
With a crash, Li Qingshan was pulled up from the sea. Ruan Yaozhu grabbed Li Qingshan's clothes tightly: "Li Qingshan, you..."

Li Qingshan was surprised. He didn't expect that she also had such a side. It was probably because she was in the Yang Shen state. She was not bound by the physical body, so it was difficult to control her emotions. It was probably because of this that his Nascent Soul suddenly became possessed.

But thinking about it this way, I felt even more that Guihai Lingzun was cheating.

If he hadn't practiced the "Nine Transformations of Gods and Demons", this time would have been a hundred times more dangerous. The Nascent Soul is not just as simple as turning into a demon infant and becoming his enemy, but he himself becomes a demon directly, and everything is out of control. Because for ordinary Yuanying monks, Yuanying is the condensation of strength and will. Losing Yuanying means losing everything.

This volume of "The Book of Freedom", which has never been practiced by anyone, is too dangerous for him to be a guinea pig. It's hard to say how malicious Guihai Lingzun is, but fortunately he is not an ordinary guinea pig.

While his thoughts were wandering, his whole body tensed up, and the green ribbon behind Ruan Yaozhu wrapped tightly around his body like a spiritual snake.

Li Qingshan looked innocent: "What's wrong with me?"

"What is your purpose in joining the Wanxiang Sect? How sorry am I for you? Why did you lie to me?"

Ruan Yaozhu's voice trembled slightly, whether it was anger or sadness, maybe both.

"No one else believes in you, and Jiu'er also advised me to stay away from you. Because of you, senior sister and I both lost our tempers, and you actually... actually..."

"calm down!"

Li Qingshan had no power to resist now, but when faced with an angry Yang Shen cultivator, he didn't feel scared at all, but instead felt a little inexplicably moved.

"I am going to kill you!"

Ruan Yaozhu's eyes glowed with green light, his three thousand blue hairs moved without wind, and his voice revealed inhuman power. Echoing between sea and sky. Li Qingshan felt a bit like facing a catastrophe. Even though she was not good at fighting, she was still a Yangshen cultivator after all. And is it true that practicing the "Book of Nature" means you are not good at fighting?

"Uh... then you kill me!"

Li Qingshan closed his eyes and felt that the momentum was getting stronger and stronger. It almost engulfed him. It was not the murderous intent of living beings, but the indifference and ruthlessness of "the world is unkind and treats all things as stupid dogs". However, he clearly felt the anger from it, the anger that should not be there.

Sure enough, after a moment, his whole body felt relaxed. The ribbon comes loose.

I saw the light on her body gradually shrinking,

Turn around and face him: "Let's go!"

Li Qingshan admired her slender and graceful back and said with a smile: "Then I will go back to Wanxiang Sect first."

"Monsters cannot stay in Wanxiang Sect. Don't think that I will hide it for you." Ruan Yaozhu raised his head proudly.

Li Qingshan thought for a while: "Not even the mount?"


Li Qingshan didn't dare to joke anymore. The rabbit would bite people when it was anxious. He was kicked severely by a "rabbit" not long ago. But after thinking about it for a while, he had come up with a perfect way to say it: "Senior Sister Ruan, don't be angry. I am neither a monster nor have I ever deceived you."

"You still dare to say that. Do you really think I dare not kill you?" Ruan Yaozhu gritted his teeth in hatred.

"I heard that the Wanxiang Sect has a volume of the "Book of True Dragons" in which practitioners can inspire the blood of true dragons and transform into true dragons. Are they also monsters?"

"This is different. Could it be that your appearance is also a result of practice?"

"Of course. Have you ever seen such a weird monster?"

Ruan Yaozhu was thoughtful, no matter how he looked or smelled, he looked like a big demon, but if he thought about it carefully, his bloodline was too confusing.

Li Qingshan walked around to her, looked directly into her eyes, and said sincerely: "I said I am an ordinary human being. Do you believe me?"

This is indeed not a lie.

Ruan Yaozhu sighed: "Okay, I believe you. I blamed you wrongly."

The Wanxiang Sect has many practitioners who are art masters, and the "Wanxiang Heavenly Book" is also all-encompassing and full of strange things. It is true that one cannot judge a person’s crime based on his skills.

But he added: "But you lied to me, I will not forgive you, you have to leave Baicao Garden!"

Li Qingshan smiled and said: "Without me, do you want to invite Shen Yushu back? I'm afraid he won't have time now."

Ruan Yaozhu clenched his fists: "You also want to threaten me. I have hands and feet, so I don't need help from others."

Li Qingshan couldn't help but laugh. She was like a little girl losing her temper now, spreading her hands: "But I didn't lie to you! This technique is my biggest secret. It was taught to me by a person who is very important to me." Mine, even if Guihai Lingzun wanted it, I didn’t give it to me.”

"Guihai Lingzun also knows?" Ruan Yaozhu was doubtful.

"He 'old man' doesn't know anything. If he didn't know, how could he be summoned to the Heavenly Book Tower as soon as I entered the building and try to kick me out? How could he give me such a volume of Heavenly Book? He simply wants me to die."

Li Qingshan shook his head with deep resentment. The four catastrophes that were supposed to be easily overcome ended up almost killing him.

Ruan Yaozhu said curiously: "You are talking nonsense. Since Guihai Lingzun wants to drive you out, how can you stay."

"Of course it's because I'm very charming, don't look at me like that..."

Under the sky full of stars, Li Qingshan spoke eloquently, and Ruan Yaozhu listened silently. His experience was so bizarre that it didn't matter if he could convince Guihai Lingzun, but he was "secretly plotted" by Guihai Lingzun.

"Actually, it can't be considered a plot. This is indeed a set of skills that are most suitable for me. I can stay here to assure him, 'Old Man,' that I have absolutely no ill intentions towards the Wanxiang Sect. You know, he can tell the truth." It’s still a lie, can you?”

Li Qingshan suddenly asked, his eyes burning.


"Although there are still many things I can't tell you, I can assure you that I have no ill intentions towards you. On the contrary, I wish you well and want to help you. If you are in danger, I will sacrifice my life even if you are in danger." I will also protect you.”

Li Qingshan put his hand on his chest, his expression was extremely sincere, and there was not a word of falsehood. A woman who is kind to him, genuinely cares about her, and extremely kind is indeed worth his life to protect.

Ruan Yaozhu's eyes flickered and his face moved slightly: "You...I..."

If someone else said this, they would probably find it ridiculous. You survived the catastrophe with only the cultivation of Yin God, but to say that you want to protect a Yang God cultivator is simply overestimating your capabilities.

But she couldn't help but think of his conversation with the demon infant and his heroic appearance fighting against the thunder sword, and she couldn't question a single word.

Li Qingshan grinned, clenched his fists on his chest, his eyes flashed, and leaned forward: "So please, let me stay in Baicao Garden! It doesn't matter if I can't mount a mount, I can become anything. Do you like Phoenix or Spirit?" Turtle, cow or tiger? Monkeys don’t seem to be suitable..."

Ruan Yaozhu took a step back, his face slightly dizzy: "Don't talk nonsense!"

Li Qingshan took a step forward: "I'm serious."

With a flash of green light, Ruan Yaozhu ran away as if running away, leaving behind a sentence: "You can stay if you like!"

Li Qingshan laughed loudly, pulling all the flesh and blood on his body, and every inch of his body was tingling: "Ah, it hurts!"

With a splash, he fell headlong into the sea. (To be continued)

ps: I hope I can see you again in my lifetime!

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