Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 93 Dividing the spoils

"Hey, I'm so*!"

Li Qingshan waved his arms proudly. Originally he just wanted to hear Ao Xuan's last words and didn't want to cause trouble by raising a "dragon". There is a huge difference in strength between them. Today, it was only through the suppression of the Xuan Ming Formation and an unexpected blow that he was able to subdue him.

Even so, he is still in the state of "Bull Demon Transformation" at all times, ready to punch him at any time. If you accidentally let the "dragon" return to the mountain, you will regret it too late. But listening to Luohu Xiaoming's wishes, he might really be able to subdue Ao Xuan.

He smiled and asked Xiao Ming: "Hey, aren't you afraid of being doomed?"

"Huh, I'm not following you, I just happen to be on the same road."

Luo Hu Xiaoming said proudly, but he knew in his heart that from the moment he fought side by side with Li Qingshan, there was no turning back. It was not just as simple as returning to the Ashura Path to avenge his hatred. What's more, he didn't want to look back. As the bloodthirsty and warlike son of Asura, it would be regrettable if he missed the greatest killing calamity in the world.

"I have already guessed a thing or two about your origins. Alas, fate is like this, what can I do?"

Ao Xuan said aggrievedly, confirming that he was "in big trouble" and seemed to really admit defeat.

Li Qingshan grabbed the dragon's horn and raised his fist: "I still think this guy is unreliable, why not kill him to make up for it."

"Yeah, yeah!" Xiao An nodded, the dragon blood and dragon scales tasted great.

"Spare your life! Spare your life! You must be reliable! You must be reliable!" Ao Xuan quickly begged for mercy, losing all his last bit of strength. To a certain extent, he was quite "flexible and flexible".

"Don't worry, I have a way." Luohu Xiaoming said: "Xiaolong, are you willing to be my mount?"

Ao Xuan said flatteringly: "Yes, yes. Serving as a mount for the gods is exactly what Xiaolong dreams of."

"Be careful of backlash." Li Qingshan reminded, if Ao Xuan could be subdued, the benefits would be much greater than killing him with one knife, but their current combined strength is not as good as Ao Xuan. Once he finds an opportunity to bite back, he would be extremely stupid.

"Very well, then don't resist!"

Luohu Xiaoming walked forward with a ferocious smile, cut the palm of his right hand, and pressed it on the dragon's head.

In an instant, blood and darkness filled the air at the same time. Covering Ao Xuan.

Ao Xuan immediately struggled, and the dragon's body stirred up the lake, making the waves turbulent for a while.

He just wanted to find an opportunity to counterattack, and it was just right to become a mount. It was impossible for a weak person to control a strong one. Whether it is with magic weapons or spells, there is a way to break it.

But he forgot one thing. The opponent was not an ordinary monk, but the Rahu God Clan. Since ancient times, they have inherited a set of methods of subduing mounts. Among them, the most powerful one is the "Dark Blood Pact". With the purest Watered by the divine blood, the strength is connected and the blood is blended.

Li Qingshan stepped on the faucet hard: "What? Do you still dare to resist?"

Ao Xuan tried his best to resist Luo Hu Xiaoming, expelling all the divine blood, and his expression became ferocious again: "There is something you need to tell me. Otherwise, I would rather die than give in!"

Li Qingshan asked: "What's the matter?"

"Did you kill Lin Xuan?" Ao Xuan asked. This was purely an intuition. He felt that he should not fall so easily, unless he encountered an unpredictable and powerful enemy, such as these few in front of him.

Li Qingshan and Xiao An looked at each other. Chu Tian was killed by Qian Ronzhi because he was seriously injured in a fight with Li Qingshan. Of course, Lin Xuan was killed by Qian Rongzhi as a result of Xiao An leaking the secret. The latter is conjectured. I really can’t say it has nothing to do with them.

Then they shook their heads together: "Absolutely not."

"Really?" Ao Xuan was doubtful.

