Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 121 Demon Egg

Chaos has eyes but not seeing, ears but not hearing, no distinction between right and wrong, that is, confusion and chaos. ¢£,

The Chaos Demon God is almost the incarnation of the will of the Demon Realm, and is also the most powerful Demon God. However, due to their chaotic nature, they are not only ignorant and unable to distinguish between right and wrong, but their thoughts from one moment to the next will change. They are unable to carry out any long-term plans or effectively gather party members, and their overall strength is the weakest.

He is like a demon beast among demons, a terrifying "demonic beast".

But there is no doubt about his power, and the demons of the Chaos lineage are all born demons. They are very rare in number, but extremely powerful and unpredictable.

Therefore, the old man named "Yingzhe", who is also the Demon Emperor, became their commander-in-chief without any dispute, and they did not even dare to make a loud noise.

Even for the Demon Realm, the Demon King is a precious resource, and killing each other at will is no longer allowed, otherwise even the winner will be severely punished.

Only the Chaos lineage is not restrained, or restraint is useless, because chaos is their nature.

No matter how wise and wise this "sage" seems, his nature must be chaotic. Even if he attacks them for no reason, it is not surprising, and he will not be punished. Who wouldn't be afraid of such a mad dog?

Yingzhe's eyes turned in different directions like a chameleon, taking in the expressions of all the Demon Emperors. The corners of his mouth were raised high to both sides, almost reaching the base of his ears. That amiable face suddenly became strangely distorted.

All the Demon Emperors lowered their heads, not daring to look at him.

"Listen to my orders and activate the formation."

The Demon Emperors did not dare to wait any longer, and the Twelve Capital Heavenly Demon Evil Arrays immediately started to move. The twelve stone pillars lit up one by one, and the billowing demonic energy covered the sky and the sun, pressing down layer by layer.

Chao Tianjiao raised his eyes and saw that the Demon Emperors could no longer be seen. Only the twelve Demon Gods were silently overlooking her, as if they had not changed forever. And she became as small as an ant. Any demon god could crush her into powder with just one finger.

"The true martial arts conquers the demons, and the seven constellations are integrated into one. The divine tortoise is the armor. The black snake is the soldier!"

Chao Tianjiao was fearless and unsheathed his sword. The seven stars in the sun shone brightly, and the divine light around him shone brightly, like a Valkyrie.

Li Qingshan felt that the Yin Shen was about to be cut into pieces. He said angrily: "Do you want to kill me?" Isn't this old boy trying to recruit traitors? No matter how you say you fall out, you fall out.

"Shut up!" Chao Tianjiao's voice was cold and fierce. There was no trace of human emotion, only a murderous aura.

Yingzhe's expression changed. There was no one in the boundless demonic realm, among the billions of demonic people, who was not afraid of Emperor Zhenwu, even those of the chaotic lineage.

"You are still cultivating the Xuanwu way, so I can't tolerate you even more! Chaos is coming!"

In an instant, the lights of the eleven totem poles dimmed and converged on the totem pole at Yingzhe's feet. The totem of the Chaos Demon God suddenly moved.

There are no eyes, ears, mouth or nose on the huge round head, and four stubby limbs stick out from the huge body. The skin is as pink as a baby, but covered with veins and wrinkles, making it ugly and stupid.

He stupidly climbed around the stone pillar, his head facing Chao Tianjiao and Li Qingshan, and suddenly a large abyss-like mouth opened, and a sound like a baby crying, but a hundred times sharper, jumped out of the stone pillar. Pounce.

"Behead!" Chao Tianjiao did not retreat but advanced, waving his sword to meet him.

The blazing and cold Xuanwu Dao Gang poured into her the strength and will of a lifetime of hard work, even though Li Qingshan's Yin Shen was almost torn to pieces. He couldn't help but praise: "Okay! But it's of no use."

The "Chaos Demon God" swallowed her in one gulp, and the gaping mouth immediately closed, and everything fell silent again.

