Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 407 Catastrophe

Silong looked at this hell of poisonous snakes and thought to himself that the time it takes to swallow a Nascent Soul is completely different from that of swallowing such a small hell. The former, relying on his Yang Shen's absolute advantage, only needs a moment, and the rest is nothing more than digesting it slowly. The latter is not that simple.

Could it be that he fell into this bitch’s trap again? !

There was some hesitation for a moment. The Kyushu Barrier could not last long. If Li Qingshan and others could not successfully seize the body as soon as possible, they would be caught in a trap. But if he gives up, he is absolutely unwilling to do so. Furthermore, without the protection of the Kyushu barrier, the climbing vine will definitely not be able to stop Li Qingshan and others from being destroyed.

At this point in his mind, he suddenly stopped the process of seizing the body, and instead contracted all the power of Yang Shen to quietly explore the situation outside.

A poisonous snake snaked in the swamp, its black and red scales were particularly bright, and it said: "Hiss, your Majesty is really good at planning!"

Silong looked at her coldly: "How dare I compare with you."

"You want them to kill me?" The poisonous snake spat out a bright red snake letter and hissed like it was laughing weirdly.

It turned out that Silong Qingzhi could not successfully seize the body in a short period of time, so he simply resorted to his own plan. If Li Qingshan and others thought that he was trying to seize his body and killed him mercilessly, it would be equivalent to killing the right man with his own hands. And his Yang Shen is just hiding here, and will not be damaged at all. He can also take advantage of them to make a surprise attack when they are attacked by fate, and they will definitely gain something.

Hearing this, he felt a shiver in his heart. Not only was this bitch blocked by him in all senses, even if he wanted to self-destruct his Nascent Soul, it was impossible, but he could guess his plan at once, and he didn't have any fear at all. Such scheming It is really rare to have such a good character, and I am even more worried that she had expected this step.

"You might as well take a guess. Will they betray you?"

"Hiss, I am the real one, and I have my destiny to protect me. Look at me, do I look like a dragon?"

The poisonous snake twists its body and imitates Si Long transforming into a dragon and flying into the sky. It is really funny and disgusting.

"Destiny?" Silong's anger could hardly be suppressed. His eyebrows were furrowed: "The inner demons are getting worse and worse. Don't let this bitch provoke you anymore!"

At this moment, the blazing sword light roared towards him. Seeing that his plan was about to succeed, he secretly gathered all his strength and prepared to give Li Qingshan a fatal blow when he was about to kill Qian Rongzhi.

He felt resentful and resentful again: "As expected, as the information said, that sword is a Shura divine weapon with a military soul, which is comparable to my True Dragon Jade Seal. After eating this sword, my body will be destroyed. It's a shame that besides my own magic weapon, I don't have any other magic weapons." I can’t even bring you to the lower realm, otherwise I wouldn’t be so passive! That’s all, I’m here to end it with you!”

However, the development of things disappointed him, and Li Qingshan stopped at the last moment.

"Did he see through my plan?"

After listening to Li Qingshan's words, he suddenly realized, but he became even more angry: "You, a monster full of evil, are actually pretending to be benevolent and righteous at this time!"

Hear what Gu Yanying said again. He immediately made a decision and Yang Shen shrank sharply. It turned into a golden sun and its light shone through the snake hell.

Thousands of venomous snakes looked up, their colorful bodies dyed golden.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh! Thousands of poisonous snakes shot towards the sun like a rain of arrows, and the whole hell of poisonous snakes became brilliant.

Silong began to seize the body, in the face of such absolute power. Even though Qian Rongzhi had all kinds of scheming, she couldn't resist, but she burst into hysterical laughter. The laughter seemed to open the door to hell, and more poisonous snakes came out from the depths of the swamp, surging like a tide. Like moths flying towards the flame, they shoot towards the high sun.

Silong suffered from being bitten by thousands of snakes, and his resentment and anger could not be described in words. He also felt a deep sadness and shame. How could a dignified human being be reduced to such a situation.

If this continues, before anyone comes to kill him, he will immediately become possessed by inner demons, become possessed and die.

At this critical moment of life and death, Silong suddenly realized that this trip to Kyushu was doomed for him.

The so-called calamities are not only natural calamities.

In addition, inner demons invade and internal turmoil stirs up the mind, causing it to become abnormal and become possessed.

If there is another cause and effect, someone will kill someone with a borrowed knife. Encounter a strong enemy and use your weapons.

These two kinds of disasters are often entangled with each other. The more chaotic the mind, the more injured the body, the internal and external explosions, destroying the body and mind, and even strong practitioners will perish.

