Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 395 Dragon and Tiger Fight

? Su Mirao’s pair of blue and green fox pupils were turning, and she thought to herself: “The Lord of the Kingdom, she is from the Tushan family, she is well versed in the secrets of heaven, and is the best at divination. I am afraid that she has calculated this step long ago. I hate that she is cheating with others. That's it, you still want to bully me into being young and ignorant, and trap me here to suffer. Don't say that Li Qingshan wants to reach the nine heavens, there are thousands of difficulties and dangers, even if he really becomes an immortal or a saint, what good will it do to me? If you are not careful, you will be involved in a massacre and die."

If other people encountered such a situation, they would be discouraged and simply accept their fate, but her temper was not that gentle, otherwise she would not have set up this ambush.

Yin Ya bit her teeth and said, "Humph, since you pretended to be generous and couldn't help me from fighting with him, then don't blame me for bullying him when he was young. If your plan ruined, you can't blame me!"

\u0026nbsp, Pig, Pig, Island, Novel ww.zhuzhuda; So she used her magical powers and charm more and more, and the pangy nine tails poked out from under her skirt, stretching behind her, as if surrounding her in a throne, more like a peacock spreading its tail. , the billowing spiritual energy gathered towards her, forming a spiritual light visible to the naked eye. It seemed that even this world had a love for her.

As for the people in the hall, not to mention, Master Youguo is a Taoist who has maintained the body of a boy so far. Needless to say, he has cultivated his mind and character. At this time, he is also dazzled and unable to control himself. Putting the Taoist tranquility behind her, she suddenly felt that if she could just look at him, it would be worth dying immediately.

Silong was already deeply poisoned. Looking at her figure, he thought infatuatedly: "Miluo, she doesn't really want to marry Li Qingshan. Instead, she wants to deal with this Li Qingshan, but she hurts me. Alas, she If you had told me clearly earlier, wouldn’t I have helped her?”

Thinking this way, my mind calmed down a lot, and I was no longer so obsessed.

When Li Qingshan heard the word "Mr.", he felt like drinking fine wine, and his heart swayed, and he just regained some consciousness. Then he became intoxicated again and tried his best to keep the spiritual stage clear. This is the first time in his life that he has seen such a powerful charm technique. In the past, he was tied with a red thread of lovesickness, and it was just a trace of concern. How could it affect his mind like this.

"No matter how mysterious Haitang's "Rouge-Dyeing Heart Technique" is, it is only a golden elixir-level technique. The strength of this demon fox is definitely not that of a demon king. Otherwise, even the nine-tailed fox clan would not be so powerful. I still have four powers in my body. Five powerful bloodlines.”

"She said she was waiting here to pick me up. I'm afraid it's not entirely a lie. It's not easy to fall out with her. Well, I have such thoughts. I must be under the influence of charm. Otherwise, how could I have set up such a poisonous plan? There will be no murderous intention. If it cannot be solved as soon as possible, I am afraid that it will sink again."

So my heart was filled with excitement, and the toxins in my body were forced into my eyes, ears, mouth, nose, and skin all over my body. I was blinded by the poison and deafened by the poison in my ears. I completely blocked my five senses and finally calmed my mind a little.

"Fellow Daoist Su, since this Si Long is not your concubine, then you and I have no grievances or enmities.

Don't force me to take action! I counted three times. If you don’t let me go, I will..."

Su Mirao caught the butterfly in her fingers. He smiled and said, "I have to count again. You are really a 'one trick that can be used all over the world'. I don't believe that you are willing to hurt others. Why don't we go on and get married! What do you want to do from now on? People will listen to you."

Even if there were no hostages left, I don't believe Li Qingshan would be able to attack her if her charm was to close her five senses. You can get through it just by gritting your teeth. Su Zhihu has long been gone in the world.

The reason why the Su family is so notorious is not only because of her beauty, but also because "because she is cute, she can be forgiven for any bad deeds".


Although Li Qingshan can't see, his ears can't stop. But her voice and smile were clearly imprinted in her heart. She clenched her fists and stepped forward.

"Mr. Lang, are you so afraid of seeing me?" Su Mirao smiled sweetly, stepped forward to meet her.


Li Qingshan raised his fist fiercely, but it felt like he was soaked in warm water. His whole body was soft and he couldn't even condense the demonic energy, let alone use his magical power. Although they haven't actually fought each other yet, the dangers involved are not as dangerous as any powerful enemy he faces.

"Oh, you beat them, beat them to death, and see who will become your wife."

Su Mirao puffed out her chest, with a coquettish look on her face, like a girl acting coquettishly towards her lover, and a fluffy and silky fox tail quietly wrapped around Li Qingshan's waist.

Seeing this, Silong's inner demons were raging once again. He wished he could eat Li Qingshan alive, but he did not dare to take action without permission for fear of making her unhappy.


Li Qingshan spit out the last number and punched out.

Su Mirao's smile did not change, and she suddenly showed a look of astonishment as she watched the iron fist pass in front of her.

Li Qingshan's arms grew longer and he punched Si Long in the face.

Silong was in a daze, unable to react, his face was severely sunk, and his whole head collapsed.

Li Qingshan grinned: "Good wife, wait until I kill this cuckold emperor, and then I will come and marry you!"

"You!" Su Mirao gritted her teeth. Li Qingshan was charmed by her and could not attack her, but he could attack others.

In an instant, the furious roar of the dragon resounded through the Qiongyu Palace. Silong's headless body shrank sharply, revealing one of the jade seals with a golden dragon coiled around it. It transformed into a five-clawed golden dragon and threw Li Qingshan down. Bite hard.

All the hatred was released at this moment, biting Li Qingshan until blood dripped and his skin was torn.

"Well done!"

Li Qingshan let out a long roar, rolled around and turned into a fierce tiger, biting the back of his neck. The tiger's claws were like knives, scratching out traces on the golden dragon's back.

Li Qingshan's figure skyrocketed, like a mountain. The red hair stands on end, and the anger rises to the sky.

The golden dragon also grew bigger, like a river. The golden scales are shining, and the dragon's horns are majestic.

Rumble, rumble!

Two behemoths fighting in the most primitive way. The pillars of the palace collapsed, the jade walls collapsed, and the Qiongyu Palace was reduced to rubble. Tens of thousands of palace palaces were turned into dirt.

The tiger roars and the earth moves, the dragon roars and ghosts and gods are frightened.

The roars of tigers and dragons filled the world, frightening the banshee queen and the great monks to such a degree that their expressions changed drastically, and they fled in all directions as if they were waking up from a dream.

The fight between dragons and tigers turned this gentle countryside into a killing field, and cracks appeared in the void.

It turns out that this Qiongyu Palace, like the Five Jue Secret Tombs, was built in an opened boundary. What usually appeared was the reflection of illusions, which made Xiao An miss it.

However, their power has already exceeded the limit that Kyushu can accommodate, not to mention that this small realm is immediately showing signs of collapse.

Su Mirao's face changed several times, knowing that Li Qingshan wanted to use this fight to stimulate his fighting spirit to resist her charm. Between life and death there is great terror, but also great courage and determination.

"You all stop it! Silong, you destroyed my Qiongyu Palace, I'm going to be angry. Li Qingshan, if you don't stop, I will kill this crazy butterfly." He raised the crescent moon again: "Return There’s this cat!”

The dragon and tiger were fighting for a moment.

At this moment, a zigzag sword light tore through the void. Xiao An used his left hand to abandon the immortal, and his right hand to kill the Buddha. The Buddha-killing sword stabbed Su Mirao's chest mercilessly. (To be continued...)

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