Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 125 Ape Demon 5th Level

According to his method of cultivation, this volume of "The Book of Freedom" is not a set of exercises at all. How can ordinary people understand the spirit of great destruction and destruction?

It was a great coincidence that he first entered the "Devil-Suppressing Illustrated Record" into the "Devil-fighting Illustrated Record" and then obtained a volume of "Huangji Destroying World Record" that was born at the end of the world.

In the process, he witnessed the ruins of a world with his own eyes, and then personally destroyed Kyushu, and even the whole world.

Only in this way can we understand what great destruction and great destruction are. When we start to practice "Zi Zi Tian Shu", we will naturally embark on this path until we understand the "World-Destroying Divine Fire". Such a domineering and unparalleled move, the destructive power is currently No upper limit in sight yet.

Because he has always been under great pressure to survive, it is not surprising that he has embarked on such a path.

However, ordinary practitioners, even if they are extremely talented and reincarnated as heavenly beings, will never destroy a world for the sake of practicing martial arts. They can only start by crawling honestly.

For example, find a girl to practice dual cultivation and experience the joy of reproduction and what the great harmony of life is.

This is the most "normal" way to practice, and he has completely turned things upside down.

"So that's it, that's it, it turns out that I've been doing the wrong thing all along!"

Li Qingshan suddenly realized and laughed.

In the fantasy world, Chao Tianjiao, who was half-undressed in spring clothes, saw his "lover" smiling cheerfully, and said coquettishly: "What are you laughing at?"

Li Qingshan smiled and said nothing. One-third of his Yinshen had been worn away, and the illusion was on the verge of being broken.

Go all out to stimulate the transformation of the spirit turtle and deduce another possibility for the existence of "Zi Zi Tian Shu".

"No wonder when I was going through four heavenly tribulations, the Nascent Soul would go berserk and bent on self-destruction. If it were an ordinary practitioner, the Nascent Soul would just self-destruct and it would be over. What a waste of practice! That old turtle understood The Book of Freedom is not meant to harm my own disciples, there must be a simpler way."

"The 'endless life' I learned from the Qilin Transformation happened to be able to curb the rampaging Yin God. It seems to be no accidental phenomenon. From reproduction to collapse. From creation to destruction, this is the most normal thing in "The Book of Freedom" The path of spiritual practice.”

This is the experimental product of new exercises, and the consequences of no one exploring the way ahead. But it's not too late to wake up now. Even just right.

The path was too easy for him.

He once personally created the Five Continents world, which was larger than the world of Kyushu, and once understood the true meaning of endless life in the "Qilin Secret of Immortality". And the most important thing is that he himself has a strong desire to reproduce, otherwise he would not be at this dead moment. He had to "play tricks" on Chao Tianjiao.

It is always easier to understand reproduction and creation than destruction and destruction.

Chao Tianjiao closed his eyes tightly, the seven stars in Yangshen shone brightly, and the illusion was about to collapse.

She frowned, vaguely feeling that her "lover" looked familiar. Even a little annoying.

Just when she was about to wake up from her dream. The turtle deduction is complete!

Li Qingshan suddenly leaned over and kissed her delicate rose-like red lips, suddenly reversing the "Book of Freedom", the Yin Shen who was originally full of destruction and will to destroy suddenly changed his appearance.

From the end of destruction and destruction, vitality has emerged, as if the land burned by fire has sprouted green grass and a variety of purples and reds.

The eyes he looked at Chao Tianjiao were full of love and tenderness, like a river meandering through the earth. Nourishes the life along the coast.

She felt that her "lover" suddenly became infinitely charming, and she became more and more intoxicated. The familiar feeling did not disappear, but became ten times more profound, making her believe that the gathering at this time was destined in the previous life.

The dual cultivation method began to operate, the Yin God was no longer worn down by the Yang God, but received a little nourishment, and the illusion immediately stabilized.

"Tianjiao." He took off her last piece of clothing, his expression was solemn and almost pious, as if it was no longer a prank.

She also looked at him with a smile. Her body glowed faintly in the spring light, like a goddess. Take the initiative to reach out and hold him in your arms.

With a cry, they finally came together. Just like the first couple in the world, releasing the most primitive love.

The yin and yang gods are entangled with each other and completely integrated into one.

What's even more amazing is that, as a male, Li Qingshan is the yin god, and as a female, Chao Tianjiao is the yang god.

Yang is born from the cathode, and yin is born from the anode. The yin and yang rotate, and they restrain and strengthen each other. As expected, great harmony in life has been achieved.

The dream seems to never end

He just felt extremely happy in his heart, even if it was still an illusion after waking up from the dream, even if life and death were separated, even if they turned against each other, as long as this happiness was enough, he felt that it was enough.

Under the gray stone tower, a black ape tail stood up behind Li Qingshan: "Chi chi chi chi chi!"

With a bang, the ape demon broke through to the fifth level!

The small world expands, undergoes qualitative changes, and becomes completely new. The many suppressed changes in gods and demons have all returned to their original state.

The fifth level of bull demon! The fifth level of tiger demon! Phoenix fifth level! The fifth level of the spirit turtle!

Wave after wave of power surged up, the old and the new, rushing in the small world.

In the frantic battle between gods and demons, a new balance was reached and then broken, until a stable structure was formed and all the power began to condense.

The cultivation base keeps skyrocketing!


Li Qingshan jumped up and turned a somersault. His cultivation level increased sharply once, and he turned a somersault, turning a total of 321 somersaults.

In his happiness, he did not forget the great hero Chao Tianjiao.

The dream kept changing, they kept meeting, falling in love with each other, and having sex in new places, with new identities, and she had completely forgotten her original appearance.

He dominated the dreamland, using yin to transform yang, using softness to overcome hardness, and constantly helped her polish off the overly sharp edge in the yang god. Let the originally pure power become purer and no longer so cold, harsh and difficult to control.

This is what he promised and now he does.

And by absorbing the power from her Yang God and the nourishment of this chaotic demon egg, his Yin God's cultivation is also growing, and he has already glimpsed the realm of Yang God.

If he wanted to, he could drag her into a deeper dream and further improve her cultivation.

The way of dual cultivation is always inseparable from two words, which are "picking yin and replenishing yang" and "picking yang and replenishing yin".

But he didn't do this. Instead, he made the dream become shallower and shallower, closer and closer to reality, until it couldn't be shallower anymore, and he returned to the bank of the Willow River.

She recalled everything about herself and felt dazed for a moment. In this short period of time, she experienced countless lives and experienced happiness that she had never experienced before. Including Li Qingshan's face, it is too familiar.

In the light dream, they still meet each other sincerely and are entangled together.

"You..." Chao Tianjiao's expression changed, including shame, anger, confusion, and a trace of nostalgia.


Li Qingshan looked at her with a smile, maybe he just wanted to see her current expression, maybe he wanted her to survive! (To be continued.)

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