? The nine-colored deer gallops between the cloud mountains and the moonlight. The woman on the back has flying ink hair and is thoughtful. One person and one deer seem to melt into the moonlight. yan()

Jiuse Lu turned around and said: "Cork wood, I know you admire that boy very much, but a jade sign is too precious!"

Ruan Yaozhu smiled and said, "Didn't he say he borrowed it?"

"Huh, if you borrow it, will you definitely pay it back? Even if I pay it back, it's just to curry favor with you so that you can take more care of him in the future. I've seen a lot of people like this."

Ruan Yaozhu said in surprise: "How could it be possible? He has such a high level of cultivation, yet he still pities a group of beggars. He doesn't use violence when others offend him. He even feels guilty and sad when he kills a peach tree. And he clearly knows that Bailu Kingdom and I Even though we had a relationship with him, he still got angry and took the risk of offending me and even the Wanxiang Sect to teach that foolish king a lesson, but he didn't kill him just for the sake of pleasure. How could such a person be the kind of person you mentioned? "

"I just said a few words, but you still have so many people. Are you annoyed?"

Ruan Yaozhu said: "Did I say it wrong?"

Jiuselu shook his head: "Okay, okay, you always have a point. I always 'judge a gentleman's heart with a villain's heart'."

Ruan Yaozhu said strangely: "Do you hate him very much? But didn't you say that he has the blood of Qilin and should please you! Alas, Qilin is even the most benevolent beast, no wonder he has such a benevolent heart!"

"Hmph, I knew you were a heartless little kid. You wanted to kick me out a long time ago and find a unicorn as your mount."

Ruan Yaozhu covered his mouth and smiled and said: "Yes, it's a pity that he is not Qilin." Suddenly he found that this bad guy was a bit weird, and his face turned slightly red.

Jiuselu thought deeply: "It's strange. In addition to the Qilin breath, he seems to have some other breath on him, but it doesn't look like a human breath, which makes me feel a little uneasy. Alas, if he is really a Qilin beast, then I There is nothing to worry about, but he is still a human being after all. Blood is blood, and the human heart is the human heart. You must not have the intention to harm others. It is necessary to guard against others, especially those stinky men, you can't guess how much they have in their hearts Evil-minded. I'm just pouring some cold water on you to prevent you from being too happy. You don't even know you've been deceived."

Ruan Yaozhu smiled and said: "Shouldn't you be happy to meet such a person? There are already too many bad people in the world. It would be so sad if good people were on guard against each other and distrusted each other. I am willing to believe him, even if there is One day he let me down.”

Jiuselu said: "I really can't do anything to you, but I will help you keep an eye on him. If he dares to let you down, I will never let him go."

“Then thank you, I believe I’ll see you again soon.

Ruan Yaozhu smiled and stroked Jiuse Lu's neck, seeming to remember something bad, and frowned: "This entry examination seems to be hosted by Senior Brother Lotte." "

Jiuselu suddenly became interested: "Ha, it's that old gambler. That would be interesting."

Ruan Yaozhu sighed: "Well, this time the entrance examination seems to be at Yuanci Mountain in Blackwater Bay..."

"Oh, that's right there! I even caught up with Lotte to take the exam. Those who took this exam are in trouble. Unfortunately, they became gambling tools!"

"Jiu'er turned around. Let's go to Yuanci Mountain. I want to persuade Senior Brother Le again. The entrance examination is related to the future of the entire Wanxiang Sect, how can it be used for gambling?"

"You've been persuading me since you first started, and you've been persuading me for a thousand years now. Why don't you give up?"

"It's up to him whether to listen or not, and it's up to me to persuade or not."

"Oh, it's really a piece of wood, and it's still hollow!"

The Nine-Colored Deer shook his head helplessly, turned around and ran towards the west.

Walking in the dark cave, Li Qingshan had an illusion that he had returned to the world of Kyushu and an underground cave. The strong disturbance of the earth evil magnetism affects the mana in the body and even the operation of the small world.

However, he was not underground at this time, he was just walking in a mountain range. He still clearly remembered not long ago. View of this mountain range from the sky:

A black mountain that stretches for hundreds of miles, like a black dragon winding towards the sea. There is no grass growing on the mountain, as if it were cast from black iron. The remaining veins submerge into the bay, dyeing the sea water into pitch black, so it is called "Blackwater Bay".

