Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 21 Arrangement

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Lotte cheered and raised his fists in the air: "Qingshan! Qingshan! Qingshan!" He bumped into the three-legged golden toad, raised his arms and shouted: "The dark horse is invincible, the dark horse is invincible!"

"Guwa!" The three-legged golden toad's eyes rolled around and then closed again.

Ruan Yaozhu pressed his chest: "It's so good!" He was a little excited and couldn't calm down for a long time, thinking that this was probably the feeling of gambling that Senior Brother Le said.

Letian pointed at Pi Yangqiu and the others and said with a smile, "What do you three do?"

That's the smile of a winner in a gamble.

"Is he really not Asura?"

Pi Yangqiu looked puzzled. He had experienced many battles and had seen many beings more powerful than Li Qingshan. However, such fanatical fighting passion and pride that disregarded life and death could only be seen in the Asura warriors.

After all, what practitioners pursue is longevity, meaningless battles should be avoided as much as possible, and uncertain fights should be completely eliminated. They already have a very high status and have a long life to enjoy. They will never risk everything easily, even if the risk is very low.

The big gamble with Lotte is just a way for true disciples to socialize with each other and pursue excitement. No matter how miserable they fail, they are nothing more than some jade lottery tickets. Gambling always involves losses and wins, and as long as you spend some time, you can always make money back. .

Li Qingshan was not like this. He went deep into the lair in the mountain without knowing anything about the earthly evil beasts. He advanced all the way and risked being killed to fight with the beasts. He showed no caution at all. This kind of behavior was simply not like that. Is a practitioner.

Such a guy is simply unreasonable, even stupid. Doesn't he know that just a little accident will ruin everything? The hard work, great future, and one's own life are all put on the gambling table without a care, waiting for the decision of fate.

Pi Yangqiu didn't know how many hardships, life and death crises Li Qingshan had experienced. The current situation is just a common occurrence. If it weren't for this courageous determination to disregard life and death, he would have been a pile of withered bones, how could he have reached this point.

He doesn't have a bright future to enjoy, because the road ahead is even more dangerous. Soon, he will go deep into the demonic realm. Facing the Qiongqi Demon God. Compared to this, what are a few earth evil beasts? If you want to avoid even this little risk, then you might as well wipe your neck and die as soon as possible!

I never thought about stopping or looking back, so just put everything on the line and see if you have the luck to reach the top of the Nine Heavens! If you really die on the way, then accept your fate calmly! At least it's not out of cowardice or incompetence.


Asura is not that good at pretending! "

Ren Aoyou was still worried about Li Qingshan's behavior as a good boy at first. But there was also a flash of appreciation in his eyes. It is no longer a look from above, looking at the bugs in the glass cover, but as a "fellow Taoist" who deserves to be treated as an equal.

He even began to admit in his heart that his failure to see his true face was due to a problem with his eyesight.

At this time, Li Qingshan jumped down from the frozen giant beast's mouth and fought with the beasts again, ignoring the pain. Singing wildly and laughing proudly.

The divine power of the earth gives him a steady stream of power, and as he learns more and more about the attack patterns of the earth beasts. He became more and more comfortable, and the terrifying murderer looked like a bunch of chickens and dogs in front of him.

Amid the mad singing, it was as if a black whirlwind swept through the cave, crushing everything and crushing everything!

Pi Yangqiu sighed: "Why doesn't he go to the Asura Dao? Maybe he can become a child of destiny! He will be valued by the generals of the Asura Dao immediately. He will definitely have a better future than in the Human Dao!"

Leng Yuan frowned in thought, becoming increasingly deep and unpredictable.

Lotte joked: "Perhaps he is attracted by Junior Sister Ruan's charm. Anyway, I will definitely win this round. If he is not the top pick, I will swallow this "Heaven Sees and Earth Listens Picture". Hahahaha!"

Ruan Yaozhu's pretty face turned red: "Senior brother, don't talk nonsense. What charm do I have? Anyway, no matter how much you win, you have to pay it back to the three senior brothers."

Jiuse Lu sighed, knowing that this was the case. She had never thought about winning the jade lottery from her senior brothers.

"Junior sister, junior sister, don't you know what greed is? What I hate the most in gambling is people like you!" Lotte smiled slyly: "But I don't think I will lose, and this is a bet between me and you. Do the three of them have the nerve to seek compensation for their losses from you?"

"Junior sister Ruan, are you looking down on me, or do you want me to be looked down upon by this guy Lotte?" Ren Aoyou said displeasedly: "There is still a little fun, don't say it too early, it's still early for the gambling game to end!"

Ruan Yaozhu pouted and lowered his head in silence. He seemed a bit dull, but he was by no means a person easily moved by words.

"Yes, Li Qingshan obviously didn't make any preparations for this test. He knew very little about the Earthly Evil Beast and relied entirely on his strong body to defeat the Earthly Evil Beast. But how much strength did he have left after the hard fight with the Earthly Evil Beast? ?”

"But the two brothers are different. They are clearly fully prepared. They don't take other Nascent Soul cultivators in their eyes at all, so they must have something to rely on. Moreover, they are still waiting for work, calculating mentally and unintentionally. Senior Brother Le, the victory or defeat is especially uncertain. You know!"

Pi Yangqiu talked eloquently, "If you lose, you don't lose. How can you admit defeat before the result comes out?" But after seeing Li Qingshan's ferocity, he no longer held out much hope. Those two brothers, don't slap their heads. If you mess with this monster Li Qingshan, your life will be saved.

"Okay, okay, I'll tell you three to give up and see what those two boys are doing!"

Lotte smiled and turned the "Heaven Seeing and Earth Listening Picture" to the other end of Yuanci Mountain and locked the pair of brothers. He saw that they were busy on the only way out of the mountain, actively preparing for something, as if It's setting up the formation.

But in this Yuanci Mountain, no matter it is magic spells or magic weapon arrays, as long as they have the word "Dharma", they cannot be used. Even though they are in a position where they are about to leave the mountain, the influence of the earth evil Yuanci begins to weaken. , but the general formation will not be of much use.

But when they saw clearly the equipment they used to set up the formation, the eyes of several true disciples lit up.

Letian said in surprise: "Hey, it turned out to be this formation, haha, these two boys are indeed prepared." Instead of worrying, he smiled and said: "Yes, there is a chance, there is a great chance!"

Ren Aoyou and Pi Yangqiu looked at each other, and their expressions softened a lot. At least it proved that their eyesight was not too bad, and the gambling game had just begun!

Ruan Yaozhu frowned. She didn't expect that the two brothers would prepare to this point. They clearly planned to block the road and rob them from the beginning. Such sinister intentions really made her unhappy, but she couldn't help but worry about Li Qingshan's safety.

"They may not dare to take action against the Nascent Soul cultivator."

Lotte said: "Maybe not at the beginning, but now I will! This gamble is really getting more and more interesting." (To be continued...) R1292

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