Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 79: Two Kills

Volume 2 Incarnation of Demons] Chapter 79 Two Kills


Chapter 79: Two Kills

Hao Pingyang said: "It's time for the exit!" The faces of all the people illuminated by the light were a little more radiant.

The light got closer and brighter, and finally engulfed the boat.

Suddenly, the eyes opened up, at the end of the endless wilderness, and the sky was full of red clouds. They hadn't entered the cave, even less than half a day, but it felt like a long time.

Hao Pingyang and the three felt even deeper, as if they had passed away.

Lao Xishan came out from the corner, scanned the crowd, and finally focused on Li Qingshan: "You are Li Qingshan?" Seeing that he is only on the second level of Qi Refining, Mr. Mister despises him a little bit. With this level of strength, Zhuo Zhibo dared to fight against him. He really didn't know how to live or die. It was probably a fluke that he was able to kill Qian Yannian, but he was lucky, and he was still alive and well.

Li Qingshan said respectfully: "Subordinate Li Qingshan, see Commander, dare to ask Commander's name."

"My name is Lao Xishan, just call me Commander Lao." Lao Xishan slightly nodded his head in a dignified manner, and frowned, "Have you seen Zhuo Zhi...Have you seen Commander Zhuo?"

Li Qingshan said: "I met once in Yizhuang outside the town, but we didn't stay together. Instead, we entered the cave together with these Mo family friends, and we haven't seen each other since then."

Lao Xishan fell into deep thought. He knew that Bo Zhuo Zhibo came after Li Qingshan, but he didn't doubt that Li Qingshan killed Zhuo Zhibo. The opponent of the elite Xuanlang Guards, Zhuo Zhibo, who has endured for many years, understands best.

Everything can only be attributed to that huge monster aura. He has also heard rumors that there are many powerful monsters hiding in the depths of this cave. Zhuo Zhibo must be unlucky to meet one of them. !

Li Qingshan said: "Commander, what are you doing here?"

"Of course it was to hunt down that zombie Taoist, and I was about to go into the cave." Lao Xishan also had to guard against others' suspicion that he had something to do with Zhuo Zhibo's death.

Li Qingshan said: "Then there is no need for the commander to enter the cave, the zombie Taoist has been destroyed by us, his body is in the treasure bag, and he is going back to deliver the mission."

Lao Xishan was very skeptical: "What,

Just because you can kill the zombie Taoist? "

Hao Pingyang was already in a bad mood, and when he heard this, he was even more unhappy, he bowed his hands to Li Qingshan and said: "Qingshan, we have to hurry back and return to our orders, so we bid farewell here!"

Li Qingshan ignored Lao Xishan, and cupped his hands: "Okay, Brother Hao, I wish you a smooth journey, the green mountains will not change, the green water will flow forever, there will always be a time to meet again, and then I will have a drink with you."

Hao Pingyang also showed a slight smile on his face: "Okay, that's it, I will invite you to taste the Mo family's fine wine."

Zhang Lanqing said: "You should also count me in. The future meeting may not be indefinite. In March next year, the Hundred Schools of Economics will open to recruit new students. Qingshan, you must not miss it."

Hao Pingyang said: "If you don't enter the sect, don't join the hundreds of schools, if you only rely on your own comprehension and practice, it will be very difficult for you to achieve anything. You are still young and have high talents. It is a good time to be admitted to the hospital. We Maybe there is still a relationship between seniors and brothers." He glanced at Lao Xishan and said, "If you don't like living here, you can resign from the Eagle Wolf Guard and come to Qinghe early to prepare for the entrance examination."

Hearing the sincerity of what he said, Li Qingshan was also moved: "It would be a great honor if I could call brother Hao a senior brother. I will definitely go next year."

Lao Xishan saw that these people, including Li Qingshan, didn't pay attention to him, the majestic sixth-level qi refiner, the commander of the black wolf, and turned cold: "The eagle wolf guard is not a vegetable market, how can you want to enter it?" Just go in, come out as soon as you want? Even if you enter a hundred schools of thought, you are still a disciple of the Legalist school, so what does it have to do with the Mohist school?"

Li Qingshan and Hao Pingyang glanced at Lao Xishan, ignored him, and said respect to each other.

Zhang Lanqing clasped his hands and said: "Qingshan, you must come!" He Yishi kept his head down and remained silent.

It's getting late, and the crows are noisy.

After the three of them left, Lao Xishan said arrogantly: "Li Qingshan, tell me, what's going on? You really killed the zombie Taoist, and you couldn't be tricked by a substitute. Where is the corpse? , give me a test!"

If it's true, then he can't say that he should share it, the meritorious service of killing the zombie Taoist is as high as 12,000, it's best that Li Qingshan can donate it obediently, and he will accept it as his confidant, and everyone will be happy.

Li Qingshan felt his thoughts slightly, and said lightly: "When we return to Jiaping City, the commander will naturally be able to see it."

"You are rude. How dare you disobey my order. Do you still have any dignity?" Lao Xishan said angrily. He was at his happiest moment. few.

