Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 82 Planning

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Li Qingshan touched his chin and thought: "The most important thing now is to confirm Xiao Ming's safety. It is best to rescue him, and the cave is the second best."

Gu Yanying muttered: "Lin Xuan is the senior brother of the Wanxiang Sect. I'm afraid his cave is not that easy to enter."

"Don't worry, I have obtained the formation plate of Xuanming Cave." Li Qingshan smiled proudly and pointed to the wound on his chest: "That's why I received this punch."

And he also has a trump card, which is the Yin Demon. With these two conditions, it is not impossible to sneak into Xuanming Cave.

"As expected of Li Qingshan." Gu Yanying praised and asked: "Can you control the mountain guarding formation?"

"No, this is just a key." Li Qingshan also felt a little regretful, otherwise things would have been much simpler.

"Then just change the lock." Xiao An looked at Gu Yanying.

Gu Yanying's eyes lit up: "Yes, that dragon's head doesn't look very bright. I can try to lure him out. If you can take the opportunity to seize control of the cave, then we will be in a reversal position and almost stand on the right side of the cave. invincible position."

Li Qingshan said in surprise: "You want to lure the snake out of the cave? That is a real dragon that has experienced five heavenly tribulations!"

"Don't worry, he won't catch up with me that easily."

Gu Yanying looked confident. During the four catastrophic thunders, she had completely merged with the feathers of the sky. She was no longer a human or an eagle. She was gradually transforming into a real Kunpeng, which was enough to make up for the gap in realm.

"You don't need to go faster than that dragon. When you took Xuanming Cave by force, he must have sensed it and wanted to come back to guard the house. I can resist a little longer and buy you some time."

Li Qingshan smiled and said: "Can you block it? Don't save one person and then get another one in."

Xiao An smiled and said nothing. The four heavenly tribulations were equally important to her. She had completed the fourth level of the "Red Face and White Bones Path" and reached Sotapanna among the four fruits of the Buddhist Arhat. Condensed into a jade body of white bones.

The joints all over the body began to condense into white bone relics, and at the same time, the body chakra penetrated. All kinds of bone secret treasures were re-refined by her. Although all the savings were squandered. But the strength has crossed a huge level.

"Very good." Li Qingshan breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, I'm not idle either." With their help, he felt more confident.

I discussed it with them again. Let them leave here to find a place to practice while he returns to Wanxiang City again.

Walking on the road, everyone looked at me sideways. The thirty-year bet with the true disciples and the thirty-year battle with Chao Tianjiao had made the name "Li Qingshan" spread throughout the Wanxiang Sect, and Li Liehuo's punch completely made him famous.

A disciple who entered the house actually made enemies with the senior brother and senior sister of the Wanxiang Sect at the same time. Even the true disciples would bow down in front of them, but they met a stubborn one.

Random gambling house.

"Boy. I really don't know whether to call you crazy or praise you for being brave!"

While Lotte was pacing back and forth with the sieve, he looked at Li Qingshan up and down with a mocking look on his face.

Li Qingshan grinned: "Anything is fine."

"Why did you come to me? Are you going to help you collect the body?"

Lotte asked, seeing that this dark horse was about to turn into a dead horse. His bet of a thousand sapphire lots and his gambling debt of a thousand sapphire lots, adding up to a total of 2,000 sapphire lots, were all in vain. Even he felt the pain in his body.

Pi Yangqiu probably got the news. He hurried over and complained: "Junior brother, you are really right. That cave is not yours anyway, and you can't swallow it in a short time, so just give it to senior brother, so as to avoid endless troubles. Now not only do you He will definitely blame me for being trapped to death."

"Did you run away from me?" Letian sighed: "I was wrong, I shouldn't have bet with you from the beginning."

This bet made him extremely depressed. If he won, he would win in vain, if he lost, he would lose in vain. He was also forcibly tied up with this kid. Originally practiced in Wanxiang Sect. How come there are so many life and death crises, but this kid is so good at seeking death. Can't stop it.

Suddenly he became furious and strangled Li Qingshan's neck: "Give me the green jade sign!"

Faced with the complaints and anger of the two true disciples. Anyone else would have been frightened, but Li Qingshan burst out laughing.

Pi Yangqiu was slightly startled, Lotte's eyes were full of meaning, and the anger seemed to be just the surface.

"It's really pitiful that these two senior brothers are acting like this. I have a plan to ensure that you get your own jade lot."

Pi Yangqiu said in surprise: "We can't do anything, what can you do?"

Li Qingshan glanced at him: "Let go!"

Letian let go of his hand and said, "Interesting."

Li Qingshan straightened his clothes: "How much do you think the things that Senior Brother Lin left behind in Xuanming Cave are worth?"

Pi Yangqiu said: "It's hard to estimate."

"Can you pay off your gambling debt?"

"It must be enough!" Letian had already guessed what Li Qingshan was thinking and felt excited. It was really interesting. This bet was gradually becoming more and more crazy.