However, the name of this mountain is not actually "Yuanci Mountain". Instead, it's called "Black Dragon Mountain".

"Yuanci Mountain" is just a name. It's like calling a mountain made of stones "Stone Mountain", and a mountain rich in copper minerals is called "Copper Mountain". And this Yuanci Mountain also produces a kind of mineral - Yuanmagnet - which is a magic weapon that is specially designed to break the body-protecting power. It is a very valuable ore.

However, it is not easy to mine this kind of ore. The earth evil magnetism will make the practitioner as fragile as a mortal, and he cannot use his spiritual sense to detect it.

Wanxiang Sect obviously knows how to make use of "interns". The content of this assessment is to spend three days walking from one end of the mountain to the other, and at the same time collect as many metamagnets as possible.

Three days later, when you arrive at the agreed-upon location, you only need to hand over a piece of metamagnet to pass the test. Then become a glorious "handyman" or "servant".

However, the message conveyed by the true disciple named "Lotte" was full of malice.

At that time, thousands of people had gathered in the open space in front of the mountain, including men, women, old and young, with high and low levels of cultivation. Some had been waiting here for a full month. Seeing the date of the assessment, nothing could be seen in the forest. People from Zong.

Li Qingshan suddenly looked up and saw golden light shining in the sky, growing rapidly.

With a bang, sand and stones flew, the ground shook, and a three-legged golden toad fell from the sky.

Li Qingshan raised his hand to block the wind and sand, looked up, and met a pair of slender red phoenix eyes. Because they were filled with smiles, they were almost narrowed into two slits. On the contrary, people couldn't see his eyes clearly, and they couldn't even confirm whether he was the real person or not. Looking at myself.

Li Qingshan felt as if he was being targeted.

"Fellow Taoists, you have been waiting for a long time. I am Letian, the examiner of this assessment. Remember, it is not the joy of music, but the joy of happiness. If you can pass this assessment, you can call me Senior Brother Le in the future."

On top of the three-legged golden cicada, a man is sitting in a bowl, with red phoenix eyes, aquiline nose, and thin lips. There are three rings on each hand, with different styles. There is also a gold collar around his neck, and he is also wearing a A very tacky silk robe. Dressed in jewelery but mismatched attire, he looks like the foolish son of a wealthy landlord who wishes he could wear all his belongings.

Li Qingshan had an intuition that this Lotte must be the Human Emperor, and he was much more dangerous than any practitioner of the Five Heavenly Tribulations he had seen so far, whether it was Si Long, Ruan Yaozhu, or the one from the Hungry Ghost Path. Li Huang.

"But it's obviously just our first meeting, so why is he staring at me? Is there something wrong with him, or is it just my misunderstanding?"


The three-legged golden toad opened its mouth and let out a thunderous scream that almost shattered a person's eardrums.

Lotte said with a smile: "Okay, everyone who takes the assessment should put their bookmarks in. If anyone is willing to feed my treasure with gold, I will thank him."

The practitioners stepped forward one after another and threw bookmarks into the golden toad's mouth. The black wood sign has the most number, with nearly a thousand pieces, the brass sign has hundreds of pieces, and the silver sign has more than 20 pieces. Only the sapphire sign is the least, with only a few pieces.

Every person who voted attracted everyone's attention, but Li Qingshan also felt like he was being watched. Ever since he came to the human world, he seemed to have encountered this feeling all the time. It was really terrible. Once you enter the Wanxiang Sect, you must quickly find the road to Guixu and improve your cultivation at the same time.

There were obviously many wealthy practitioners among the practitioners. Many of them actually took out a large amount of gold from their Sumeru rings and fed it to Jin Chan. Leping all greeted him with a smile, which flattered those people. Later people would more or less come up with some gold, and if they didn't have it, they would have to borrow it from people around them.

However, in Li Qingshan's view, this guy always had a smile on his face. He cast the jade sign and wanted to turn around and leave.

Lotte suddenly asked: "Hey, boy, don't you have any gold?"

"I do not have it, sorry."

Li Qingshan smiled warmly, thriftily, and innocently. He was convinced that he was being targeted, but he couldn't figure out the reason. It can only be said that since there are inexplicable good people like Ruan Yaozhu, there are also many inexplicable bad people, and the number of the latter is often much greater than the former. (To be continued.) xh118

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