Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 66 Untitled

The tortoise is lurking at the bottom of the quicksand river, and it is completely the same color as the three thousand weak waters. It is like a sinking stone buried for thousands of years. It has no breath, no destiny, no joy or sorrow. 【No popup window..】

Li Qingshan also seemed to have forgotten this body and poured all his thoughts into the clone.

The gust of wind whistled through the ears, rapidly approaching the horizon, and flew over thousands of miles of pure land in an instant. Whether it was a city or a wilderness, a forest or a lake, it was blurred into a group of gorgeous colors: yellow city, green wilderness, ink-colored forest, blue lake...

The colors mixed and intertwined with each other, constantly changing, making him feel dizzy. But he didn't dare to relax in the slightest, he just kept adding strength, strength and strength! If a pair of phoenix wings lag a little, they will be torn apart by the oncoming wind. Even so, the clone is gradually dissociating and collapsing from within.

As the tortoise grows, he can pour all his strength into the mirror image clone, but it is impossible for the clone to have the reaction speed and strength of the main body, and even if there is power, it cannot be fully exerted.

But that's enough, enough to be fake. Neither the reaction speed nor the support for too long, he only needs to escape for half an hour.

The riverbed vibrated, and if you hadn't felt it carefully, you wouldn't have noticed it at all.

Langya Mountain fell, and God Jialan finally broke free from the gaze of the pair of orange-yellow lion eyes.

He raised his head and looked at the direction where Li Qingshan was fleeing, instead of roaring and roaring, he was unusually calm. It is no longer the attitude of condescending and clearing the door, but of treating each other as equals, or even facing the enemy.

Since the mountain-moving order is issued, then the catastrophe of heaven and earth will come again!

Not for these clay sculptures and stone carvings, not for this Daleiyin Temple, but for the entire Buddhist sect!

"Li Qingshan, you must fall here."

With eyes like electricity, he crossed the horizons in an instant and locked onto Li Qingshan, who was thousands of miles away. Holding his mace, he stepped forward and reached the riverside of the quicksand, and then spent some time wading across the river, one more step, another step. to three thousand miles away.

At a speed of three thousand miles per step, he crossed mountains, rivers and lakes, chasing after Li Qingshan.

Suddenly, a large city that stretches for hundreds of miles appeared on the horizon, sitting at the foothold of his next step.

He only needs to take a slow step, or take a turn, to avoid the city. Yet he did not hesitate,

One step in the city, and then disappeared beyond the horizon. Only one deep footprint was left, which immediately triggered a major earthquake, countless houses and buildings collapsed, mourning everywhere, and the dead and wounded.

God Garan took the eighth step and had already stopped in front of Li Qingshan.

boom! Without any room for manoeuvre, the mirror image avatar shattered like a bubble.

Under the weak water, Li Qingshan opened his eyes and felt terrified: "Even my deity can't withstand this blow, Phoenix Nirvana is useless!"

This is the gap between God and man. Once found, it is death.

Less than a quarter of an hour had passed, and he had to hold on for at least another quarter of an hour.

God Galan frowned, closed his eyes, his thoughts were like electricity, and he opened it immediately, capturing a thread-like fate: "Hide in the water, um, weak water!"

A few steps back to the riverside of the quicksand, looking at the turbulent weak water, the clues are broken here.

If it was an ordinary river, he could clear it with a wave of his hand, but this water is different from ordinary water, and it is difficult for gods to fly across it. All magical powers are restricted, and it is indeed the best hiding place.

"Are you the only one with a clone?"

God Garan snorted coldly, and the mountain-like body suddenly collapsed, transforming into millions of little Gods Garan, pouring into the weak water, and the water level immediately rose.

Since the supernatural power is useless, then use the most primitive method to find it, and search the three thousand weak waters one inch by one.

Li Qingshan's heart is like a deep sea, he is still and motionless, neither frightened nor angry nor afraid.

The river is surging, the deceased is like this, and the time is passing bit by bit.

A quarter of an hour and a quarter of an hour, the time is getting closer and closer, the yin is rising and the yang is declining.

The darkness deepened, as if returning to the ruins.

God Garan searched most of the watershed and quickly approached Li Qingshan's location.

