Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 84 Poison Fire

The sky is high and the sea is vast, Li Qingshan is flying across the vast sea. In less than a month, it is so tight that it is almost impossible to make adequate preparations.

If he could be given a few years to practice slowly, the ape demon would reach the fifth level and his full strength would be restored. If we sort through these various schools of thought that believe in the Great Freedom Demon Lord, our cultivation will skyrocket and our magic power will increase dramatically. How could it be so difficult to deal with a mere real dragon that had experienced five heavenly tribulations?

Moreover, after becoming the Demon Emperor, he should have derived at least five new innate magical powers, but now they have been blocked due to many reasons. Although it is a talent, there is still a process for birds to learn to fly. If you understand it slowly, it's not that you can't understand it, but the problem is still that there is not enough time.

It would be great to be able to comprehend one or two innate magical powers in a month, but it would be almost impossible to operate them freely. Moreover, the actual effect of the new innate magical power is still unknown.

Maybe the hard work of understanding it will not help at all in defeating Ao Xuan. This is not surprising at all. He now has a thorough understanding of the many magical powers, but not every one of them can be used in every battle. It would be better to spend your time practicing these spells related to the "Book of Freedom", at least with a clear goal.

This is fate, it will not wait until you are ready before giving you a test, but will attack you head-on all the time.

Li Qingshan took a deep breath, put all these distracting thoughts behind, concentrated all his thoughts on his hands, and thought about how to maximize them and overcome this difficulty.

First, I browsed through senior brother Lin Xuan's battle narrative. There were no pictures, only words. However, Lin Xuan's greatness at that time still surged out from the lines. He was worthy of the eight words "Invincible. Undefeated." It was very surprising. Fascinated.

A volume of "True Dragon Heavenly Book" gave rise to ever-changing methods in his hands, and he defeated and killed countless powerful enemies on the battlefield.

He is not only powerful in himself. He is also quite capable of commanding, he is wise and decisive, and he is able to obey others. Legions other than the Wanxiang Sect are also willing to accept his orders. The Lin Xuan that Li Qingshan knew was completely different from him, let alone the clown Chu Tian.

Although it may be an exaggeration, it is definitely not groundless. At least he is more worthy of the title of "Elder Brother" than Li Liehuo and Chao Tianjiao.

However, the great road is ruthless. If you cannot become an immortal, once the deadline is approaching, what can you do even if you are a hero for a lifetime? If you reincarnate and rebuild, you will not be the same as before.

And in all Lin Xuan's deeds. They all have the shadow of Ao Xuan, and they even had a strong record of fighting against the five demon emperors alone. Although it was just a hard battle and ended with Lin Xuan leading people to rescue him, after reading this article, Li Qingshan's mood became more solemn.

At least for now, this real dragon is still a formidable enemy that he can't defeat.

The breath of death became strong, and the fighting spirit in his heart was as strong as fire.

He himself didn't notice it, and subconsciously pursed his lips and bulged his eyes, with a stubborn look on his face. Like a stubborn cow.

At this time, a green island appeared on the sea level, just between Vientiane City and Xuanming Cave. Thousands of miles away from both.

Li Qingshan descended from the sky without saying a word and shared the information he got with Gu Yanying and Xiao An.

"We don't have much time, so we will give it fifteen days. Then I will try to find Xiao Ming and prepare to fight Ao Xuan to the death!"

Gu Yanying said: "Understood." Xiao An nodded silently.

So Li Qingshan said no more, turned around and walked towards the depths of the island, and immediately began to practice, starting with "Five Elements Divine Escape".

Deep in the dense forest, a big tree blocked the way. I don’t know how many years it has been growing on this island. I’m afraid it would take more than a dozen people to hug each other. It looks like a wall up close.

Li Qingshan walked straight over and walked silently into the wooden wall. The small world inside the body is still in a semi-chaotic state. Breathing in and out, expanding and contracting, constantly moving.

One Dharma can pass, all Dharmas can pass.

If an ordinary monk wants to cultivate "Five Elements Divine Escape" to a small degree, it will take years at least.

But for him, who had just completed the first level of "Kilin Immortality Strategy", Wood Escape was no longer difficult.

He walked in the dense forest like this, passing through trees, until a big mountain blocked the way.

He smiled slightly and jumped into the rocks like a carp leaping through a dragon's gate. In an instant, he turned into a ray of light, traveling through the mountains. This is the true escape method. Not only is it not hindered, but it can also take advantage of the situation to travel through. Earth Escape is as easy as breathing for him.

There is a lot of gold and iron in the mountains, so the obstacles are bigger than the earth and rocks, but it is not difficult. The running escape method reached the depths of the mountain, and suddenly it rushed downwards. The heat gradually surged up, and the boundless sea of ​​​​fire suddenly rushed towards the face.

Li Qingshan's heart moved: "Oh, it turns out this is an extinct volcano!"

The earthly evil elemental magnetism disrupted the spell, and the escape light flickered uncertainly. The "Five Elements Divine Escape" became sometimes ineffective, and was instantly swallowed up by the sea of ​​fire.

Among the Five Elements Escape methods, practicing Fire Escape is the most dangerous. The worst case scenario for earth escape is to be buried alive, and for water escape it is just being flooded, which is not fatal to the practitioner, but being burned by fire is not that uncomfortable. Generally, you have to practice in a cauldron first, and you have to find relatives and friends to take care of you so that you can contain the flames at any time. In this way, it is very easy to get injured or even die.

It is simply unheard of for someone like Li Qingshan to practice in the Earth Fire from the very beginning.

Not only is the fire poison here very strong, but it is also affected by the earth's evil magnetism. Moreover, the magma is not pure flame, and one has to be proficient in earth escape, metal escape, and so on. Once you make a slight mistake, the consequences will be disastrous.

Probably because Li Qingshan has long been accustomed to coordinating various forces, under the influence of the earth evil magnetism, he just maintained his escape method. He can enter the earth without being hindered, enter the fire without being hurt, and wander around at will.

At this moment, he suddenly encountered a bubble in the earth, which burst suddenly, the magma was boiling, and the magnetism was chaotic.

The escape method immediately failed, and there was a burning sensation in the chest. The healed wound burst again, and blood and flames spurted out like a volcano. This was the remaining power of Li Liehuo's punch.

Li Qingshan's whole body was burned. Even with Phoenix bloodline, he felt unbearably hot, and the rolling magma was squeezing in from all directions.

Although he had the experience of walking through magma and fire, and he had to do so with his physical body, this was the human world, and everything around him was telling him a simple fact:

"Here, you're not that strong!"

The passion and wantonness that traveled across Kyushu in the past seemed like a distant dream. Just like when he first came to the small world, "Invincible" is just a childish game played by children.

Is that all? Is that all?

Li Qingshan asked himself, gritted his teeth, and silently felt every pain in his body. All the situations he experienced after coming to the human world came to his mind. Being used as a pawn for gambling, being driven by random insults, being pushed into desperate situations step by step, leaving life and death behind but trying to maintain dignity, there is still a hole in the chest.

He clenched his fists, let out a hysterical roar, and jumped into the depths of the fire.

There was a rumble, the mountains and rivers shook, and the earth roared.

Xiao An suddenly looked back: "Qingshan!" (To be continued)

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