Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 50 Lin Xuan

? “What, the quality is too poor, please take a closer look!”

Li Qingshan held a handful of brass picks and expressed his unwillingness to Guihai Lingzundao. [ads: This site has a new URL, shorthand:,] After wasting so much effort, he only got this little result, which was very different from what he imagined.

Guihai Lingzun glanced at the jade slip again, and unexpectedly took back a blackwood sign from Li Qingshan's hand.

Li Qingshan was angry, these bookmarks together were not enough for one jade sign! This old bastard's pockmarks are not pockmarks, they are deceitful.

Guihai Lingzun suddenly asked: "Where did you get these books?"

Li Qingshan rolled his eyes. There was no point in lying in front of this old bastard, so he simply didn't answer.

Guihai Lingzun said earnestly: "Don't be dissatisfied. Compared with the last time, the quality of the book you brought this time is much worse. I never misestimate the value of a book."

"It is my fault."

Li Qingshan thought about it and had to admit this. The books he brought last time were all fine products that had been sifted through millions of years, but this time they were created by a group of money-seeking people in just a few years. Although they went through some selection, The quality is certainly not the same.

This shortcut is really not that easy to take!

That’s all, let’s find another way!

I was about to say goodbye and leave, never to come again. Guihai Lingzun took out another jade sign and handed it to Li Qingshan.

What is this, hitting a stick and giving a sweet date?

Li Qingshan wondered: "Is this a consolation prize?"

Guihai Lingzun said: "This is the deposit."

Li Qingshan said: "Don't you think books are bad?"

Guihai Lingzun said with a smile but not a smile: "It's not good this time, it doesn't mean the next time is not good. I left some comments on the jade slip. You should study it carefully. I believe it will be better in the future."

Li Qingshan felt a shiver in his heart. These books were not written by him, so there was nothing he could do to research them.

Suddenly, I discovered that there was a huge flaw in this matter from the beginning. Although the novel is fiction, it must be based on reality.

Guihai Lingzun is a being who can deduce a lot of information with just one or two sentences. Look at his half-smiling expression,

It seems that all cause and effect have been penetrated. These novels may be unintentional. A lot has been exposed.

Most of the so-called shortcuts are dangerous. If you take one careless step, you will fall into the abyss and be shattered to pieces.

What a mistake! What a mistake! Li Qingshan decisively returned the green jade sign to Guihai Lingzun: "Sorry. No more."

Guihai Lingzun had already turned around and walked away: "It's difficult to recover the water. If you can't bring more and better books, you are bullying me and you will be severely punished!"

Li Qingshan felt a pain in his balls. Guihai Lingzun meant: It's too late to regret now, you have already entered the den of thieves. If you don't satisfy me, there's no way you can escape unscathed.

Guihai Lingzun suddenly stopped: "Do you want to know the secret of longevity?"

"Huh? I think so."

"Mind your own business."

Li Qingshan frowned and walked out of the Tianshu Tower. He took a deep breath of the cold air and relaxed his brows. He had no regrets because he had no choice. From the moment he refused to leave the Wanxiang Sect, he was taking a risk. This was a dangerous road. He had to go.

It is not necessarily a bad thing for Guihai Lingzun to know more about the situation, at least it can reduce some suspicions. People are always kinder to things that they can understand and control. You can get a glimpse of it through Guihai Lingzun's attitude today.

And he does not have any ill intentions towards Wanxiang Sect. I came here just to practice, and everything I did was beneficial to the development of Wanxiang Sect. I believe Guihai Lingzun saw all this and would "meddle less".

Even if the worst outcome is that the fight between him and Silong is exposed in the future, it was before he joined the Wanxiang Sect, and it cannot be regarded as fighting against the same sect. And in the end, Silong was not killed, it was just a personal enmity for each other's interests.

I believe that when that day comes, he will already be a true disciple. The Wanxiang Sect does not need to deal with an existing true disciple because of a true disciple who fell into the demonic realm.

all in all. Good luck.

And as Guihai Lingzun said: "It's not good this time, it doesn't mean it's bad next time."

Yunxu City has just been built, and everything is still in its infancy. Since "senior readers" like Guihai Lingzun are willing to believe that the next time will be better, he has no reason to doubt it. This shortcut can still be taken.

Standing on the high platform and looking around, Vientiane City is covered in snow and silver, and everywhere is decorated with lanterns and colorful lights, beaming with joy.

