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The True Dragon Emperor Sword trembled violently, like a true dragon struggling hard.

The sword energy roared and golden light shot out, penetrating through Li Qingshan's internal organs and shooting out from Li Qingshan's body, leaving bloody holes.

However, in the raging fire transformed by blood, those big hands always held the hilt of the sword, with a wanton smile on their faces, as if they were sure of victory.

He was still unable to use any of his innate magical powers. He almost relied on his flesh and blood to slow down the edge of the True Dragon Emperor Sword, and finally seized this opportunity. There is a ball of fire in the heart, and the Nine Heavens Breathing Soil is embedded there, and a steady stream of power comes from it. It is the most primitive and basic power.

He used his body as the hilt of the sword to imprison the True Dragon Emperor Sword. However, he could not win with this alone. It was only a matter of time before his physical body collapsed.

So he smiled, turned around and threw himself into the climbing vines again.

While Xiao An and the other three were waiting in silence, they suddenly felt a strong sword energy. One person and one sword struck out from the middle of the climbing vine, and flew down into the sea like meteors, causing huge waves.


Although it was only for a moment, the three of them saw the tragic scene of Li Qingshan being scarred and the sword piercing his heart, and thought that he had encountered a terrible and powerful enemy and was beaten down from the human world.

Just as he was about to rush over, Li Qingshan walked up from the bottom of the sea step by step. He quickly recovered from his tragic injuries. He held the True Dragon Emperor Sword tightly in his right hand and flicked the blade: "Now you must be honest!"

If he were in the human world, it would be almost impossible for him to subdue this True Dragon Emperor Sword in a short time. On the contrary, he would very likely be killed by this sword in a short time, so he transferred to the Five Continents World without hesitation.

This was his territory. As the God of the World, even if Silong himself came to the world again, he would have to kneel before him, let alone a mere sword.

"It seems that our conjecture is correct. It is Silong's cave up there, and there are no other enemies. What good news!"

After listening to Li Qingshan's introduction, Gu Yanying was eager to give it a try.

"Maybe there are still dangers. I have adapted to some of the laws of the world. Let me go and take a look!"

Li Qingshan stuck the True Dragon Emperor Sword on the rock with his backhand, and walked towards the climbing vine again.

Gu Yanying said: "Then it's all thanks to you."

"The woman can just wait in the back.

It is a man's job to open up mountains and open roads! "

Li Qingshan deliberately glanced at Luo Hu Xiaoming. Unexpectedly, Luo Hu Xiaoming was not angry. Instead, he leisurely pulled out the True Dragon Emperor Sword, looked at it, and said with a smile: "It is your honor to open the way for me!"

Li Qingshan was startled for a moment, then smiled and said: "Yes, it is my honor to be able to open the way for you!"

Only those who pave the way with their hands are worthy of others following behind.

Naturally, this nine-day road must be opened with one's own hands.

So I took the third step towards the human world...

Demonic realm!

A majestic man with a majestic appearance was flying under the dark sun with his sword when suddenly he stopped and a trace of ferociousness flashed across his face.

"Li Qingshan, how dare dare you...I will definitely return to the human world and take back everything that belongs to me!"

"Silong, I'm hungry. Let's find something to eat." Qian Rongzhi's lazy voice sounded from the diamond-shaped gem between her eyebrows.

"What do you want to eat?" Silong regained his composure and asked gently.

"Devil Emperor, I have always missed the smell of the Palace Master Hidden Sword!"

On that day, after asking for enough information, the two of them almost unanimously restrained Sikong Zangjian, and then threatened him with the poisonous snake hell torture. After searching for the soul, they completely devoured it and eliminated all clues.

"We have already attracted the attention of the upper echelons of the Demon Realm. Even if we have concealment methods, we should not make any more noise."

"That makes sense, but I still want to eat it."

Silong was silent for a moment: "As you wish."

When Li Qingshan once again stood on the gray altar and in front of the gray watch, he finally had time to examine his surroundings.

While keeping vigilant, he looked around. This was a glorious palace like a palace.

The aura is as rich as a liquid. If it were in the Five Continents World, the aura it emits would probably be visible from thousands of miles away, but here there is only an undetectable faint light.

He could vaguely feel the operation of a certain formation, which was more subtle and mysterious than any formation he had ever seen. Its power could be imagined. Fortunately, he had not launched an offensive. Otherwise, Li Qingshan would have just retreated to the Five Continents World and completely given up on this path. Find another way to enter the human world.

The mountain defense formation is generally for external defense, but basically all formations are the most lethal internally.

Apart from this, there were no ambushes or attacks. Perhaps Silong thought it was enough to have a "True Dragon Emperor's Sword" guarding him.

After all, the only thing he was prepared for was someone sneaking in along the sky-climbing vine. With Li Qingshan's current strength, he was in danger of being killed. If he had replaced him with the Great Demon King and the Great Monk who had cultivated for three other heavenly tribulations, he was almost at his mercy.

But he did not act rashly and stood cautiously on the altar, ensuring that he could retreat to the climbing vines at any time. While swallowing the pure spiritual energy, he adapted to the laws of the human world.

Time passed bit by bit, and the small world inside his body slowly began to operate, which seemed very difficult. This would directly affect the power of all his innate magical powers. Including physical strength and recovery ability, all are suppressed, and it is impossible to show the destructive power in the Five Continents World.

But far from being a bad thing, this suppression is actually a good thing. Just like the process of refining elixirs, only under strong pressure can the medicinal properties of various spiritual herbs be forced out, and finally a small elixir pill can be condensed.

Now it's like using the heaven and earth as a pill furnace to help him refine his essence and gather strength.

Every time he inhaled a breath of spiritual energy and exhaled a breath of waste gas, his breath became purer, and the effect of his practice was far beyond what could be achieved in the Five Continents world.

As for the power of magical powers, it is just an appearance. Just as it is much easier to stir up a strong wind than to stir up waves, if you are buried in the soil and sand, it will be difficult to move.

He couldn't help but think of the situation when he had just fled to the Five Continents world. Although the spiritual energy was so thin, the power of the spells cast with the Dayan Talisman was beyond expectations.

It is precisely based on such laws of heaven and earth that such rich spiritual energy does not fill the world with spiritual light.

And if there were no such restrictions, in such an environment, everyone would be able to practice Dao in the human world, and every living creature would be able to become a spirit, and there would be no mortals or beasts at all.

As the God of the Five Continents World, Li Qingshan had personally experienced the evolution of a world from small to large, and the laws of heaven and earth, which made him feel like a living creature, always maintaining a certain essence. Just like a tiger, no matter how much it eats, it will not grow into an elephant or a whale, it can only grow into a big tiger.

No matter how big the world of Five Continents becomes and how rich its aura is, everyone will not be able to practice cultivation and even wild animals will not be able to turn into monsters. The cultivator is both the beloved son of the world and the rebellious son who wants to betray the world.

It seems that there is a supreme law above the six realms of reincarnation and the three thousand worlds, which maintains a certain similarity in all worlds.

I can't help but think of the illusory sun seen over the world of Kyushu. Is the sun in the human world real?

But it doesn't matter, one day, we will see the real sun.

So he took a deep breath and stepped off the high altar. R1152

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