Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 397 You don’t understand

? The demonic energy in Li Qingshan's body surged like magma boiling. Under the restraint of the golden dragon, he raised his head little by little and let out an earth-shattering tiger roar.

In an instant, it was like a volcano erupting violently, or like a storm passing through. Round after round, the entire realm was washed away, rolling up hundreds of millions of tons of earth and rocks, turning it into a chaotic world.

The demon kings were all panicked, their fanaticism gradually subsided, and fear surged into their hearts. They recalled that when they were still beasts, they should run away once they heard such a sound.

This is the king of beasts!

At this moment, Silong was just a foil, looking up in disbelief.

On the distant mountain, Luohu Xiaoming was like a warrior who heard the rumble of war drums. He jumped up and said with a smile: "This is decent! Xiaoya, you have been patient for a long time. Come and fight with me again!" He twisted out a stone and pulled away. Slingshot, ready to go.

"It has nothing to do with you." Xiaoan pointed his Buddha-killing sword at Su Mirao.

"Well, it's really unacceptable! But is it worth it? You sacrificed everything just to win the heart of a man, and he never really belonged to you." Su Mirao sighed: "With your talent, and After receiving the inheritance of the White Bones, without his restraint, this world would have been burned to the six realms long ago."

"You do not understand."

Xiao An let go of his left hand, and the Immortal Abandoned Sword took off his hand and penetrated into the void, wandering around outside Su Miruo's umbrella, the sharp sword light looming. He raised his hand again, and the Skeleton Demon roared back, forming a Skeleton Demon Array, trapping Su Mirao in it.

Su Mirao was surprised, not because of the threat of this formation and the sword, but because of this. The door behind her was wide open, and she was almost trapped in despair.

Sure enough, the demon kings were no longer blocked by the Skeleton Demon, and seeing that Su Mirao was threatened, they immediately used their innate magical powers to attack her like an overwhelming force.

A woman in black with a strong figure and a cold and arrogant expression turned into a black panther. The four claws stepped on the thunder and accelerated to the extreme. The lightning and thunder in the mouth condensed into a thunder pool, containing terrifying destructive power.

Thunder Shadow Leopard King - one of the seventy-two demon kings in the past. He possesses the blood of thunder beasts and has already reached the peak of three heavenly tribulations. He just stayed in Kyushu because he was reluctant to leave the Nine-tailed Fox Queen.

This move "Thunder Bite" is her most powerful innate magical power. Coupled with the "electric shock" that accelerated the magical power, I don't know how many practitioners were killed, and most of them were killed with one hit.

Even though Xiao An's bone-white body was strong, he would still be injured if he withstood such a blow. And there are so many demon kings attacking right behind, putting their lives even more in danger.

At this moment,

A red tiger jumped out from the sky and pounced on the Thunder Shadow Leopard King. Carrying three thousand feet of wind god wings, he turned his head and roared.


The demon kings retreated in panic, not daring to step forward. Although they clearly had an absolute numerical advantage, they all felt like they were facing this beast king alone.

Su Mirao opened her eyes wide and felt incredible in her heart: "How could he break away from Silong?" Seeing Chihu covered in blood again: "It turns out that his innate magical power was restored after using that move."

The Wings of the Wind God, the roar of the tiger demon, and the furious rage of the tiger demon - these are the three magical powers of the tiger demon transformation, and they are brought to the extreme in the tiger demon's posture. Only then can he break free from the shackles of the golden dragon, knock down the Thunder Shadow Leopard King, and scare the monsters with his roar.

Looking into Xiao An's ethereal eyes again, she was simply gambling with her own life. If Li Qingshan reacted a little slower, he wouldn't even be able to break away from Si Long. She probably died on the spot.

No, even if he loses the bet, he can still completely awaken Li Qingshan's fighting spirit and get rid of the influence of charm.

Su Mirao had planned to continue threatening Li Qingshan with Shen Mengdie in her hand, but at this moment she was unable to speak out.

The Immortal Abandoned Sword suddenly shot out from the void, drawing a tortuous and mysterious trajectory. One hundred and thirty-nine small white bone swords crisscrossed her, and the sword edge enveloped her whole body. The Skeleton Demonic Array simultaneously contracted and compressed, spewing out billowing Samadhi White Bone Fire.


Without looking back, Su Mirao flicked her fingers, hitting the body of the Immortal Abandoned Sword, and flew out with a loud clang. The paper umbrella in her hand was spinning, and the small bone swords fell to the ground one after another. The billowing flames could not get within three feet of her. He was able to do it with ease and was completely unafraid. The only thing she was really afraid of was the Buddha-killing sword.

As soon as the bell rings, the Buddha-killing sword moves.

Xiao An stood on the skull and waved his sword.

Su Mirao raised her paper umbrella and waited for her to come. She made up her mind: "I want to teach you a painful lesson to make you understand that men are unreliable. Let you watch this man die in battle, which is better than killing." I will kill you, so that I can make you feel pain! No one can insult me ​​without paying the price. Under this 'Hunyuan Ten Thousand Flowers Umbrella', you will understand my true terror!"

While she was concentrating, a jade hand came out from the void and gently twisted Shen Mengdie from her hand.

Su Mirao was shocked and did not dare to be distracted.

However, Xiao An put away his sword and returned. He stopped looking at her and turned around to help Li Qingshan. He also took back the skull rosary and the Immortal Abandoned Sword Formation.

After Li Qingshan pounced on the Thunder Shadow Leopard King and drove away the demons, he immediately absorbed all the tiger demon magical powers, transformed into a spirit turtle, and shrank into his shell. Silong's furious attacks poured down almost at the same time, leaving traces of his claws on the turtle's shell.

Li Qingshan knew very well that an opponent like Si Long could not be killed with just one burst of tiger demon. He chose to transform into a tiger demon in order to stimulate his fighting spirit and inflict maximum damage on Silong while he was possessed.

After a fight, I truly understood Silong's strength. Although he didn't take any advantage, he also forced the toxins out of his body and eliminated the influence of the charm.

However, Silong is also recovering quickly, because he is not only the human emperor, but also represents the will of God and the people of the world to kill the demon king Li Qingshan. Forced, Li Qingshan transformed into a spirit turtle for the first time in a battle and could only be beaten passively.

The key to this battle lies in Su Mirao, whose strength is unpredictable and whose enemies and friends are unknown.

"Lord Fox Queen, I have admired her name for a long time, and it is indeed well-deserved. She is such a beauty that even I feel moved when I see her."

Gu Yanying released Shen Mengdie and walked out of the void. She is not as ruthless and sexless as Xiao An. She is also affected by the charm, and her sharp eagle eyes have become gentle.

But her temperament is also extraordinary. After obtaining the Kunpeng Feather, her unrestrained and carefree temperament has become even more deeply rooted in her bones. At the same time, he also practiced the "Hell Sutra Transformation Diagram". The hot wind of hell washed away the soul and resisted the charm with intense pain.

Finally, as a woman, you are not naturally subject to temptation like a man. It is absolutely impossible to control her mind in a moment.

"Hahaha, I'm free!" Shen Mengdie flapped her wings happily: "I understand, I am the protagonist, I am the biggest in the world, and I am immortal!"

Su Mirao understood that she had been fooled by Xiao An again, and she secretly hated herself: "How come Li Qingshan knows so many crazy women!" (To be continued...)

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