Twelve demon kings joined forces to set up the "Twelve Capital Heavenly Demon Evil Arrays". Still in the demon realm, this was an overwhelming force. All resistance and struggle become meaningless, and even if you risk your life, you can't hurt the opponent even a hair.

The demon kings looked at each other, didn't they just say not to kill her? Why did he change his mind in the blink of an eye, but no one dared to ask. Anyway, the Chaos lineage was originally a gathering place for madmen.

Yingzhe stood with his hands behind his hands and turned into the kind old man again: "Don't worry, fellow Taoists, she will surrender soon."

Pointing his finger towards the Twelve Capital Demonic Formation, the huge body of the "Chaos Demon God" shrank and condensed, and the billowing demonic energy gathered in. It was as sticky as black asphalt and formed into a black and red egg.

"This is... the Chaos Demonic Egg!" A Demon King lost his voice.

"Finally, there is someone who knows the truth." Yingzhe nodded: "She practices the Xuanwu way, and there is no way she will give in, but she is not..." He paused and pointed to the sky. All Demon Emperors will understand, he is talking about "Zhenwu Emperor".

He continued: "In this chaotic egg, all thoughts will be distorted and returned to chaos. If the skin is gone, the hair will not be attached, and will, persistence, and belief will all become worthless. Tu Wancheng, you don't want revenge. If she comes out again, she might become a **."

"Really?" Tu Wancheng was greatly surprised. Originally, even if Chao Tianjiao was defeated and fell, he would never lay a finger on her. The only way to vent his anger was to kill a few monsters, but now he suddenly saw hope, and he immediately became more active.

"As long as you are not afraid of her suddenly killing you in bed."

Tu Wancheng trembled all over, and the beast softened again, and all the demon kings laughed.

"Old Tu, just go ahead and do it, we will raid the formation for you on the side."

"Then it's hard work." Tu Wancheng bowed his hands humbly: "Everyone has been exposed to the rain and dew, take turns to fuck this bitch, and we will never let our brothers fail."

"A bunch of idiots!" Yingzhe suddenly yelled: "Why don't you prepare for a surprise attack on Black Cloud City? You are laughing like a stupid pig!"

The laughter stopped abruptly. The demon kings dared not speak out in anger, so they could only stay away from this lunatic.

Yingzhe's anger went away as quickly as it came, and in the blink of an eye, he looked lovingly at the chaotic egg in the center of the formation.

"A monk who practices Xuanwu eventually returns to chaos and becomes a demon. This is really a wonderful irony for Wuyu Heavenly Palace, Jie Jie Jie Jie!"

In the chaotic demon egg, numerous demonic thoughts, chaos and distortions surged in like a tide.

Chao Tianjiao swung his sword a few times, and was instantly swallowed up by the endless chaos, not daring to waste any more power.

Li Qingshan said: "That old boy wants to turn you into a demon."

"I know." Chao Tianjiao said indifferently.

"what to do?"

"Death." Chao Tianjiao didn't even have a trace of fear in his heart, but felt a bit relieved.

"Don't forget, we still have a thirty-year agreement. If you die, who will I seek revenge from?"

Li Qingshan felt aggrieved, wronged and unwilling to accept it. If she died, his Yin Shen would definitely not be able to survive.

I can't help but recall the afternoon when I practiced the "Innate Qi Refining Technique" many years ago, and then the "Guishui Qi Condensation Technique", "Dahai Boundless Skill", "Demon Suppression Illustration", "Demon Fighting Illustration", and "Huangji". "Records of the Destruction of the World", "Records of the Emperor's Classics of the World", and finally this volume of "The Book of Freedom".

Qi refining, foundation building, pill formation, Nascent Soul, Yin Shen... all the hard work, shit and peeing made it so big, just because of such a stupid woman, it was gone after she said no.

"You!" Chao Tianjiao was finally moved: "Is there something wrong with your mind?" (To be continued.)

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