Hua Chenglu didn't want to do this, she said without showing weakness, "So it's you, the old ghost. This boat is originally mine. You are the one who stole the car and ran out to play."

Grandma Ximen said displeasedly: "At such a young age, you have such sharp teeth and sharp mouths. When I meet your father, I must talk about Qi Wu's pop-up window. Now that grandma has something to do, it's different from your little girl's nonsense."

Hua Chenglu immediately retorted: "Then I have met Brother Chengzan, and I have to talk about it, you old woman, when you see that I am young, you bully me"

Grandma Ximen snorted coldly, and the carriage headed towards Xihua Island, making two ruts on the lake.

In the carriage, the red-clothed boy said angrily, "Why didn't grandma teach this little girl a lesson?"

Grandma Ximen said: "His father and brother are not good people, it's not easy to deal with, otherwise I would have killed her long ago, hum, if you don't have to eat candy and fried chestnuts when she cries in the future, it will be a waste of time, we will Arrive early to solve that Li Qingshan, and you don't need to be angry with this little girl"

If an ordinary second-floor qi cultivator dared to be so rude to Grandma Ximen, she would have killed her on the spot, but since it was the Hua family's entry, she would have to give three points of face, and Hua Cheng praised the identity of Chilang's commander, It is also quite deterrent in Qinghe Prefecture.

The red-clothed boy curled his lips and said, "It's not just me who wants to eat, and it's not too late now, then Li Qingshan is definitely still on the island."

On the deck, Hua Chenglu also snorted coldly as she looked at the leaving carriage, but her delicate nasal voice did not have the strength of Grandma Ximen's cold snort at all. Chase the carriage and go to Xihua Island

In the smoke, the outline of Xihua Island gradually became clear

The flame of the flame cocoon is getting weaker and weaker, like a sunset that is about to fall, leaving only the red sphere, and it is getting more and more

The rain falls from the dead and falls on the cocoon, creating a white mist

In the big cocoon, full of red light, Xiao An curled up and was in the mother's womb just now. The flame was no longer a flame, but a viscous liquid, like amniotic fluid in the womb, and it contained a huge amount of life energy. Just a little bit, soak him completely

He has already understood the essence of "The Way of Zhu Yan and Bai Bone". At this moment, he wants to turn the dead back to life, enter the realm of non-life and non-death, and turn the bones into Zhu Yan.

The bones and fingers are buckled into the Buddha's seal, in the dark, a little mystery

Musculoskeletal regeneration, remodeling of flesh and blood

Li Qingshan has held his breath

With a click,

A crack appeared on the cocoon and spread in all directions

Li Qingshan's heart suddenly mentioned his throat

A small tender hand sticks out from the large cocoon, white and red, as if carved from blood jade, and the blood vessels in it can almost be seen.

Li Qingshan stood up abruptly, but did not dare to be disturbed, gritted his teeth, and suddenly felt his eyes become wet and red. He watched Xiao An go from soul to bone, and then to the birth of blood and flesh, and his heart was enveloped in great joy, he believed , no matter how cruel and bloody the road is, all he has is not just killing and hatred

Kacha Kacha, a series of broken sounds, the big cocoon turned into smashes, the flames rose from it, a petite figure, standing in the flames, was reborn from the ashes

A strange sandalwood overflowed, instantly driving away the pungent smell of gunpowder smoke, giving a sense of tranquility in the heart

Li Qingshan took a step forward: "Xiao An, you finally... eh?"

The flames dissipated, a little girl, naked, holding the Buddha's seal in her hand, stood in the lotus petal-like flames, her skin was like pink and jade, a red mole on her forehead, and her eyes were like two black pearls. To the bottom, there is no trace of impurities and dirt, as pure as a red lotus

She was looking at her hands in confusion, as if she couldn't believe that she had really recovered her body. She raised her head and saw Li Qingshan. She didn't seem to be used to driving her face. There was no expression on her face, but her black pearl-like eyes suddenly burst out. The light of incomparable joy stretched out his arms to him

Li Qingshan was only stunned for a moment, then quickly stepped forward and hugged her tightly, tears overflowing from the corners of his eyes.

Just like a father who has been waiting for a long time outside the delivery room, although the child is born and knows that it is not the boy he thought at first, but the girl, but to him, this small accident is not a big deal, and it is not worth much. Care, this joy in my heart will not change in any way

Li Qingshan kept saying: "That's great"

After a long time, Li Qingshan suddenly felt awkward, not knowing what to say, wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and said, "Put on your clothes first."

Xiao An nodded obediently in his arms

Li Qingshan let go of her, rummaged through the treasure bag, and said distressedly: "But it's only boys' clothes, alas, you didn't say it earlier."

Xiao An shook her head, as if to say, I also forgot that after so many years, gender is irrelevant whether it is soul or bones

Li Qingshan was helpless. When he wanted to come to the goddess to abduct her, he pretended to be a boy in order to hide his eyes and ears. He has always been preconceived.