At this time, every second was so slow and sluggish.

Just a quarter of an hour away!

The army of the god Garan came over the riverbed, and it was ten miles away.

Ten thousand feet... thousand feet... one hundred feet... ten feet... ten feet...

"found it!"

Thousands of garan gods said in unison, shaking 3,000 weak waters, and the waves were terrifying!

Li Qingshan drew his sword and stood up, splitting the stormy waves with one sword.

The sword energy was cold, and nearly a thousand little Galan gods were wiped away, but this was only a drop in the bucket.

In an instant, all the incarnations merged into one, looking down from the clouds.

"Wait, I have something to say!" Li Qingshan shouted, hoping to delay a little longer, yes, just a little is enough.

However, what responded to him was the double trump card of cross-shooting.

This shocking blow has not yet landed, the sound of the two mace strikes has shaken his primordial spirit, the door is wide open, and he can hardly hold the ancient bronze sword.

The invisible and intertwined laws of heaven and earth block all the possibility of evasion.

Want to turn into a unicorn? No time! Want to dig out the Mountain Removal Order? No time.

In life and death, a second is so precious and unattainable.

Before even thinking about it, only two words came out: "It's over!"


Eight hundred Liusha River, three thousand weak water depths, was cut into two sections by one blow.

Li Qingshan blinked and made a thud, his heart beating like thunder: "I'm not finished!?"

Time is still passing, and the river water that flew into the sky poured down like a torrential rain, pouring on the empty river bed.

His jet-black eyes reflected a golden-red figure, catching the falling mace.

God Garan's face changed, but no matter how he stretched his muscles and angered his crown, he couldn't drop an inch of his mace.

Li Qingshan's heart jumped: "You are...you are..."

Under the purple-gold crown of phoenix wings, the blond hair fluttered as dazzling as the sun, looking back and smiling, innocent like a child, those red-gold pupils seemed to penetrate his past and present life.

"Traitor!!!" Galan's roar was earth-shattering, but there was powerlessness in his indignation.

Chijin's pupils turned to look at God Galan, he pouted his mouth, waved his mace, used his little finger to dig out his ear, took out a golden needle, waved his hand and turned it into a pillar, and stabbed it upwards, as if to stab the sky. hole.

The body of Pang Rushan, the god of Galan, was stabbed and flew away, and he did not know where to go.

Li Qingshan was about to go forward, the time has come, yin and yang are transformed, and the negative and yang are born.

In an instant, there was a slight delay in the operation of the laws of heaven and earth in the entire Paradise of Elysium.

Vaguely, I felt the surging of demonic energy and heard the roar of the beast.

Between heaven and earth, countless demon caves suddenly opened and closed again.

"Boy, you are the one chosen by Lao Niu, it's more interesting than I thought!"

Li Qingshan was a little used to the gaze of those red-gold eyes, and then he noticed that it was the most beautiful face he had ever seen in his life.

A magic cave suddenly opened under him. He hesitated for a moment whether to enter or not. He pressed a hand on his chest and pushed it gently.

"We'll see you again."

"and many more……"

Li Qingshan fell into the devil's cave, the darkness closed in front of his eyes, and the crimson figure disappeared, and he felt lost in his heart.

Above the weak water, the pair of red gold eyes suddenly looked up, through the layers of clouds, the sky and the sky, and directly beyond the starry sky, he said with an angry smile: "Old Tathagata! The catastrophe has come, let's see how long you can trap me. ?"

Under the Bodhi tree, the Buddha lies peacefully. The right arm supports the head, the left hand spreads out.

As if he heard something, he lowered his eyes and looked at the palm of his hand, facing the pair of red gold pupils.

Elysium, the land of hundreds of millions, all in the palm of your hand.

His eyes met for a moment, then he smiled slightly, stood up, and looked around, there were golden bricks and golden leaves everywhere.

A gust of wind blew, clanging, containing a wonderful rhythm, and accompanied by a strange bird song, which made people feel calm.

In that distant era, when Daleiyin Temple had not yet been established and Mahayana Buddhism had not yet been clarified, it used to be the main place of Buddha's teaching, and it was called the Garden of Lonely Trees. (To be continued.)



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