Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 18 Tyranny

"In other years, the story of reincarnation in this life..."

Li Qingshan sang songs all the way, one song after another, and in the end he almost enjoyed it. ◎Dian Dian Novel, his voice was so loud that it made the small stones on the ground tremble. It spread along the mines as dense as spider webs to the entire Yuanci Mountain, and one after another the evil beasts woke up from their slumber.

He suddenly stopped, pricked up his ears, and heard a strange sound in the darkness, a bit like the buzzing of electricity. There was also the sound of the continuous collision of rocks, approaching rapidly from the depths of the cave, getting closer and closer, right before our eyes.

Li Qingshan blinked, wondering if he had seen it wrong.

The monster running from the depths of the cave was dark and jagged, like a primitive and rough stone beast statue, with a bit of post-modern style. It has very thick limbs and sharp claws. It has no eyes, ears, or nose on its head, but it has a gaping mouth filled with sharp teeth.

It’s not surprising that the Earthly Evil Beast looks like this. However, this guy is only the size of a mastiff, less than Li Qingshan’s waist, and his movements don’t look particularly fast and powerful. However, as it gets closer, the magnetic field becomes more and more chaotic. . The small world inside the body is slightly affected again.

Touching his chin: "It seems like this is the Earthly Beast."

"As expected, this boy has never seen an Earthly Evil Beast. As expected, he has never seen an Earthly Evil Beast before!"

Lotte roared, and slapped the three-legged golden toad on its back, making a sound of gold and iron. The three-legged golden toad cooed, rolled his eyes, and closed them again, turning a blind eye to his master's excitement.

Pi Yangqiu said with a smile: "Such a small Earth Evil beast is indeed rare. I'm afraid it was just bred from the Earth Evil Yuanci. If it were outside, it would not pose the slightest threat to a Yuanying monk, but in this Yuanci Mountain , but you cannot use any magic."

Li Qingshan's eyes narrowed. The momentum was exuding, but the little earth evil beast had neither fear nor respect. Instead, it ran faster and buzzed louder.

When he came ten feet away, he kicked off his hind paws and pounced with all his strength. The heavy body seemed to be gliding, easily crossing the distance of ten feet, and the sharp teeth bit Li Qingshan's neck.

With a bang, Li Qingshan casually raised his right leg and stepped hard on the head of the little earth beast into the ground.

The little earth beast struggled desperately, scratching the ground with its sharp claws, leaving white claw marks. But under Li Qingshan's terrifying power, it was naturally useless.

Pi Yangqiu said: "Well, he's in pretty good shape. He dares to attract the evil beast, so he has some clues, but I think he's in trouble this time."

Li Qingshan felt that as long as he exerted a little strength,

He could crush its stone head, but this was his first time seeing such a strange species, and he had to fight more earth beasts, so he crouched down and prepared to study it carefully.

A huge and ferocious shadow appeared behind him. It was more than ten times larger than the small Earth Evil Beast, but it was suspended in the air silently. It seems to have no weight at all. Slowly opening his mouth, each tooth was like a stalactite and stalagmite, biting down on Li Qingshan's head.

Ruan Yaozhu looked nervous. Even if he was a Yuanying monk, once his physical body was destroyed, Yuanying would not be able to exist in Yuanci Mountain for a long time. It will soon be shattered by the agitation of earth evil magnetism.

He secretly made up his mind, even if he offended a few senior brothers, he would rush into Yuanci Mountain and save his life at any cost, at least to save his Yuanying. Good people should not be rewarded!

However, she didn't know that Li Qingshan was not a real Nascent Soul monk. Although he practiced the human skill "Huangji World Destruction Record", he did not have time to completely transform the power of the demon heart into Nascent Soul, so he did not have it at all. Nascent Soul can escape.

Lotte shouted: "Idiot, watch your back!"

Li Qingshan seemed to have heard his reminder, and he crushed the stone head of the little earth beast with his foot, and turned around: "Oh, there is another big one here!"

The sharp teeth bite, and the punch blows away.

boom! Rocks flew and hit the rock wall one after another, sparking sparks.

The heads of large and small earth evil beasts were shattered almost at the same time. The stone heads containing a large amount of metal were like chickens and dogs under his fists and feet.

Everyone in Lotte was startled for a moment. This boy looked so good-looking and harmless, yet his body was so strong, his reactions were quick, and his attacks were fierce. Until now, there was no sign of nervousness on his face, as if he was eating or drinking. Water is as easy as water.

