Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 97 Black Cloud

? A month later, Li Qingshan came to the Munitions Department again. Ge Xing personally greeted him, took him to the teleportation hall, looked at the backpack behind him strangely, and asked politely: "Junior brother, what are you bringing? ?”

"Baby." Li Qingshan smiled brightly.

Ge Xing was even more curious as to what he could call a "treasure" that couldn't be put into the Sumeru Ring. But he didn't get to the bottom of it, and he raised his hand with equal respect. The teleportation array was filled with brilliance, and a door condensed with light slowly opened.

"I wish my junior brother a successful start and a prosperous military fortune!"

Li Qingshan nodded slightly and stepped into the bright door.

Ge Xing touched his chin. He was afraid that there would be another fight between dragons and tigers. Suddenly he shook his head. If it were someone else who entered the dangerous demon battlefield and was hostile to those two at the same time, it would be extremely difficult to save his life. There would be no fight at all.

But there was no trace of panic in him. Instead, he was in high spirits, as if he was ready to participate in an interesting game. So much so that I felt that he would never let others take advantage of him.

When Li Qingshan walked out of the portal, he was already millions of miles away.

The sky was gloomy and low, as if you could touch it, and there was heavy snow falling. When looking up, the heavy snow in the sky seems black against the background of clouds. The cold air is filled with a faint smell of blood, and you take a deep breath, feeling relaxed and happy.

"Li Qingshan?" asked a guard holding an iron halberd.


"Legion Commander orders you to report to the Fire Hall immediately!"


"Follow me!" The Iron Halberd Guard turned around and left.

Li Qingshan frowned and followed. Li Liehuo is so impatient, will he come to deal with him soon?

Looking around, there are undulating mountains and thousands of miles of rivers.

This "Black Cloud City" is built on a high mountain, with continuous camps and tight fortresses. The two masters of the Wanxiang Sect personally transformed the terrain and mountains of hundreds of miles around to form a "Black Cloud Thunder Roar Formation". The name "Black Cloud City" comes from this. It is one of the important towns to resist the invasion of demons. It has never fallen since it was built.

Currently, there are two legions directly under the Wanxiang Sect. The commanders of the Fire Legion and the Xuanwu Legion are Senior Brother "Li Liehuo" and Senior Sister "Chao Tianjiao" respectively. As well as eighty-six armies recruited from several major countries within the jurisdiction of the Wanxiang Sect.

Known as a million-strong army.

Just like Ruan Yaozhu to the White Deer Kingdom, all countries have the shadow of true disciples serving their interests. The larger the land area, the larger the army. The more contributions and bookmarks you can get in exchange. If it weren't for Ruan Yaozhu, a small country like Bailu Country with a mediocre leader would have been annexed by the neighboring big powers.

This is not a battle between practitioners or sects, but a war between two worlds, and no one can stay out of it.

Almost all the demonic people are soldiers, although the Human Emperor can easily kill hundreds or even thousands with a single spell. But maybe it will allow the opponent's Demon King to seize the opportunity. Become the key to life and death.

Moreover, quantitative changes become qualitative changes, and a military formation composed of a large army is enough to shake the strongest formation. The flesh and blood of the dead demons will pollute the land, and the steaming demonic energy will cover the sky and the sun. If left untreated, it will turn into demon soil.

This is how the Demon Realm continues to expand its territory with the flesh and blood of all demon people. Even the Demon Emperor and Demon Emperor do not hesitate. In other words, the Demon Emperor and Demon Emperor are the survivors eliminated in this cruel environment.

It is impossible for a group of practitioners to compete with the human world, and they have to rely on the power of mortals.

These millions of troops were not recruited randomly, but followed a strict selection system. The best of the best selected from among billions of sentient beings. Everyone has strong martial arts and has received the most rigorous training. Otherwise, they cannot fight against the demons.

Before Li Qingshan left, he had collected all relevant information, especially the two army commanders Li Liehuo and Chao Tianjiao. Their power in this Black Cloud City was incredible.

Military orders are like mountains. There is no reason or reason. They just say what they say. Even if it is obvious that you will die, you still have to go. Otherwise, it is a disobedience to military orders, and he should be taken immediately and sent back to the Wanxiang Sect to wait for disposal. You can even kill him first and then report him. This situation is undoubtedly extremely unfavorable to him.