To become an immortal is to go against the will of nature. The higher the level of cultivation, the more severe the calamity will be. Moreover, it happens in response to the opportunity and there is no way to prepare for it. It caused countless practitioners to perish. However, troubles are also bodhisattvas, and kalpas are also opportunities. The Taoist heart of a practitioner is also honed in these many kalpas.

With a glimmer of enlightenment, Silong reflected on himself: "This time in my lower world, I am full of passion and lust, confused by confusion. I am greedy and insufficient, blocked by Li Qingshan. I am proud and self-respecting, taken advantage of by Qian Rongzhi. Only then did I meet him. There have been so many disasters, including failed courtship, failed sacrifices to heaven, loss of body, and torture in hell. Now, I am almost in danger of dying. This was simply unimaginable before the lower realm."

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but smile bitterly, which immediately turned into determination. Isn't it vain to practice hard in this life?

At this moment, billowing hot wind rushed in. It was Gu Yanying who activated the hot wind hell, adding another layer of hell torture.

Darkness suddenly shrouded down, swallowing up all the golden light.

He gritted his teeth, but used the pain to suppress his inner demons. He felt sober for a while, and Yang Shen turned into a human again. He opened his mouth and spat out a dragon roar, and the golden light of Yang Shen shone brighter and brighter, tearing apart all the darkness.

He completely opened his mind and accepted this poisonous snake hell, and the speed of refining the Nascent Soul reached a new level.

Even if the climbing vine was cut off by the Immortal Abandoned Sword and the connection between Kyushu and the human world was interrupted, it could not shake his consciousness at all. Instead, he was distracted by three things: while refining the Nascent Soul, he mobilized some of the will power of all living beings to resist the world. The exclusion of laws. He is also paying attention to the movements of Li Qingshan and others. He can now control part of Qian Ronzhi's body, ensuring that he will be able to fight at a critical moment.

As the saying goes, "There is no end to the road," and the pain of hell is where the glimmer of hope lies.

The ring-shaped ouroboros was quickly immersed in golden light.

Suddenly, bursts of clear light fell, and the spirit turtle descended from the sky with the power to suppress everything.

Silong looked up, his eyes shining brightly, and he resisted the turtle. The bright golden light seemed to imbue the spirit turtle with it. After a few breaths, the light dimmed and the spirit turtle retreated.

"I can't handle it!" Li Qingshan took a step back, feeling dizzy. The spirit turtle transformed by his spiritual thoughts was almost defeated. This Yang Shen was simply shamelessly strong.

Luohu Xiaoming frowned and said: "Yangshen is not only the condensation of soul thoughts, but also contains real power. We can't defeat it with spiritual thoughts alone. I thought that he was obsessed with it, and disrupting his mind would always have some effect, but I didn't expect... "

Gu Yanying said: "Stop talking nonsense and kill him!"

Li Qingshan did not hesitate and signaled Xiao An to use the Buddha-killing sword. If this continues, it won't be long before Qian Rongzhi's body is taken away from her, and the killer might even be able to force Silong out.

Silong reflected this scene in the sky above the Serpent Hell: "Did you see it? This is your fate." He tried to shake Qian Rongzhi's will, and at the same time, he was fully alert and ready to break out at any time. I believe that even if she has a slight desire to survive, even if it is just to take revenge on Li Qingshan and others, she will cooperate with him obediently.

"Hehehe, I will live in your body forever until you die!"

Qian Ronzhi's laughter became more and more crazy, and she tried her best to fight with him for control of her body.

Si Long clearly felt a sense of relief from the depths of her soul, and couldn't help but frown: "This crazy woman!"

Xiao An said softly: "Qingshan, I want to try again."

Li Qingshan was slightly stunned and nodded: "Okay."

Xiao An took out a cassock from his sleeve, shook it gently, and spread it out. It was as thin as a cicada's wing and rectangular in shape. It turned out to be a cassock, but it was not red, but pale in color, divided into pieces by black lines. The ring is not gold or jade, but white bones, but other than that, it is no different from an ordinary cassock.

But it feels like a shroud that has been used to bury countless dead people. Even if all the blood stains and stains are washed away, the filth and blasphemy cannot be concealed.

It was Xiao An's latest refined bone magic weapon - the three-burial robe - that flew towards Silong like a pale bird.

A trace of uneasiness flashed through Silong's heart, and he suddenly moved. He controlled Qian Ronzhi's body, kicked off his legs, and soared into the sky.

There was a loud bang, and the Temple of Heaven was torn apart. (To be continued...)

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