Pi Yangqiu praised: "Sure enough, there are two tricks!"

Ren Aoyou said, "This kid has never seen the Earthly Evil Beast before, so he will suffer a big loss!"

Before he finished speaking, a sudden change occurred. The little earth beast, whose head was trampled, hugged Li Qingshan's calf tightly, and another head stuck out from his neck, biting his leg.

Li Qingshan's eyesight dimmed, and a huge sharp claw came towards him. He raised his elbows and armpits, and before he could make a defensive move, Bai Bai was knocked away by a claw.

Boom boom boom! Several stalagmites were broken off one after another, smashed deeply into the rock wall, and were buried under the rocks.

Ruan Yaozhu exclaimed, although the Yuanying monk is powerful, his physical body is far from comparable to that of the demon king at the same level, especially under the influence of this Yuanci Mountain, it is very fragile. If you try hard to eat this, your bones will be broken and all your internal organs will be shattered.

As soon as he shot the nine-color deer, he rushed into the cave and rescued Li Qingshan. However, a figure flashed in front of him, and Leng Yuan blocked his way. He was covered in cold air and formed a hundred-foot ice wall. He seemed completely unaffected by Yuanci Mountain.

Ruan Yaozhu bit his lip: "Senior Brother Leng, get out of the way!"

Leng Yuan said: "Junior sister, as long as I'm here, you can't even think about entering the cave!"

Jiuselu said: "Mumu, Mumu, you are not good at fighting, and I am not much better. We will definitely not be able to defeat this kid Leng Yuan."

"It's over, my dark horse!"

Lotte held his head, as if mourning his heir.

Ren Aoyou smiled and shook his head: "Give up, junior sister, it's too late for you to go in now. This kid has been dismembered by the Earthly Beast long ago. Don't be sad. It's just that he is too courageous and too ignorant. The Earthly Beast It is all made of rocks, and there is no so-called vital point at all, unless the metamagnet in the body can be found."

"However, the Yuan Magnet may be in any position of the Disha Beast. It is said that it will continue to move and be disturbed by the Yuan Magnet, and it cannot be detected at all. If you want to kill a Disha Beast, you have to destroy most of its body. Le. Junior brother, be prepared to pay!"

"Wait a minute, look!" Pi Yangqiu pointed to "Heaven Sees and Earth Listens": "He is still alive!"

The pile of rocks exploded with a bang, and Li Qingshan stood up again. His clothes were in tatters, but there were only a few shallow claw marks on his chest. The little earth beast on the calf bit hard, but couldn't leave even a trace.

"Haha, this is the only way to be presentable. If they are as young as you, how can they have so many yuan magnets? I have been singing songs for so long in vain!"

Pi Yangqiu's expression changed uncertainly: "In such a realm, with such a physique, I am afraid that only the senior brother who practices the "True Dragon Heavenly Book" and the senior sister who practices the "Xuanwu Heavenly Book" can rival him. As long as he does not seek death, in Nothing in this Yuanci Mountain can threaten him."

Ren Aoyou said: "Either this kid has practiced some special skills, or he has some kind of inhuman bloodline. Hmm, it's so hidden that it can't even be seen from the outside! Letian, how did you see it?"

His comments almost revealed the secret. Li Qingshan had practiced the "Nine Transformations of Gods and Demons" and had various inhuman bloodlines to have such a strong physique.

Letian laughed loudly: "I just saw that he was a ruthless person, not his skills and bloodline, but such a strong and vicious temperament cannot be cultivated by squatting in a cave. He is indeed the dark horse I selected, and he did a good job pretty!"

At this time, Li Qingshan made a sweeping move and kicked the approaching Earth Beast away, smashing the small Earth Beast into pieces.

With a bang, the Earth Beast's head was shattered again, hitting the rock wall hard, with cracks all over the body, and the dome rocks shattered and fell.

Among the flying rocks, Li Qingshan casually caught a small stone that was about the size of a walnut, as dark as iron but slightly shining. It was the metamagnet in the body of the little earth evil beast.

"The first small piece, and the second big piece!"

Li Qingshan was in a happy mood, smiling slightly, looking more and more bright like a young man. The earth evil beast, not knowing fear or pain, pounces on him again. Its terrifying figure and invisible magnetic field are the nemesis of the practitioner.

But this time, no one doubted the outcome. (To be continued...)

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