The only good thing is that the two of them rarely stay in the city at the same time. At least one of them must be stationed in Black Cloud City, while the other either goes out of the city to attack the demons, or returns to the Wanxiang Sect for repairs. Otherwise, I'm afraid I will be punished by two people at the same time.

Li Qingshan smiled when he thought of this, and arrived in front of the Fierce Fire Hall, a gray stone hall as steep as a sword.

"Report to the commander of the army, Li Qingshan has been brought!" The iron halberd guard knelt down on one knee.

"Let him in!" Li Liehuo's majestic voice came from it.

Li Qingshan curled his lips and stepped in. In an instant, I felt a dozen hostile looks.

Li Liehuo was in the upper position, with a huge map hanging behind him. The clouds and mist on it were changing, showing a scene thousands of miles around in real time. However, there was a large dark area above, as if it was obscured by something.

The generals were lined up on the left and right, either holding their swords with their hands or standing with their hands behind their backs. They were all full of murderous intent, and none of them was kind.

Li Qingshan calmly stood in the middle: "I'm here."

"Bold!" A big man with a beard wearing armor clenched his sword, his eyes widened with anger, and he shouted like thunder.

Li Qingshan bowed slightly: "Wonderful praise."

The bearded man was about to step forward. Li Liehuo waved his hand, narrowed his eyes and asked, "I heard that you have captured Xuanming Cave?"

"Not bad." Li Qingshan carefully observed Li Liehuo's expression, and found a hint of sullenness in it with satisfaction.

"What a trick!" Li Liehuo said through gritted teeth. He couldn't believe the news that day. A Yin Shen monk and a disciple who entered the house actually did something that even he couldn't do. He suspected that Li Qingshan had reached some kind of deal with Ao Xuan, but if that was the case, Ao Xuan would never give him all his money to spend as he pleased.

The reason was so puzzling that he didn't even want to think about the only possibility. That is, Li Qingshan completely defeated Ao Xuan with his strength.

"It's easy to talk about. It's a pity that you are not in the Wanxiang Sect, senior brother. Senior brother Le helped me organize an auction. Maybe there will be the magic weapon you want!"

Li Qingshan bared his teeth and smiled. Since he had already made enemies, there was no need to pretend. If he is willing to keep low and be small, the other party may let him go. But in that case, he might as well go directly to the Demon Realm to seek refuge with Demon God Qiongqi, and then bring the demon army back to destroy Black Cloud City.

Li Liehuo suddenly laughed, the sound shook the room, and the heat wave dispelled the chill.

"Very good, such courage, such means! I have a task for you now, do you dare to go?"

"Why don't you dare!" Li Qingshan said calmly, "It's a blessing, not a disaster, it's a disaster that can't be avoided." Since he dared to come, he had already realized it.

"There is no joke in the army, Li Qingshan obeys the order!" Li Liehuo's eyes lit up, like two charcoal points, and he pointed at the dark area on the map behind him: "I want you to leave your body and investigate the situation here clearly. !”

This military order is extremely sinister. The most important thing for the Yin Shen to leave the body is to keep the physical body safe. In such a hostile environment, which practitioner dares to leave the physical body alone. If Li Qingshan refuses, he will be disobeying military orders and will inevitably be humiliated.

It doesn't matter whether he tolerates it or not. If he tolerates it, his character will be frustrated. If his courageous and energetic momentum is hit in the head, his practice will be greatly damaged. If you can't bear it, you will be in greater trouble. Talking back to your senior brother in the Wanxiang Sect and making trouble in the army are completely different things.

Here, Li Liehuo represents the order and law in the military, as well as the general trend of the entire human world against the demonic realm. In the face of this general trend, even if you are a dragon, you have to be coiled by me, and even if you are a tiger, you have to be laid down by me. If you resist even a little bit, it is "rape".


Li Qingshan agreed without hesitation. Even if the Yin Shen left his body, he would be left with more than just an empty shell. No matter what was in that area, at most the Yin Shen would be destroyed and it would take some time to recover.

Moreover, he was sure that Li Liehuo would never harm his body. This guy's temperament and path meant that even if he wanted to harm him, he would do it head-on and would not use such insidious methods.

But of course, if he didn't have this self-confidence, he would never have accepted this military order. This is the bottom line for all practitioners. This can be described as a "conspiracy".

Li Liehuo was greatly surprised. He didn't expect that he would agree so happily. (To be continued.)

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