Li Qingshan swore calmly: "If I kill him, I will be punished by heaven and earth, and I will not die a good death!"

"Okay then!" Ao Xuan closed his eyes. He finally gave in and allowed the divine blood to blend into his body. The dragon's blood was like boiling magma. Knowing that Luohu Xiaoming was seeking revenge, he had no choice but to bow his head and endure.

After a while, Ao Xuan opened his eyes again. Under the influence of the blood of the god Rahu, the blinded eye had been completely healed. The golden light was shining brightly, each reflecting a black sun and moon, and the dragon scales around him became darker. .

Luohu Xiaoming took a few steps back, his face was pale, and he looked very weak.

"Ao Xuan, the grudge between you and me has been wiped out. If you are willing to accept me as your master, I will not treat you badly. If you want to betray me, you will be burned by the fire of karma!"

Ao Xuan bowed his head: "Yes, Master."

At this point, the war has just come to an end, and Ao Xuan can no longer make any waves.

Li Qingshan touched his chin: "Suddenly I remembered that I also have a mount! It's time to summon him and reunite the four heavenly kings. Hey, where is our 'Wangfeng King'?"

The ocean current was not smooth, and Gu Yanying, who had turned into a big fish, got tired of swimming and was floating in the vast sea.

"So slow!!!"

The sound is like a whale song.

When she finally rushed back to Xuanming Cave after a long journey, Li Qingshan had already begun to check the loot under the guidance of Ao Xuan, the leader.

The owner of this Xuanming Cave is worthy of being the senior brother of Wanxiang Sect for many years, and is much richer than Silong.

Among them are twelve volumes of heavenly books, such as "True Dragon Heavenly Book", "Zhenfu Heavenly Book", "Yunlu Heavenly Book" and so on. Although it is only a small part of "Wanxiang Heavenly Book", it contains all directions of practice, such as "True Heavenly Book". "Long Tian Shu" focuses on refining the body, while "Yun Lu Tian Shu" focuses on alchemy.

They are probably all prepared for reincarnation. Although they are of little use to him, if placed in the world of Five Continents, any volume of the Heavenly Book can establish a large sect. When gathered together, a "small Wanxiang Sect" can be established. It fits very well with his grand plan of cultivating the whole people.

Thinking about it, if you want to buy these heavenly books at Tianshu Tower, you will probably need nearly ten thousand sapphire lots, and you will feel that you are making a lot of money.

"There are not many magic weapons. He practices the "True Dragon Book of Heaven" and doesn't pay much attention to these external objects. Most of them are taken out to distribute rewards, so he only keeps a few pieces for appreciation and play occasionally."

Li Qingshan didn't care much about Ao Xuan's introduction. He rarely used magic weapons. He just felt a little regretful because Lin Xuan was too generous. But after seeing those dozen magic weapons, this regret disappeared.

The exquisiteness and power contained in these magic weapons are definitely not comparable to those of Kyushu's magic weapons back then.

One of the small porcelain dishes covered with ice cracks was enough to fill a lake of water. If there is a battle on the battlefield, just a slight tilt can submerge an army of 100,000 people.

The magic weapons of the human world are also divided into grades, which are roughly divided into four levels of "Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang", which is roughly the same as the "best grade, top grade, middle grade, and low grade" of Kyushu magic weapons and spiritual weapons. Jiuzhou's magic weapons can only be regarded as low-grade in the human world, not even low-grade. Only those very powerful magic weapons can be regarded as yellow-level magic weapons.

But of course, there are more magic weapons such as Thelma and Louise Flower Sword and Immortal Abandoned Sword, but they are not native to Kyushu.

The Xuan Ming Formation was opened, and Gu Yanying, the "Wangfeng Heavenly King", swam in along the underwater cave. His figure gradually shrank, then turned into a human form, and joined the team of sharing the spoils: "I want this!" He took the small porcelain plate casually. He came over and drank it all, burped, and licked his lips: "I'm so thirsty!"

Xiao An tilted his head: "A woman with fish lips." (To be continued)

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