Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 25 The Great Sage of Moving Mountains

readx(); In the boundless and deep darkness, time becomes blurred, it seems that a long time has passed, and it seems to be only a moment.

However, he clearly remembered that the 23rd time, the mirror image and the body overlapped.

There was a sharp tingling in his brain, and he returned to "the original state" again, and all the "wrong" thoughts were corrected. Not forgetting the "original intention" turned out to be such a "headache" thing.

The pain came and went quickly, and the sound of broken memories was faintly heard, as crisp as thin ice, and the fragments melted in the black water.

But I don't know what I forgot, maybe something less important, but I couldn't help trembling slightly.

Through the cognition of self-awareness, he understands one thing, nothing is absolutely unimportant, important things are always composed of a lot of unimportant things, and heroic epics always suffer from rise and fall.

Like a colorful picture, thick ink is eroded from the surrounding area. How long can those so-called important things last?

In the void he would not lose his power, and here he is losing himself.

I also feel a kind of paradoxical black humor. Once I lose most of my memory, the sun god in hell is closer to the original definition of the name "Li Qingshan".

If you ask, who is the real "Li Qingshan"?

The answer is very simple: whoever is stronger is "Li Qingshan"!

Here is the way of practice, the collision of power, the confrontation of wills is never-ending, the weak do not deserve to bear this name, the weak do not deserve to have anything.

He has been cruising in the returning market for a long time, but he has not seen anything, whether it is a ray of light or a speck of dust, only endless black water.

But in his mind, there is a clear "map", starting from the position of entering the ruins, constantly cruising around, the trajectory of the sailing is like a whirlpool, and it continues to expand.

at the same time. He continued to release light, and used "Mysterious Light to Shine" to patrol the surrounding thousands of miles, so the circle could be very large.

However, in the boundless return to the ruins, it is still like a lost firefly. Wasting light in vain.

However, this light is not just light, it contains a message, where the light is swallowed by the darkness, using the deep black water as a medium, it continues to spread further afield.

There is a consonance in the heart - the second new supernatural power of the tortoise.

This is a means of remote communication. It can communicate with the mind at a super long distance, so that he can use the "profound light to shine" to spy on, and at the same time, he can point fingers.

Under normal circumstances, it doesn't seem to be of much use, but now it can be used as a signal tower. Constantly sending out signals, hoping to be received by the "returning prisoner".

Because too complex information is easy to be lost, in order to ensure that the signal spreads far enough, there are only three words in that message - who am I?

Not only the signal is simplified to the extreme, but the interrogative sentence is easier to attract attention. If there are potential enemies, they will not reveal their purpose. It will be treated as an ordinary tortoise in contemplation.

Perhaps, it is also constantly reminding myself.

Everything was planned, there was a tortoise-like sophistication, but it was still a clumsy way.

The future is slim, maybe the next moment will be answered, maybe never will be answered.

It ends up being like a frog in warm water, gradually being cooked. By the way, in fact, frogs are not that stupid, and as perhaps the most intelligent race in the world - the tortoise - he cannot escape such a fate.

So he began to spin endlessly in the endless black water.

The 108th time - the mirror image and the body are merged. After the habitual pain, another part of the memory was lost.

The 10800th time - the mirror image and the main body overlapped, and he couldn't recall even one of the mountains and seas of books in the Tianshulou. Including the Book of Freedom. That's the only title left.

How long has it been? A year and a half? Or ten or eight years?

Does he not remember? Originally, it was very easy to calculate, and the time of each overlap was basically the same, but now he has forgotten even this. And every time it overlaps, it will be forgotten once, because remembering this kind of information is completely meaningless, and it will weaken his willpower.

Time has become a vague concept.

Three thousand five hundred and twenty-eight times—as if he wasn't spinning. Instead, the entire Guixu is spinning, and the dead silence is just an illusion. It is actually a big vortex, spinning at a very high speed.

It's just like humans don't feel much the rotation of the earth, this vortex is really too big, and in it, it always maintains the same speed as it, so it doesn't feel like it's moving by itself.

And he thought he was following a precise trajectory, but in fact he was constantly approaching the center of the vortex.

Of course, he wasn't sure if it was a real deduction or a false illusion. With the mass loss of memory, everything becomes ambiguous.

Seven thousand seven hundred and fifty-nine times - who am I?

He slowly closed his eyes, cultivated to the ninth level of spiritual turtle transformation, and everything was over!

He had already sacrificed his name, but he never responded.