Li Qingshan reiterated his inspection of Xiao An, and once again confirmed that everything was correct, but found that there were patches of red marks on her body. Her skin was as delicate as a baby, like fine silk and satin, and would also be scratched, not to mention his rude hug.

Concerned: "Did it hurt you?"

Xiao An shook his head. Compared with the pain when blood flames burnt his body and Cang flames hardened his bones, this kind of pain is simply supreme happiness.

Li Qingshan carefully changed her clothes, as if holding a fragile rare treasure

Xiao An opened her eyes wide, wanting to say that she was not that fragile, but she was enjoying the care she received at this time.

Li Qingshan couldn't help pinching her cheeks. It felt very good in the hand. The delicate ones seemed to turn into running water and slide down from his fingertips. He stroked the red mole on her forehead. Will it also manifest in the flesh?

Xiao An is like a doll, obediently motionless, letting him knead, feeling the temperature from his fingertips, and his heart is ecstatic.

Li Qingshan patted her bare head and smiled: "It's a pity that there is no hair, but it will grow soon."

Xiao An blinked, then suddenly took a step back, clenched her fists tightly, held her breath, exerted all her strength, and her black hair grew frantically, and in a short while it fell from her shoulders and then to her waist.

Li Qingshan hurriedly said: "Okay, okay"

Only then did Xiao An stop exerting force. Her long hair had already grown to her knees. It was wet and dense like water plants, with a sudden curl. The pitch black did not reflect the luster. It was very special.

I saw that she was wearing a gorgeous lake silk shirt, like the extremely handsome young boy Li Qingshan, who couldn't tell what he liked. He had a big heart and couldn't help laughing. He just felt that the road ahead was bright, and there was nothing he couldn't do. matter

At this time, the neighing of the horses came from the lake, Li Qingshan turned his head to look, and saw the carriage passing through the thick fog, flying close, followed by a large ship

Li Qingshan frowned, if he guessed correctly, the artillery just now was fired from this big ship, and the carriage seemed to have a strong aura, and it was hostile. This is not the ability of a Qi refiner, it is pure demon. instinct

The carriage galloped ashore and stopped quietly in front of Li Qingshan

Li Qingshan saw an old woman in a red robe getting off the carriage, exuding an aura of forcing in. Even in Zhuo Zhibo, he had never felt such a powerful aura. There are Hua Chengzan, but they are much weaker than Hua Chengzan

The visitor is a master of the ninth level of qi refining

Grandma Ximen stepped out of the carriage, but her eyes slipped from Li Qingshan's body and fell on Xiao An beside him, and then she couldn't move anymore, her face was shocked, and she muttered: "Yao is like a spring flower, look forward to Liuguang, ice muscle jade. Bone, pink makeup and jade carving, how can one person have so many colors, wait, this... is this the legendary Yaoxiang national color? It's impossible."

Grandma Ximen is well-informed, and of course she can't be shocked by a child's appearance. The string of words she said are not simple words of praise.

In this door, the standards and names used to observe the appearance of entering the face, there are the appearance of the moon and flowers, the appearance of the beautiful bones, the appearance of peach blossoms, the appearance of fragrant skin and jade, the appearance of beautiful and delicious food, and so on, there are high and low, finely divided. For the third grade, with any hue, you can achieve twice the result with half the effort if you practice the seductive technique of the sect, and if you have a high hue, you can easily achieve ordinary effects.

Today's sect master has the "Peach Blossom in the Face", which is valued by the former Sect Master and accepted as a disciple, so that he can achieve today's achievements. She also stood out and became one of the four great grandmothers of the imperial clan. The oiran Hibiscus of Jiaping City, although she was plain in appearance, was accepted as a disciple because of her graceful appearance.

And among these various hues, there is one hue that exists only in legends, and that is the national color and fragrance.

The national color Yaoxiang is a combination of all kinds of colors, and it is the head of the group of fragrances, the crown of all colors, and it is because when Grandma Ximen saw Xiao An, she handed over a series of names of hues, and then finally came up with the name that made her not even herself. believable results

It is rumored that the appearance of this appearance is a sign of great chaos. Although it may not be accurate, it is said that the charm of this color, the beauty of the face, the disaster, the country and the city.

Grandma Ximen instantly left Li Qingshan aside, including the disappearance of outstanding disciples Zhao Liangqing and Furong, all of which were forgotten, and she stared at Xiao An and walked over step by step, almost more excited than Li Qingshan just now: "It's so beautiful, That's great." If she were to be taken as a disciple and brought back to the **** gate... Li Qingshan slammed in front of Grandma Ximen, interrupting her reverie and asking, "Who are you? What do you want?"

Grandma Ximen raised her head displeased and looked at Li Qingshan, who was much taller than him. The proud expression on her face seemed to be looking down: "Oh, you are Li Qingshan? Who are you?"

To be continued

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