Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 117 Divine Fire

readx(); Li Qingshan lowered his head and looked at the ground, motionless, a million pairs of eyes wandering between him and the monster, marveling at the monster's ferocity, and secretly sweating for him.

Even the generals are not absolutely sure that they can defeat this monster.

Although Warcraft has no intelligence, it is extremely crazy. In this canyon where there is not much room for maneuver, we have to contend head-on.

In full view of the public, this battle must not only be won, but also won beautifully, to boost morale and strengthen the military power. It would be a shame to take a step back.

"Why doesn't he go up to us? Is he afraid? No, it's impossible. This guy isn't even afraid of the two army commanders."

Only Li Liehuo and Chao Tianjiao didn't even look at the monster, and only focused on Li Qingshan. None of them doubted that he would win this battle, but how?

Looking back, it was a strange thing that they had never seen him take action with all his strength after the conflict for so long.

In order to test Li Qingshan's strength, this magical beast was carefully selected by Chao Tianjiao, the strongest among the demon emperors.

"Come on, let me see what you can do!"

In an instant, a huge black shadow enveloped Li Qingshan, a fishy wind blew against his face, and his black hair fluttered.

Li Qingshan raised his head slightly and saw a huge mouth full of fangs, like an abyss.

He raised his right hand and made a random stroke with his fingertips from top to bottom, from his forehead to the center of his eyebrows.

A vertical eye suddenly opened, the darkness was deep, vibrating like a flame, staring at the monster.

The monster trembled, and its eyes that were originally filled with crazy bloodthirsty were filled with fear. It tried its best to stop its huge body and run away from the terrifying man in front of it, especially that terrifying eye.

But it was too late, a black fire shot out.

Before the monster could let out a wailing cry, its huge body disintegrated and turned into dust, blowing past Li Qingshan in the strong wind.

It was deathly silent in the Grand Canyon, except for the howling wind.

Even Li Liehuo and Chao Tianjiao looked shocked. The abbot of Yangon was particularly shocked. Not long ago, he was almost killed by the same move. Although the power is very different, the essence is exactly the same.

"World-destroying divine fire!"

He knows the way of great freedom,

Have you actually realized this step?

Li Qingshan raised his eyes and looked at Chao Tianjiao. The corners of his mouth were flying: "That's it?"

Chao Tianjiao looked a little solemn, this move was enough to threaten her. Maybe he really should be allowed to stay in Yaozhu's herb garden to grow vegetables.

Li Liehuo practiced the "Book of Fire", taking the name of fire, and felt more deeply. He closed his eyes and silently realized: "Such a fire..."

Not to mention all the generals. Especially those who had offended Li Qingshan in person. I felt chilled all over my body, and felt a sense of fear in my heart.

In any year, the opening battle of the all-army competition did not involve a fight, and it was not without defeats. However, this has never happened before. The powerful monster transformed by the Demon Emperor was instantly wiped out. Many people had not yet done it. Understand what's going on.

However, the purpose of boosting military morale has indeed been achieved.

"The general is mighty!"

Suddenly someone shouted loudly, and in the blink of an eye. The cheers like a tsunami soared into the sky and echoed among the mountains.

Li Qingshan smiled and opened his arms to accept the cheers. I am also very happy in my heart, not because I have defeated this stupid monster, but because in human skills, a strong ** technique that can compete with the innate magical power has finally been produced.

Although this move exhausted the Yin Shen's power, this was only the beginning. One day, the world-destroying divine fire shot out of the vertical eyes will burn a truly powerful enemy.

Still feeling that he still had more to say, Li Qingshan asked loudly: "Who else is there?"

The cheers gradually died down. No one answered.

Chao Tianjiao said: "You can go down now."

"I said I would hit ten." Li Qingshan said with a smile: "I know there are many people who are dissatisfied with me. Why, do you only dare to talk behind my back? Don't be afraid, I don't need this trick."

Chao Tianjiao sneered and said: "You can only use one move!" After being shocked, she came to her senses. This move was extremely powerful and consumed a lot of money. With Li Qingshan's level, it was impossible to use it continuously.

"So what? It's not like there's no one."

Li Qingshan did not hide it, the small world was his real source of power. The Yin Shen was shrinking in the small world, and his power had begun to recover rapidly.

"Amitabha, this poor monk is here to learn the clever tricks of the 'Crawling General'!"

The voice of the Dharma protector monk was like a loud bell, falling from the sky. The upper body is semi-tank, the muscles are knotted, and there is a faint golden light, just like the Vajra Protector in the temple.

Li Qingshan raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "You are looking for death!"

"Drink!" The protector monk shouted loudly, his voice was like thunder, and a golden wave rippled out. The air around Li Qingshan and the sand and gravel under his feet were shaken and flew up, and the wind and sand filled the air.

Li Qingshan's ears were ringing, and his eyes flashed. The protector monk swooped forward like a mad tiger, his big hands pierced through the wind and sand, and firmly grabbed his shoulders.

Li Qingshan felt a pressure, as if he had encountered a natural enemy. He looked over the top of the protector monk's head and saw an Arhat appearing behind him, with a beard on his face, half-clothed, and riding a tiger.

The Pure Land Sect does not rely on its own power and is good at borrowing the power of gods and Buddhas. The gods enshrined by the Dharma-protecting monks endow it with boundless power and have never been stopped by anyone.

"Arhat crouching against the tiger!"

The protector monk exerted his strength angrily, but Li Qingshan remained motionless and smiled even more. This is what is called playing tricks on others.

The Protector Monk's expression changed, and he felt as if he was shaking a big mountain. Not to mention that even his determination was shaken by the effort.

"Tiger and Arhat!"

Li Qingshan stretched out his arms, hugged the waist of the protector monk, and pulled him up from the ground.

The protector monk's face turned red, his waist seemed to be strangled, his bones creaked, his vision blurred, and the crouching tiger Arhat behind him also disappeared.

"Compared with my strength, you haven't done enough yet!"

Li Qingshan "cut a green onion upside down" and thrust the guardian monk head down into the ground.

Still a move!

Moreover, everyone could clearly see this move. It was not a particularly clever move, but one that allowed the opponent to strike first and then crush him with absolute strength, shocking the audience once again.

Li Qingshan said: "Next!"

"I'm here to meet you!"

Hu Zhigang jumped out. It was one thing to be invincible, but it was another thing to be too scared to fight. Once you have fear, it will definitely affect your practice.

But he kept a very long distance from Li Qingshan, thinking: "This kid is very strong, fighting him in close combat is just asking for death. When my Yin Shen comes out of my body, I will use magic to defeat him!"

Looking around, there was no sign of Li Qingshan. His heart trembled. He opened his eyes wide and finally saw a vague figure approaching within ten steps of him.

He was so horrified that he dared to leave his body. He quickly drew the sword in his hand, preparing to attack instead of defending, but he felt his waist tighten, "It's over!"

With a bang, Li Qingshan fell down again. Although "Phantom Demon Escape Technique" was weakened, it was still no problem to bully such an opponent.

"Next." (To be continued.)

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