Before despair emerged, it began to recede quickly, calm to the extreme, and sleepy to the extreme.

With his last will, he sent the last message and fell into a long slumber.

"who I am?!!!!!"

Suddenly, a voice broke into his sea of ​​consciousness, like a landslide, like a thunderstorm, like a million lions roaring together, awakening him from his deep sleep, and he couldn't help but shrink into the turtle shell.

The sound was still reverberating wildly, and the turtle shells were shaking and reverberating, as if they had become some kind of musical instrument.

Li Qingshan opened his eyes wide, and a surge of ecstasy surged in his heart. Although he almost forgot why he was happy, he still felt happy.

"I found it?"

The silent black water was surging wildly, forming countless eddies and turbulent currents, each vortex, each turbulent current was hundreds of times larger than his size, even the Demon Emperor would be easily torn apart.

And he is not afraid, as the spiritual turtle becomes a complete and complete culmination, he is already a pure-blooded spiritual tortoise, using every vortex as a signpost and every turbulent flow as a path, accelerating toward the depths of the Returning Ruins.

Suddenly, a majestic and undulating shadow lay in front of him, like a crouching beast, coming from the endless darkness to the endless darkness, stretching for thousands of miles!

"It's a mountain!"

He had never imagined that the sight of a mountain would one day be so surprising and so kind to him.

Not only because this is Guixu, but he has lost all memory of the mountain, including his name, which is equivalent to the first big mountain he has ever seen in his life.

He approached slowly, and the grand and vast voice came from this big mountain. The jagged rocks and the towering rocks were close at hand, but he didn't find anything else, except that the peaks were rocks.

He ran "Xuanguang Dianzhao", carefully scanned the entire mountain range, and found that among the mountains, the most majestic peak seemed to have a few words engraved on it.

When he came closer, he saw that it turned out to be three large characters with a vertical and horizontal line - Shi Tuoling!

This name seems a little familiar, but I can't remember where I heard it, and I still haven't found any living creatures, and asked loudly: "Where are you?"

A voice a million times louder than his responded: "I'm at your feet!"

Rumble boom! The black water churned and undulated, generating countless ocean currents.

Li Qingshan urged the spirit tortoise Xuanjia, barely resisting the impact of the sound waves, overlooking the mountains, and had an idea: "You are pressed under the mountain?!"

He also felt very familiar with this setting, and he couldn't help but look around to see if there should be something like a gold letter stamping around him that he needed to remove, and from then on all the way westward, set foot on the pinnacle of life.

The voice laughed out loud, and the mountains shook, and asked, "How to suppress it?"

Li Qingshan was stunned for a moment, this is the return to the ruins, even this big mountain should be suspended in black water, so there is no need to suppress: "Then you are sealed in the belly of the mountain?"

"You are on my back."

"No way!"

Li Qingshan was taken aback and pushed the "Xuanguang Zhuangzhao" to the extreme. He tried to look at this mountain range that stretches for thousands of miles as a whole, only to find that it looked like a crouching lion, and the peak he was standing on was It is the towering back of a male lion.

His "spiritual tortoise transformation" is complete, and his size is already quite large, but on the back of this male lion, it looks like a flea.

Rumble boom!

The male lion raised its head, driving the mountains up and down, yawning loudly, and its two long tusks were like two upside-down lone peaks. Looking back at him, the brown-yellow lion eyes were like two fiery suns, instantly dispelling the endless darkness.

"Little guy, who are you?"

"I'm...I'm not a little guy anyway! Can you be quiet?" Li Qingshan knew what he was facing, but he didn't feel fear, but was very kind.

"No, little guy." The lion rejected him without hesitation.

Li Qingshan grinned, this bastard lion! Apparently there is no sense of being a prisoner.

The male lion shook his ears: "Pay attention to your heart, I can hear it."

"Who are you?" Li Qingshan vaguely guessed the identity of the lion, and he still kept this part of the information.

"I forgot!" The lion proudly announced: "But the big brother once called me a stupid lion, so you can call me 'Yugong'!"

Li Qingshan rolled his eyes and was called a "stupid lion". What is there to be proud of? Or the proud one is that "big brother"! There is no need to explain anything over there, this one should have seen everything from himself. But why do you think the word "Yugong" is a bit familiar.

"Forget it, if I guessed correctly, you are the King of the Lion and Camel of the Mountain-moving Great Holy Lion!"

The Lion Camel King glanced at the three characters "Lion Camel Ridge": "Well, that's it."


The original purpose of the lettering is this! (To be continued.)

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