Li Qingshan said: "I plan to capture Xuanming Cave before being sent to the army. If I die in battle, not only will I pay off Senior Brother Le's gambling debt, but the share of Senior Brother Pi's loss will also be counted on me. How about that?" "

Pi Yangqiu said: "Junior brother, it is impossible for us to deal with Ao Xuan directly."

Li Qingshan said: "I didn't let you take action."

Lotte said: "Then what do you want?"

"Senior Sister Ruan will ask the True Chuan Palace to review my recruitment order, and ask the two senior brothers to help her and delay some time for me. Also, lend me two thousand green jade lots, one thousand for each person, it is fair, right?"

Pi Yangqiu was stunned and said seriously: "You are really crazy."

If two thousand green jade lots are added, then this bet has expanded to an incredible level. Add in the bets with Ge Xing and other true disciples, and it is close to the mark of ten thousand green jade lots. The ordinary small sect It would take ten thousand years to accumulate so many resources.

Li Qingshan smiled and said: "No, this is called raising a bet! Now I just want to ask, do you bet?"

Pi Yangqiu said doubtfully: "You guys don't want to roll up something and run away!"

Li Qingshan looked directly at him, his eyes sharp and clear.

"Sorry, I made a mistake."

Letian played with the sieve: "If we don't bet, will you still go to Xuanming Cave?"

"Of course, I have to go. I want to make a break before going to the battlefield."

Letian licked his lips and threw out a thousand sapphire lottery tickets: "Okay, I'll bet."

In order to break free from this self-imposed cocoon, keep increasing your bets until your feet are deep in the mud and your eyes are red. If you don't make your face blush, your heart beats, and your blood pumps, it's not gambling.

Li Qingshan looked at Pi Yangqiu: "What about you, Senior Brother Pi?"

Pi Yangqiu pondered for a long time and sighed: "We have reached this point, what is there to say? Thirty years is too long, I want to see the results immediately."

He dared to risk his life, probably because he had some confidence! In a gambling game that was destined to fail, a chance to make money suddenly appeared, and the result could be seen immediately. How could a gambler be willing to admit defeat?

Li Qingshan accepted another thousand green jade lots and left Luanming Gambling House and went straight to Tianshu Tower.

Letian and Pi Yangqiu stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, watching Li Qingshan disappear into the criss-crossing streets.

Pi Yangqiu couldn't help but asked: "Hey, did we make a mistake in our bet?"

Lotte said: "Who knows until the last moment? Don't you think this tastes wonderful?"

"After this round of gambling, I will quit gambling."

As soon as Li Qingshan stepped into the Tianshu Tower, he was immediately summoned by Guihai Spirit Master. As expected, he never failed.

Guihai Lingzun said: "I have prepared what you want, it is worth two thousand two hundred green jade lots."

This happens to be all Li Qingshan's current assets.

Li Qingshan grinned and browsed through the items without saying anything else. They included:

The formation diagram of the Xuanming Formation is extremely complex and mysterious, which allows him to save time on deductions and control the Xuanming Cave as quickly as possible.

"Five Elements Divine Escape" and "Phantom Demon Escape", the former focuses on rapid escape without hindrance, while the latter focuses on undetected change and concealment. They cooperate with each other and complement each other. This is the basic guarantee for him to sneak into Xuanming Cave.

In all the battle records of senior brother Lin Xuan, the true dragon Ao Xuan, as a mount, occupies a very important position in it. Magical powers, spells, and fighting methods are all described, and their temperament can even be deduced and analyzed.

Then use this "Secret Scroll of Inner Demons" to make use of it, which contains the most mysterious and unpredictable secrets of inner demons. Practicing it can not only guard against inner demons internally, but also activate the inner demons of enemies externally.

The above together only occupy a small space, and the most voluminous ones are the scriptures of various sects that believe in the Lord of Freedom, which are called "dust-painted heretics" by Buddhism.

His thoughts are extremely profound, but also absurd and unspeakable. The content is comprehensive yet contradictory.

There are many magic methods recorded in it, which are definitely different from ordinary magic, covering everything from charm, escape, change, destruction, etc.

For example, the "Xingli Sect"'s method of dual cultivation, the "Mercury Sect"'s alchemy technique, the "Beast Lord Sect"'s magical method, and even the "Sacred Code Sect"'s living sacrifice ceremony to invite gods, etc., there are only things that I can't think of and haven't done yet. Less than.

If all of these can be integrated, it will not only be greatly beneficial to practice, but also the "Zi Zi Tian Shu" will exert extraordinary power.

Li Qingshan threw out all the green jade lots without hesitation: "I bought it!" and asked: "Why help me?"

"This is my duty." Guihai Lingzun left without looking back.

A Kunpeng who has inherited the feathers of Huntian, and a successor of the White Bone Bodhisattva, all these naturally cannot escape his eyes. Even if you don't understand the prophecy at all, some things are gradually becoming clear, revealing shocking information.

I dare not make enemies with them, let alone be friends with them. One wrong step may lead to eternal disaster. A mere turtle that has not become an immortal cannot bear any consequences. We can only wait and see what happens, go with the flow, continue to observe, collect more information, and then make a judgment.

Li Qingshan cupped his hands and said: "Thank you!" (To be continued)

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