?"

"You said you would wait..."

"Yes, but the person I want to wait for is not you!"


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