Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 393 Fox Charm

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Outside the palace, the sky is filled with snow and the chill is biting; in the palace, thousands of flowers are blooming and the fragrance is fragrant.

A completely different world.

"Qingshan, I came here specifically to pick you up. I have been waiting for you for thousands of years. You are the chosen one, and I will be your wife. When I leave this world, I will tell you what to do. How to go to the nine heavens..."

The nine-tailed fox queen murmured in a dreamlike voice.

Li Qingshan's breathing was slightly rapid, his eyes were fixed on the nine-tailed fox queen, his pupils were slightly dilated, and smoke was flowing in his eyes: On Wo Niu Gang, Qing Niu spoke, taught him to drink, eat meat and kill people, and it was said that he could reach for the stars and the moon, move mountains and fill the sea. The great supernatural power...

Unknowingly, the spirit turtle could no longer suppress the ups and downs in his heart, and couldn't help but reach out to the Nine-tailed Fox Queen, trying to uncover her head.

Under the red hijab, the Nine-tailed Fox Queen raised a smile on her lips, making the entire Qiongyu Palace brighter, interpreting the so-called "charm" to the extreme.

The hall is filled with strange fragrances that are present and absent; there is wonderful music flowing intermittently.

The fusion of the two is intoxicating, but it is not the real fragrance and music, but the feeling from the heart. And this illusory feeling is more real than any smell or sound.

Xianyue said with a face of confusion: "Dahei, I have said before that the Fox Queen is beautiful, noble and powerful. Now you finally believe it!"

Queen Rose Spider bit her lip. She had entered the Qiongyu Palace not long ago, and she was cruel and ruthless by nature, but the charm she received was not that deep. Her mood was quite complicated. This man conquered her with violence. The man who gave birth to her child is gradually falling under the charm of another woman.

What's even more tragic is that the same is true for herself. The Nine-tailed Fox Queen no longer restricts her freedom, but she has lost the willpower to leave here and can only watch herself sinking. It was as if the prey that had fallen into her spider web had been tightened, poison had been injected, and everything began to dissolve.

Silong's face was ashen. The breath continued to weaken and fell into chaos. Watching Li Qingshan lift the bride's hijab, but couldn't even move a finger, I just felt that everything was meaningless, it had become a sad joke, an ugly farce.

For a moment, both of them were filled with inner demons!

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty. Are you okay?"

The call seemed to come from far away,

Faces lingered around. All are full of contempt and ridicule. His body was twisting and turning, flickering in and out, as if it would collapse at any time.

The feelings in the hearts of two men who have a vision for Kyushu are like the two heavens of ice and fire. One ascends to the nine heavens, and the other falls into the abyss. But in the eyes of others. They all seemed possessed. After being played by a woman and finally applauded, I couldn't help myself.

On the ice peak, Xiao An suddenly said: "It's too quiet."

Gu Yanying said: "Yes!"

Just now Silong was as powerful as a dragon, and he thought there was going to be a big battle, but he didn't know why. Suddenly calm returned.

Logically speaking, two ferocious beasts were stuffed into a cage, and after a brief confrontation, they immediately started a brutal fight. Now there is no movement, which is really weird.

"You can't really be drinking at a wedding bar! Maybe you are fascinated by that vixen." Luo Huan Xiaoming played with the wine cup and said meaningfully.

"I'll go take a look." Xiao An clenched the hilt of his sword and was about to attack Qiongyu Palace.

"What are you going in for? If he doesn't even have the ability to start a fight, let's just break up!"

Luohu Xiaoming raised his head disapprovingly and drank all the ice and snow in the wine cup.

Gu Yanying smiled and said: "I agree. But there may be something else wrong. Forget that the Nine-tailed Fox Queen is just a demon king. No matter how many scheming methods there are, it is incredible that Qingshan can be controlled by just meeting him. .”

Luohu Xiaoming asked: "Is it really just the demon king?".

Gu Yanying was startled for a moment, looking thoughtful.

Xiao An had gone through the air and landed silently in front of Qiongyu Palace. He broke open the palace door with a sword and flew across the threshold. There was only a barren snowfield in front of him, and the entire Qiongyu Palace disappeared.