The cold wind is filled with the faint aroma of wine, attracting greedy insects. Following the aroma, I found a restaurant. I tasted a glass of each wine and chose the best one. Pour all the bookmarks from this book donation into the iron gourd. After taking a few big sips, a wave of heat rolled in my stomach, and my mood suddenly became happy.

Then he remembered the list of all things that the female monk said, and looked for it out of curiosity.

The square was crowded with people and busy with traffic. Talking, laughing, and shouting came one after another, filling the sky.

Among the surging crowds, Li Qingshan stood motionless in front of the Vientiane List, turning a deaf ear to the commotion. He stared straight at the top of the Vientiane List, the heat in his belly gradually cooling down, and a sense of crisis arose.

Number one on the Vientiane list—Lin Xuan!

In other words - Chu Tian.

It turns out that he is the senior brother of Wanxiang Sect!

In an instant, the past whizzed by, and many doubts were answered.

Chu Tian is the reincarnation of Lin Xuan, the senior brother of Wanxiang Sect. His unparalleled talent comes from this. After all, he was the Human Emperor in his previous life. Although he is not a true "reincarnation of a heavenly being", even in heaven there are few heavenly beings who can compare with him.

Qian Rongzhi's climbing vine probably came from him, when he was still the stupid Chu Tian. She was able to gain such trust from Silong and succeed in the counterattack in the end, probably because she impersonated Lin Xuan.

Only when I came to the Wanxiang Sect did I realize how precious a volume of the Heavenly Book was. It was the ultimate skill that could lead to becoming an immortal. Lin Xuan was able to randomly take out a volume of "Yun Lu Tian Shu" to express his gratitude to Ru Xin, which was such an astonishing generosity.

But more doubts arose, why did Lin Xuan reincarnate?

First of all, it was definitely not to cooperate with Silong's plan, because he also found Silong's name on the Vientiane List, and he happened to be the last true disciple. How could the strongest cooperate with the weakest, let alone make such a big sacrifice?

A mere Kyushu is not worth Lin Xuan giving up everything, not to mention that Silong is bound to win Kyushu, and it is impossible for Lin Xuan to monopolize it as his own territory.

For the Wanxiang Sect, it is completely worthless to exchange a true disciple for a cave, let alone the senior brother of the Wanxiang Sect.

Then there is only one explanation: Lin Xuan's life span is about to expire and he has to re-enter reincarnation.

If Lotte can gamble with Niutou Abang, then Lin Xuan can naturally do some tricks based on his identity and cultivation, so he successfully reincarnated into the world of Kyushu and brought a climbing vine, even if he was reincarnated as a dog, he could do it Quickly become sperm.

As for why he is not reincarnated in the human world, there are several reasons. The human world is too vast and difficult to find. If it can be found easily, the Wanxiang Sect is probably not without enemies. Moreover, in the human world, the strength of low-level practitioners is too weak, and their safety is basically not guaranteed.

It was different in the Kyushu world. With Chutian's talent and the help of the Climbing Sky Vine, he could quickly emerge and have the basic ability to protect himself. Moreover, the system of the Hundred Schools of Confucianism was simply tailor-made for him.

Lin Xuan and Si Long had a close relationship. Si Long could become an emperor so quickly, presumably because of a lot of help from this "elder brother". It seems that Lin Xuan has been making preparations since then. With this relationship, Silong can be his guide and help him recover his memory and cultivation as soon as possible and return to the Wanxiang Sect.

It's a pity that God is not as good as man. Before his memory and cultivation could be restored, he was bitten by Qian Rongzhi, a poisonous snake, and almost died.

Although some memories were restored as a blessing in disguise, but as you can see from what happened to the Big Banyan Tree King, this memory must be incomplete. The soul of a foundation-building monk who had been severely injured could not carry all the memories of a human emperor.

There is a huge amount of information contained in any volume of the Heavenly Book. In order to reincarnate and rebuild, he may have prepared more than one volume of the Heavenly Book. Coupled with a large amount of experience in cultivation, the memory left for other aspects is even more limited.

Under such unexpected circumstances, even if his name was restored, this Lin Xuan was no longer the same Lin Xuan. Even that magnanimity was false, he was still the same Chu Tian in his heart, and he did not survive this life and death disaster in the end. (To be continued.)

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