Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 424 Where is the road?

The loud laughter resounded through the sky, making Luohu Xiaoming’s teeth itch with hatred, but his heart was filled with a touch of warmth. ▲∴Top ▲∴ point▲∴ little▲∴ said,

He has had countless women, all of whom are the most beautiful women in the Asura path. He also had countless subordinates, all of whom were the most powerful warriors in the Asura Path. The Asura Path is famous for these two.

The so-called "being drunk and lying on the knees of a beautiful woman, waking up and taking over the world" is nothing but a trivial matter for him, because he is destined to become a god from birth.

But he never had a friend.

For him, a friend who is trustworthy, appreciates each other, treats each other as equals, and helps each other is far more rare than getting a beautiful woman or a dead soldier, so he has almost given up on such thoughts.

And now, he has such a friend, and that is the man in front of him who smiles like a fool. Although not very smart, he was able to fight alongside him until the death.

"I don't know how to get to Guixu, but don't you already know it very well?"

Li Qingshan stopped laughing and touched his chin: "I thought you would have other ideas?"

Climbing the sky vine is naturally a shortcut to other worlds, but it is not omnipotent and can communicate with all the worlds at will.

As the God of the World, he can clearly feel the existence of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, which is a very wonderful feeling. Because the Six Paths of Reincarnation is not like the Demon Realm, where a demon cave needs to be opened to connect the two worlds, but it overlaps with the entire world, repeating itself and everywhere.

It is precisely because of this that no matter how big or small the world is, whether it is ascension or death, it will immediately enter the six paths of reincarnation and join this big cycle. There is no need to climb vines or magic caves.

From a certain perspective, it is like the relationship between Deep Blue Fatty and the Five Continents World. They seem to be hundreds of millions of miles apart, but they are actually one whole.

Therefore, only the climbing vine can communicate between the two. Now it can only communicate with the six paths of reincarnation, and "Return to the Ruins" is not among them.

But since you want to enter Guixu, there must be a way.

"As expected, you still have to enter the Six Paths of Reincarnation! But with the Sky Climbing Vine, at least you can make your choice easily. You don't have to worry about the different places you ascend to."

"Actually, you can only enter three realms. The realm of hell and the realm of hungry ghosts are both worlds of death and will kill the climbing vine."


"Li Qingshan nodded. The Sky-Climbing Vine has a body but is not a monster. It must be controlled by the laws of heaven and earth, and as a unicorn, he cannot command the Sky-Climbing Vine to do this. He asked curiously: "What about another one? "

Luohu Xiaoming sneered: "Of course it's the way of heaven!"

The hatred between Asura and heavenly beings is always so naked. You must know that another name for Asura is "Feitian".

As the first good path in the six paths of reincarnation. Heavenly beings are free from hardships, live long lives, and have endless enjoyment throughout their lives. Apart from the "five declines of heavenly beings", they have no worries. It is a treasure land that almost all living beings dream of. Even the Asuras are full of jealousy and want to capture the Thirty-Three Heavens and occupy this precious land.

It can be said to be: "A beacon to all living beings. The hope of the world."

One can imagine how serious the illegal immigration situation is.

The gods hate the most Asuras. Next are the stowaways. One is a robber and the other is a thief.

The way of heaven is full of order and is not as chaotic as other ways. I don’t know how many people have used things like climbing vines, and they have already had a complete defense system.

Once the climbing vine penetrates the heavenly path, it will be discovered almost immediately. The climbing vine will be killed immediately. What's even worse is that the heavenly beings just sit back and wait, or simply follow the climbing vines to kill them and severely punish those stowaways who "want to eat swan meat".

"Then the remaining ones are the Asura Way, the Human Way, and the Monster Way. The Asura Way must also be excluded. Your mother is not as observant as Qiongqi." Li Qingshan blinked narrowly.

Luohu Xiaoming smiled and said: "And I can guarantee you. She is more difficult to deal with than Qiongqi, and she will never play this kind of game with you."

Li Qingshan shrugged his shoulders. With the fighting power of an Asura god, he probably doesn't have many opponents in the entire six realms of reincarnation.

"Then there are only two choices left. For the sake of fairness, let's vote! Those who choose the path of monster beasts raise their right hands, and those who choose the path of human beings raise their left hands."

Li Qingshan raised his right hand without hesitation. He had already smelled the wild breath coming from the path of monsters, and walked towards the path of beasts wholeheartedly.

He looked at Luo Hu Xiaoming and showed a "treacherous" smile. He was playing tricks here. After all, Luo Hu Xiaoming did not have demon blood and would most likely choose the path of the human world. But Gu Yanying, who pursues freedom and has Kunpeng's inheritance, must be the same as him, let alone Xiao An, who will definitely follow him.

He engaged in this set of fake democracy not only to silence Luo Hu Xiaoming, but also to openly bully him. It was absolutely a bad idea.

"Are you a child?" Luohu Xiaoming raised his left hand angrily: "I choose the path of the human world!"

Li Qingshan laughed proudly: "I knew it."

Gu Yanying smiled slightly and raised his left hand: "I also choose the path of the human world."

Li Qingshan was shocked: "Why?"

"Because I'm not sure I'm going to be prey."

Although the path of monsters and beasts is free, it also follows the laws of nature and has its cruel side.

Li Qingshan advised: "Don't be too timid. With your speed, who can hunt you?"

"Nip it in the bud!" Gu Yanying looked cool and unrestrained. She was obviously not a woman who would be easily persuaded.

"Okay, I surrender to you, but it doesn't matter, it's just a tie." Li Qingshan believed that he would finally get what he wanted.

"Who said it was a tie!" Luohu Xiaoming glanced at Xiaoan and raised a smile at the corner of his mouth.

Li Qingshan said seriously: "Xiao An, you raised the wrong hand."

Xiao An also looked at his jade-like left hand seriously: "No!"

Li Qingshan was stunned, opened his mouth wide, looked up to the sky and roared wildly, the sound was thousands of miles away: "Ahhhhhhh!"

Countless practitioners looked over from a distance, wondering what was happening.

Luo Hu, Xiao Ming and the other three looked at each other and smiled without saying a word.

Li Qingshan pointed at them in disbelief: "You... you... ganged up to bully me, even Xiao An..."

Luohu Xiaoming smiled and repeated his words: "For the sake of fairness..."

Gu Yanying patted his shoulder: "Okay, you are just attracted by the wild aura of the monster path. Whether it is to speed up the practice or find the way back to the ruins, we all need help and guidance. The human path is best choice."

"My practice in the Demonic Beast Path will be faster." Li Qingshan insisted. He deeply felt that the Demonic Beast Path was calling him: "When I get there, I will definitely become the Son of Destiny! I can protect you."

Xiao An said softly: "Qingshan, this is the problem. When you become a child of destiny, your human part will be suppressed or even killed. In the long run, this may not be conducive to your practice."

Luo Hu Xiaoming said: "Yes, the greatest benefit of the human world is to follow the human way. There has never been a so-called son of destiny. Do you really hope that there is a voice above your head telling you what you should do and what you should not do?" After a pause. : "And, maybe I can inherit a large amount of inheritance from Si Long!" (To be continued...)

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