Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 16 Clutch

? Li Qingshan frowned deeply, and inexplicable unhappiness piled up in his heart, like a secretly burning fire. The reading artifact gives me the feeling of being constantly monitored, as if I am just a bug under a glass cover, being looked down at and played with by someone from above.

But he must be patient, because this is the path of spiritual practice, the farthest place from "everyone is equal".

Regardless of whether they are poor or rich, mortals are still human beings. They are subject to birth, old age, illness, and death, and their destiny is unknown. At most, they can only live a hundred years.

Practitioners, however, can rely on their own efforts to transcend birth, old age, illness, death, and even fate. They are so different from each other that they are simply two species. If the two realms are accidentally separated, whether it is strength or lifespan, the gap will be as big as the difference between a human and an insect.

"Senior! Wait for me! Wait for me!"

Li Qingshan was deep in thought when a ball of fire jumped up from behind. The fire did not illuminate the vast mine, and the jagged and strange rocks looked like monsters with teeth and claws. Zhu Yingcai looked like a frightened child, running out of breath while holding a torch.

"Do you want to attract the Earthly Evil Beast?" Li Qingshan turned around and glanced at him lightly.

Zhu Yingcai suddenly stopped, covered his mouth, and was horrified. He felt that Li Qingshan was different at this moment. The firelight reflected his figure on the rock wall behind him, and he suddenly realized that his figure was so tall, even fear.

Instinctively, he wanted to stay away, but when he thought of the terrifying Earth Demon beast, he wanted to get closer. Two extreme feelings of peace and uneasiness surged back and forth, leaving me speechless for a moment.

Li Qingshan saw in him the embarrassment of all weak people, that kind of dilemma, that kind of panic. At some point, he might be the same. This cannot be completely overcome by so-called faith or will, but requires practicality. Real power.

If you want to improve your cultivation as soon as possible, you must get first place in this assessment, improve your status in the Wanxiang Sect, and get as many resources as possible. Only in this way can we obtain enough information. One is if you enter Guixu, and the other is things related to Silong. He had a vague feeling that this matter was not over yet.

He said seriously: "You have to walk the next road by yourself."

"Senior!" Zhu Yingcai let out an almost plaintive moan from his throat.

"I saved your life. You showed me the way. Our grudge is over. You don't owe me anything, and I don't owe you anything. Just two clean strokes. Follow me again. You will die!" Li Qingshan said and walked towards Deep in the cave, submerged in deep darkness.

Zhu Yingcai's expression changed, he was fearful and unwilling. Finally he did not dare to ignore Li Qingshan's warning and follow him, and there was still a trace of resentment:

"You have such great power,

Why can't you take me and let me pass the exam easily and become a disciple of Wanxiang Sect? This is just a piece of cake for you. Hum, I finally understand, this is the path of spiritual practice. Practitioners are all ruthless. From now on, I, Zhu Yingcai, will not rely on anyone. Let you, Li Qingshan, know what it means to "don't bully young people who are poor". "

He stood there, his face turning red and white, angry and passionate. Suddenly there was a strange low roar in the darkness, as if it was far away and lurking in the darkness behind him. He suddenly remembered something and ran towards the depths of the cave in a panic.

"As expected, we must get rid of this burden first! What about Junior Sister Ruan? This can't be called doing good deeds and accumulating virtue!"

Letian laughed heartily. Someone who dares to look into his own eyes. How can he be a womanly and indecisive person?

Pi Yangqiu said: "This can't be considered evil! They are neither relatives nor friends, and at this point they have exhausted their benevolence and righteousness."

Lotte said with a smile: "The gambling game has just begun, so far! I bet this guy will surprise us."

Ren Aoyou snorted coldly: "It's just the so-called gambling on good and evil. It sounds simple, but there are no standards. If it turns into a verbal dispute in the end, the scene will be too ugly."

Lotte said: "No matter how many words there are, good is good. Evil is evil. Justice is in the heart of the people. I will not turn right and wrong or stir up trouble for the sake of the outcome of a gambling game. This is my gambling product. As for Junior Sister Ruan, Pin, do you need to say anything more? This can only be regarded as a good sign, and let's keep watching. Sooner or later, his true colors will be revealed, so don't be too sad, Junior Sister Ruan."

Ruan Yaozhu lowered his head and said nothing, but his eyes were as firm as ever.

Li Qingshan went deep into Yuanci Mountain, and as far as he could see, there were strange rocks and rugged rocks, some of which were not what ordinary mountains could form. The magnetic disturbance became more and more intense, and the small world almost stopped completely. All it could rely on was this flesh and blood body.

His powerful physique naturally has an absolute advantage, and even though almost all of his innate magical powers cannot be used, the "divine power of the earth" still provides him with a steady stream of power.

However, if you want to dig out enough meta magnets and become the first in this assessment, you still need a lot of luck.

The simplest way is not to dig at all, but to go directly to the other end of the mountain, find the only way out of the mountain, ambush, and do that useless business. With his strength, there will be no opponent.

But in that case, what is the difference between himself and those bandits who block the road and rob him? If he really had no choice, he would not hesitate, but for now, he still had to practice the Qilin Way honestly. After all, he had just received a "good guy card" not long ago!

So, he took a deep breath...

At this time, several true disciples were focusing on a corner of the "Heaven Sees and Earth Listens". The picture was expanded to its maximum size, and every movement was clearly audible.

There was a huge cave where two Nascent Soul monks met. They were the ones chosen by Ren Aoyou and Pi Yangqiu among the five Nascent Soul monks.

Their appearance and clothing are clearly visible. One has a face like a crown jade and a long body, like a romantic young man; the other has a face like the bottom of a pot and a stout body, like a fierce god. It seems that they shouldn't be involved in any relationship. Even if they are involved, they must be irreconcilable and ready to fight.

However, the conversation between them surprised Ruan Yaozhu:

The white-faced young man said: "Brother, what should we do?"

The black-faced man said evilly: "Brother, what's the point? Since the rules allow it, we must make good use of it. Is it possible to really mine in this cave?"

The white-faced young man asked again: "What should we do with the three Nascent Souls?"

"Haha, if they know what they are interested in, we won't have to embarrass them. From now on, we will all be brothers in the same sect!"

"Brothers work together!" "It's powerful enough to break gold!"

Two hands, one black and one white, were clasped together, and then they ran side by side towards the end of the mountain range, preparing to do the moneyless business that Li Qingshan had thought about. (To be continued.) xh118

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