At the same time, Li Qingshan unveiled the red hijab.

In an instant, an invisible force captured the hearts of everyone present. The Banshee Queens were all intoxicated. Needless to say, even the great monks stood there blankly, looking at her in a daze. , forgetting everything around you,

Only Silong suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood as if struck by lightning, turning into golden mist in mid-air, and his energy became increasingly chaotic.

But she only had Li Qingshan in her eyes, and those green fox-like eyes seemed to reach into the deep pool of underworld, attracting his mind and heart.

On Li Qingshan's little finger, a red thread suddenly appeared, tightened, and broke!

That was the "red thread of lovesickness" planted by Qiu Begonia. He once let go of his mind and let the red thread wrap around him, but at this time it was torn apart.

Li Qingshan felt a pain in his heart and blinked, as if he was about to wake up.

Su Mirao grabbed his hand and called out sweetly: "Mr. Lang."

Li Qingshan's eyes became confused again.

Suddenly, a butterfly flew in front of him, glowing with dreamlike brilliance, covering Su Mirao's face in an instant.

Shen Mengdie smiled and said: "Li Qingshan, Li Qingshan, it's been a big dream and I'm still not awake yet."

"Xiaodie, what are you doing?" Su Mirao said lightly, reaching out to catch the colorful butterfly flying in the air.

Shen Mengdie seemed to have expected it and avoided the catch: "Hehe, dreams are more interesting when they are weird and bizarre. And he is the protagonist."

"What are you talking about?"

Su Mirao frowned. This woman was mentally ill back then and couldn't be controlled by charm, so she was specially designed to deal with her. Having been trapped by her problems for thousands of years, he didn't go crazy and die. Instead, he became even crazier. It was really unexpected.

"Su Mirao, do you think everything will go as you wish? But you don't know that the protagonist is the biggest in the world. Of course I will follow him. What future do I have with you?" Shen Mengdie declared righteously.

The red shadow flashed, and Su Mirao floated over. Xia Pei flew, tassels flew, and a pair of bare hands transformed into countless afterimages, just like flowers blooming, trapping butterflies in them.

Shen Meng's butterfly spun and soared, and the butterfly transformed into countless shapes, always passing through Su Mirao's fingers from incredible angles.

Thousands of flowers are blooming and thousands of butterflies are flying. They were advancing and retreating, chasing and escaping. Their clothes were fluttering. They looked like banshees, but they were clearly goddesses descending to earth.

The fight in a small space did not leak a trace of energy, nor did it cause any damage. It seemed that the graceful dance steps were coordinated with each other, and instead had a dream-like beauty.

In a trance, I seemed to see a gorgeous white fox flapping at a colorful butterfly.

The fox's light steps and fluttering butterflies attracted the attention of everyone in the palace. Even Silong was carried away by the sight. He had never seen such a dance even in the human world.

"Hmph!" Su Mirao snorted coldly, getting really angry. Suddenly a snow-white fox tail poked out from under her skirt, snapping the butterfly flying in the air.

"Eh? Could it be that...you are the protagonist! It's so miserable, I don't want to live in the heroine's world, it's too crazy!" (A great pie-in-the-sky activity, cool mobile phones are waiting for you! Follow ~Click/Chinese website official account (add friends on WeChat-add official account-enter), participate now! Everyone will win a prize, follow the WeChat official account now!) (To be continued...)

PS: Sorry to keep everyone waiting. Writing to this point is going to be a huge test for me, and there is no room for carelessness. I have been working hard on reading novels recently, and it has almost reached a state of ecstasy, which is also a major reason for discontinuing updates. They are all about transforming the accumulation of the past few years into the most exciting stories, taking the second half of "The Legend of the Great Sage" to a higher level. It is almost conceived as a new book, but it does not have the passion of a new book. Among them The difficulty is self-evident. For this goal, I gave up almost everything outside, did not seek money, did not fall in love, did not socialize, and lived a life like an ascetic, just to try my best to break through my own limits. As for how far I can go, I'm not sure yet. After ten years of facing the wall and breaking through the wall, it is difficult to be rewarded as a hero even if he crosses the sea.

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