Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 426 Are you ready?

As soon as this statement came out, everyone changed their color. ◎The top novel,

For practitioners, this is equivalent to cutting off the path and losing the possibility of eternal life. If ordinary people said this, they would just be regarded as ignorant fanatics, and no one would take it seriously. But Li Qingshan is indeed capable of cutting off everyone's path to ascension.

There was a deathly silence, and Li Qingshan was slightly surprised. He thought someone would question or even refute him, but he didn't expect everyone to be so "calm".

So he continued: "As for the reason, I believe there is no need for me to explain it. This is related to my life and fortune, and there is no room for luck. However, since I dare to tell you openly and honestly instead of playing tricks in the dark, you should also believe it. , I didn’t mean any harm.”

He tried his best to show an approachable attitude, but the practitioners only felt a sense of horror. It was extremely difficult to survive the catastrophe of ascending to heaven. If another god of the world stabbed him in the back, it would be almost impossible to survive.

But as he said, if he didn't tell it clearly, he could definitely hide this matter for hundreds of years. There are very few practitioners who are qualified to transcend the tribulation and ascend, so even if they fail to transcend the tribulation, it is natural.

Qian Lingzhi smiled bitterly: "I believe you have no ill intentions, but can you give me some room for maneuver and don't block the road all at once?"

Li Qingshan smiled and said: "There is no perfect path for mankind. There are still many things to rely on in the future, fellow Taoists. How could it cut off your path of practice? You should already know how small this world is in the beginning. Even practice There are almost no monsters or monsters here, but now it can accommodate you all to start a clan and build a country here."

Qian Ling's eyes lit up: "You mean... can this world get bigger?"

"Of course! After all, the catastrophe of ascending to heaven is extremely dangerous, and after entering the six realms of reincarnation, I don't know what kind of situation I will encounter. How about growing together with the five continents and the world, the sect will prosper and the country will be eternal. Wouldn't it be fun!"

Qian Lingzhi weighed it and sighed: "If this is true, it would be a good thing. Well, I am willing to support it!"

He would never confront Li Qingshan in front of so many people. It would only damage the hard-earned friendship. Even if you have to ascend. It would be better to talk in private. If the negotiation goes smoothly, it will be beneficial to both parties, and maybe we can get his help, greatly reducing the risk of ascension.

"Big daddy, I support you too!"

Of course, the "Boiled Meat King" unconditionally supports the "Big Devil", and the "Big Devil" has never failed to live up to this trust.

Gongyuan gave Li Qingshan an angry look.

She thought to herself: "If I really ascend, are you really going to kill me?" However, she had just unified the Shark Race, and she had not yet become the Queen of the Sharks. Not in a hurry to ascend.

The two of them agreed, so the alien kings naturally had no objections.

The demon clan is already known for its emphasis on accumulation and longevity, and no one jumped out to challenge Li Qingshan, but their attitudes were not so gentle, and many of them had unruly looks on their faces.

Li Qingshan nodded slightly: "In that case, I assume that everyone agrees with me, and you can continue to celebrate."

I am very satisfied in my heart, as the god of the world. He also never wants any practitioners to leave this world, because every ascended practitioner is the essence of this world. It can be said that it is the "meat that falls from the mother's body" and will accelerate the decline of the world. That's why it's so difficult to ascend to the heavenly tribulation, because the instinct of the world's will is to keep this resource in the body.

His decision also received the absolute approval of the will of the world.

Li Qingshan did not stay long before leaving. He also left a meaningful sentence: "If someone forcibly escapes the catastrophe of ascending to heaven... don't say it was unforeseen!"

The voice echoed loudly, and Li Qingshan's figure was dim.

Perhaps because of the majesty of the gods, these seven short words made all the great monks and great demon kings shiver, leaving an extremely deep impression. Later, it became popular and became a resounding deterrent. This sentence was mostly discarded when negotiations between local gangs collapsed.

In the vast sea, on a deserted island, a magnificent altar occupies almost the entire island. It is very similar to the original Temple of Heaven on Longshou Mountain. All it lacks is a climbing vine.

Li Qingshan, Xiao An, Luo Hu Xiaoming, and Gu Yanying reunited here again.

During this period, Li Qingshan visited many old friends, helped them as much as possible, and settled past grudges. For example: a giant Buddhist mountain was given to Monk Bunu, a capital city was given to Qian Lingzhi, two elixirs for increasing longevity were given to Huang Binghu and Yu Shukuang, etc.

There are also women and children. There is no need to say much about the lingering and pathos among them, but they are not as pretentious as ordinary people. Except for Qiu Haitang, they are all practitioners with their own pursuits. Men are not everything in their lives.

But the children are much more careless, and an absolute free-range policy is implemented. I don't care what you do, and you can bear the consequences on your own. Don't expect me to wipe your butts. It's unbelievable to say that he is now a grandfather, and he will probably be a great-grandfather in a few years.

Gu Yanying smiled and wished him a prosperous family, while Li Qingshan stared at her belly until she hit her head with a folding fan.

She received the full support of Li Qingshan, the God of the World, and her cultivation level had greatly improved during this period, reaching the peak of three heavenly tribulations. The same goes for Luo Hu Xiaoming. When Li Qingshan ordered Deep Blue Fatty to devour Kyushu, he looted many Shura fields and threw them all to him.

Not to mention Xiao An, who has already reached the peak of the three heavenly tribulations. If he had not waited for Li Qingshan, he would have survived the ascension tribulation in Kyushu.

During this period of time, she had been staying in the northern ice continent. Li Qingshan originally thought that she was going to burn all the corpse ghosts and demons into the Samadhi Bone Fire. Unexpectedly, she built a bone palace and asked a group of monks under her to burn the corpse ghosts and demons. The people spread the doctrine of the White Bones. It is said that there is no shortage of qualifications now, just to comprehend "The Way of the White Bones of the Scarlet Face".

With their skills, bloodline, and inheritance, the four of them are far more powerful than practitioners of the same level. It is easy to survive four heavenly tribulations. But this also entails huge dangers. Countless powerful enemies are watching from the Demon Realm, the Hungry Ghost Realm, the Shura Realm, and even the Human Realm.

These powerful gods are enough to make ordinary practitioners feel desperate and want to hide forever.

And above the distant nine heavens, there is a powerful enemy that cannot even be mentioned.

Thinking about it this way, the original Kyushu world was like a cradle. Those bloody fights were just a game for the cubs to learn to hunt, a preview for what was to come.

The waves and the sea breeze seemed to be singing the last lullaby to see them off.

Now, they have to leave this cradle, go to a wider and unpredictable world, and face all the wind, frost and swords independently.

'Until the hero grows up in the iron cradle

Brave heart as before

Will visit the Almighty God’

The sky-climbing vine shuttles through the void, soars from the altar, like a giant dragon flying into the sky, and then sinks into the depths of the void, forming a winding passage leading into reincarnation.

Luo Hu Xiaoming, Gu Yanying, and Xiao An all looked at each other. One was full of fighting spirit, the other was as cool as the wind, and the other was as ethereal as a dream, as if asking:

"Are you ready?" (To be continued...)

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