Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 149 Slaughter the Demon

? The Xuanwu Legion's morale was greatly lifted, and the true disciples were also excited.

Li Qingshan swung his sword directly at the camp of the demons, and asked in a loud voice, "Is there a demon emperor who dares to fight me?"

As if deterred by his aura, no one among the millions of troops actually answered.

Dai Mengfan's eyes lit up, and Wan Jianfeng clenched his sword secretly, but he pretended that nothing happened, and continued to bury his head in resisting the endless shower of arrows.

It would be great if you could elicit one.

Yingzhe's face changed a few times, and he said with a smile: "It's interesting, as expected of the Vientiane Sect, but there are people waiting for him. Tu Wancheng, don't be provoked by him, beware of being slaughtered with a knife."

On the one hand, he tried his best to stimulate the demon heart and accelerate the construction of the Twelve Capital Heavenly Demon Array.

Rumbling, the last totem pole broke out of the ground and slowly rose to the sky.

"No matter how many means he has, as long as the Twelve Capitals are not broken, we will be invincible!"

Tu Wancheng snorted coldly in his heart, of course I understand, do I still need you to teach me?

Not long ago, he was almost killed by Chao Tianjiao. Now there are so many true disciples on the opposite side who are staring at him. If he dares to appear, he will definitely rush over to kill him desperately.

With a grin, anyway, what is being sacrificed is the use of the dignified Demon Sovereign to take risks, and ordered sharply: "Continue to attack, don't stop, or I will swallow him alive!"

No one dares to disobey the order of the Demon Emperor.

In an instant, smoke and dust rose up on the ground, and the screams of killing sounded again.

A large army of demons went out to fight and attacked Li Qingshan. Even the demon sergeant who was scattered around the Tiankeng rushed over hysterically.

The magic cloud re-bridged, blocking all sunlight, and the sky and the earth became dark again. Compared with the thick demon cloud, a mere void is nothing.

Li Qingshan felt a little regretful, just as Li Liehuo said, as long as he can kill a demon emperor and break the Twelve Capitals, the battle is half won. Otherwise, even if you kill millions of demon people, you may not be able to win.

It's a pity that these demon emperors are extremely cunning. And there is no sense of shame, and the method of aggressiveness is useless.

"Go to hell!" A demon roared and rushed towards him, clenching his spear and stabbed him in the back.

Li Qingshan didn't even look back,

Just wave. The knife wind stirred and cut it finely.

The tip of the gun is broken, the head is flying, and the blood spurts!

The sword wind swept past, all the demons within ten feet. Or the head was in a different place, or it was broken into two pieces, and the blood rushed out of the neck cavity, the internal organs rushed out, and they fell to the ground, scattered in the Tiankeng, and the demon blood ran wildly.

There are a few "lucky" ones who happened to be cut in half, and the demonic people's vitality is strong, and they will not die for a while, making shrill screams. Suddenly became a tragic flying hell.

Ruan Yaozhu frowned, unable to bear to look directly.

Dai Mengfan saw it and warned: "Junior sister, these demons deserve to die for their crimes. On the battlefield, you are dead and alive. Don't be merciful in the future!"

"Yeah." Ruan Yaozhu replied, but couldn't help looking at Li Qingshan.

He stood in the center of the Tiankeng, his face hidden under the golden visor, no one could see his expression, just slashed down with one knife after another, brutally slaughtering the demonic people.

Remnants scattered all over the sky. The blood pooled under his feet, drowning his ankles in a blink of an eye, dyeing the golden armor red, he was like a god of hell. There seemed to be no remorse at all.

He had no interest in slaughter, but he had no mercy for women. Since the enemy can kill a hundred thousand, a million can also be killed. If the demons were willing to die like this, that would be great.

There was a hunch in my heart that things were never that simple.

A shadow suddenly shrouded. Li Qingshan looked up, and several fierce beasts with condensed military energy and terrifying twists rushed towards him together.


It was like smashing into a pot of rotten meat with a ruthless punch, blood from internal organs, broken bones from stumps, and splashes all over the sky.

Ruan Yaozhu lost his voice: "Qingshan!"

These beasts are extremely powerful, and their heads are comparable to the Demon Emperor. Because it is a condensed military force, it is very little restrained by the laws of heaven and earth, which is equivalent to a joint strike by several demon emperors. As a practitioner, Li Qingshan was greatly affected in this border area. Strong and weak, even the emperor is in danger of falling.

The tiankeng collapsed deeper, his feet sank into the ground, and between the heads of the terrifyingly twisted beasts, Li Qingshan blocked all attacks with a horizontal knife, and said silently in his heart: "No problem, I can stop it!"

Swing the knife vigorously, step forward, and charge again!

The cold light flashed, and countless knives and guns stabbed in the face. He rampaged like a steel chariot, and the knives and guns were broken one after another, unable to leave a scratch on the golden armor.

Bang bang bang! The sound of shattering bones filled his ears, and all the demons who were blocking the way were knocked out without even a single scream, and they died in mid-air.

He rushed into the formation of the Demon People's Army, swung his sword suddenly, and started to kill.

One after another cold light swept past, and wisps of blade wind whistled. If you look down from the sky, the dense demons will be swept away piece by piece.

one hundred? one thousand? Ten thousand? Murder doesn't count! The sea of ​​people is turbulent, and the swords and guns are like a forest, but it seems to be endless.

Several demon emperors who commanded the army were deeply hidden in the army, and they controlled the fierce beasts to launch one after another attack, like a raging wave, setting off waves in the sea of ​​​​people.

Li Qingshan used the Kuanghua sword technique to the fullest, chopping, stabbing, plucking, and slashing, resisting repeated attacks, but only burying his head in slaughtering the demons.

These beasts are a condensed military force, and they can't be killed at all. They can be reunited even if they are chopped up, unless they can kill the coach or kill all the demons.

It is not easy to find a commander among the ten thousand army, and there are fierce beasts constantly harassing him, so he simply gave up this choice.

However, the slaughter may seem simple and pleasant, but there is a huge problem.

Every time you kill a demon, it takes a bit of energy. After these demons are covered in armor, after forming an army, I am afraid it will take a little more effort. Even if there is only a trace, the accumulation is not trivial, and the risk of falling will continue to increase.

Many human emperors were indulged in the slaughter and were submerged in this boundless sea of ​​blood. When they wanted to withdraw, it was too late, and even a soldier could threaten him.

"What an idiot, I see how long he can kill!"

Tu Wancheng laughed wildly, even if he sacrificed 100,000 demons, it was worth changing to a human emperor, not to mention that he was the coach of the Xuanwu Legion.

Anyway, no matter how many sacrifices are made, it will not be distressed. In the boundless and vast demonic realm, it will still grow like wild grass.

Dai Mengfan couldn't help but read: "Junior Brother Li, don't fall for the enemy's tricks, it's not worth wasting your power on these despicable demon people!"

Li Qingshan didn't answer, and just rushed to kill in the turbulent sea of ​​people. The power of each of his swords was not great, and he didn't even have a sword. He only killed the enemy with the blade and the blade.

But if you observe carefully, you will find that the power of each knife has not diminished at all from beginning to end.

After five calamities, the "Earth Divine Power" has also become stronger, and the power is almost endless, and even the energy that was originally used to motivate the "One Sword and Ten Thousand Flowers" has recovered.

What he said about "no problem, it can be stopped" is without any consumption.

Fight for endurance, who is afraid of who. As long as the battle goes on like this, as long as it is not annoying, one million demon people can be killed. To be continued.

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