Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 420: God’s Creation (Part 1)

Between the sky and the sea, there is a giant beast. Its dark blue skin seems transparent, but it is impossible to see through. + Top novel, open an abyss-like mouth and suck in the sea water and the wind.

It was noon, but the scorching sun seemed dim, and the color of the sky gradually turned into dark blue, as if the night had fallen early, and this was the "twilight" of the world.

The legendary demon king stood on the back of the giant beast, with stars shining above his head, and the world crawling at his feet.

He did not answer the question from the Angry Monk. Instead, he opened his arms and asked loudly: "You fellow Taoists are all heroes of Kyushu. Have you ever seen such a magnificent scene?"

Everyone looked up at that figure, and they were all silent for a moment.

Qian Lingzhi, the king of South Vietnam, sighed: "Not only have I never seen it before, I can't even imagine it!"

Li Qingshan smiled brightly: "I thought of it, a long, long time ago!"

If you take it seriously, his words simply cannot stand up to scrutiny. A long, long time ago, he didn't even know what a space-devouring beast was. How could he think of it today? However, his demeanor is unbelievable.

If you are confident that you will live two hundred years, you will swim three thousand miles into the water.

Golden Cicada Spirit King clasped his hands together and stood on the water. The conversation that day appeared in his mind, and he couldn't help but believe it.

"Amitabha, Taoist fellow Taoist, you don't dare to think about it, and you can't do it for others. It's not surprising that we are in this day and age."

Even a tadpole in a well has a chance to become a bright star.

Of course, Li Qingshan was still far behind, but he clambered up the edge of the well and saw a different starry sky.

The air gradually becomes thinner, the night falls slowly, and above the vast sea, the stars are brilliant, as if they are out of the sky.

After dusk comes the long night.

"It's too late to explain. When you get there, you will understand everything."

Li Qingshan raised his arms and made an "invite" gesture, as if a hospitable host invited guests to enter, but the door was like a gaping abyss of a sky-devouring beast.

Everyone hesitated and did not dare to fight. There is no way to retreat.

Li Qingshan smiled and yelled at Bu Anguo Monk: "Hey, that fat monk over there, don't be so dazed and talk about you, hurry in!"

"You little brat!" The Angry Monk shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Take a big step, throw off the monk's robe, and walk towards the abyss before entering. He put his hands together and saluted:

"Buddha sees eighty-four thousand insects in a bowl of water. If you have this mind, you are already deeply possessed of Buddha nature, and you are worthy of being a disciple of Buddhism. Only the Buddha can cut meat to feed eagles and sacrifice his body to feed tigers. You don’t have to feel too guilty. If you can persist in practicing, you might be able to meet the World Honored One one day. Ask him to answer your doubts."

Li Qingshan said angrily: "You are the one who has the Buddha nature, and your whole family has the Buddha nature. I have no regrets in my life. Why feel guilty? You bald donkey, if you continue to chirp, I will send you to meet the Buddha right now!" "

The Angry Monk smiled slightly and stepped into the abyss.

With a mighty dragon roar, the Mohai Dragon King, who had been missing all this time, jumped out of the sea and plunged into the abyss.

Subsequently. Practitioners followed closely behind, most of whom had an old relationship with Li Qingshan. Most of the remaining practitioners were wary, but at this time the world was almost completely hollowed out, began to collapse inward, and was on the verge of being broken.

They feel that their spiritual energy is rapidly draining away. If he does not enter the world as soon as possible, even if he defeats Li Qingshan now, he will have to face the boundless vast void, which will inevitably lead to death. The terrifying abyss is the only place for life. After struggling in his heart, he finally shook his teeth and devoted himself to it.

In the endless void, a star gradually dimmed, and the movement of earth, fire, and geomantic omen came to an abrupt halt.

With a bang, it collapsed inward and burst out with an incomparably bright light.

This light can last for thousands of years, is enough to reach hundreds of millions of kilometers away, and can attract a large number of space-devouring beasts.

But in the blink of an eye, a dark blue bubble enveloped and swallowed everything.

In the eyes of people in other worlds, it may be just the extinguishing of a star. At the other end of the sea of ​​​​stars, a star quickly became brighter, as if it was burning.

The Angry Monk crossed through the deep valley, and when he came to the other end, he saw the open sea and sky, and the various scenes. He was in a daze for a moment. It was obviously an ordinary scene, but at the moment it seemed so precious, it was simply dazzling.

Li Qingshan walked out of the void, his aura was vast and distant, his eyes were bottomless, and the complex and mysterious laws of heaven and earth seemed to be running in them. He asked with a smile: "How do you feel?"

The Angry Monk clearly felt that the Li Qingshan in front of him and the one he had just seen had completely different temperaments, but they were somehow connected. They were one whole body. He said in surprise: "This is your clone. You are this person." The god of Fang World!?”

Li Qingshan smiled and nodded.

The Angry Monk silently sensed it and found that his power was invisible. "Well, it seems that this world is not enough to accommodate the practitioners of three heavenly tribulations."

The practitioners who came later also discovered this and felt greatly uneasy, but they all breathed a sigh of relief.

This situation is actually extremely dangerous. They are unable to resist the backlash of the world's laws. Without the protection of Li Qingshan, the God of the World, they would all be dead. But at least it proves that he really has no intention of doing harm.

"Well, overeating is always prone to indigestion. Fellow Taoists, please wait a moment."

The Sky Devouring Beast devoured a world many times larger than its own in a very short period of time, so naturally it could not merge so quickly, and Li Qingshan also had his own plans.

He pointed downwards, the sea shook and rolled, and a solitary peak broke through the sea, pointing straight into the sky.

Boom boom boom!

Thousands of mountains rose up, breaking through thousands of miles of sea territory, and continued to expand until a new continent was formed. It is full of rolling mountains, rapids and shoals, interspersed with patches of wilderness.

He waved his hand, and the vegetation grew and spread quickly. In the blink of an eye, the green color covered the entire continent, and it suddenly became full of vitality.

With another wave of his hand, the birds and beasts returned, the eagles soared in the blue sky, and the tigers returned to the mountains. All beasts are unbridled and can gallop freely. There are also countless monsters and spirits hiding in the mountains and swamps.

He placed all the monsters and beasts in Kyushu on this continent, and in an instant, the entire continent looked full of monsters.

"This is what I prepared for my Taoist friends from the demon clan. From now on, all kinds of frosts will be free. They no longer need to mix with humans, and will not be harmed by hunters, fishermen, or practitioners. However, natural selection and the law of the jungle will inevitably lead to The elimination of natural law.”

Everyone was stunned by such a heavenly creation, and they suddenly understood one thing. In this world, he is the supreme god. After reacting, they all fell into deep thought and meditation. This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Witnessing such a scene with their own eyes, if they could learn something from it, it would be of great benefit to their practice.

Luohu Xiaoming also passed through the climbing vine and came to this world, with a special feeling in his heart. Having personally destroyed countless worlds, he naturally would not be deterred by this scene, but suddenly understood Li Qingshan's plan.

I exclaimed in my heart: "This is simply the way of monsters!" (To be continued...)

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