If there is no accident, he will take over the command of Xuanying and become the top spot of Eagle Wolf Guard.

"Commander Zhuo has always said the same thing. I have a word for Commander Lao, don't be crazy if you succeed, otherwise extreme joy will turn into sorrow." Li Qingshan frowned. These guys, being a bird shit commander, they are not even human up.

"You dare to teach me a lesson!" Lao Xishan was furious and wanted to kill, but before he could draw his sword, his eyes suddenly went dark, and the tall figure in the coir raincoat suddenly appeared in front of him. From the shadow under the bamboo hat, he was Half of his hideous face covered by iron armor, he was taken aback: "Zombie!"

Li Qingshan said: "This is an armored corpse snatched from the Zombie Taoist. Its power is very extraordinary. Do you want to try Commander Lao?"

Lao Xishan also had a little understanding of corpse refining. This armored corpse seemed to be very powerful and not so easy to deal with. His face was cloudy for a while, and he hated to put down his hands, and simply tore his face and said:

"Li Qingshan, I think the disappearance of Commander Zhuo and the others has a lot to do with you. If you are familiar, the extermination of zombie Taoist priests this time will be credited to the two of us. From now on in Jiaping City, you will be considered mine, and I will protect you." You. Otherwise, your feats are nothing more than a bunch of useless numbers, and you can't even spend a single Qi Condensation Pill."

Li Qingshan said: "Half? Commander Lao has a big appetite."

Lao Xishan said: "And your iron armored corpse is also a thing of evil spirits and heretics. It must be taken back to the Eagle Wolf Guard for disposal, and the method of operation must also be handed over."

Li Qingshan said: "No need to discuss?"

Lao Xishan said: "There is no need to discuss it. Since you are my subordinate, you have to obey my orders, otherwise I have thousands of ways to punish you. Don't think that you can escape when you arrive at the School of Economics. Young friends are practicing in Legalism."

Li Qingshan was silent, as if he was thinking, then raised his head and said: "Then you go to die!"

"What are you talking about!" Lao Xishan raised his guard, only to see that Li Qingshan was motionless, not showing even the slightest murderous intent, just looking at him with deadly eyes.

And beside Li Qingshan, a white bead flew out from the hand of that handsome child who had no breath, whizzing through the air.

This child is actually a sixth-level qi refiner!

Only then did Lao Xishan understand that Li Qingshan not only wanted to kill him, but also had the power to kill him.

"Li Qingshan, you dare to attack and kill your boss, aren't you afraid of the sanctions of Daxia's laws?" Lao Xishan drew out a throwing knife exactly like Zhuo Zhibo, and flew out, it seemed that it was also the standard weapon of the Eagle Wolf Guard.

Li Qingshan said: "I'm a bastard like you, talk about the king's law, I worked so hard to kill Zhuo Zhibo, you are not satisfied with picking up a ready-made bargain, and you want to blackmail me, I really think I'm easy to bully Is it? What kind of bullshit command, anyway, one is killed, two are also killed, die for me!"


The flying knife and the rosary collided in the air, and the rosary knocked the flying knife away, and it just paused. Xiaoan's current strength is not only at the sixth level of Qi refining, but because Lao Xishan has just broken through the level of the sixth level of Qi refining, and the imperial weapons are still very inconvenient, how can he be an opponent.

"You killed Zhuo Zhibo!?" Lao Xishan's eyes widened when he heard this, he couldn't believe it. Moreover, Li Qingshan was clearly determined to kill, so he dared to tell him the news.

Li Qingshan said: "Why do people who I think about letting go become so annoying in the end?"

Lao Xishan pinched Fa Jue with his hands, the flying knife spun around in the air, stabilized again, and fought together with the rosary beads. But suddenly another rosary bead hit him in the face, this child can control two spiritual weapons!

Although Lao Xishan was not disturbed, and the governor couldn't do anything, he thought of quitting, as long as he returned to Jiaping City and reported this matter to the Eagle Wolf Guard, Li Qingshan would end up being wanted by the world.

Hmph, just relying on two spiritual weapons, don't try to kill me! He reached out and took out the prepared talisman and activated it with true energy, but the talisman did not respond, and his hand lost consciousness.

Turning around, his hand holding the talisman was gone!

There was only half of the forearm left, which was bare, revealing a neat section of flesh and bone.

Xiao An was standing not far away, holding the Hidden Sword in one hand, and the severed hand of Lao Xishan in the other, which was burning and turning into flames!

Li Qingshan was also slightly taken aback, because he hardly saw Xiao An's movements clearly, except for her own speed, which was faster than the flying speed of the rosary, and she had no momentum, no killing intent, and nothing.

It's been a long time since he's seen Xiao An fighting someone close to him. He didn't expect her to be so close, unless she is transformed into a demon, he can grasp her actions!

Thinking back carefully, from the time he went to Qian's house to now, Xiaoan devoured the essence of the flesh and blood of thousands of people, and tempered his own bones with the bones of thousands of people. Unknowingly, his strength and speed increased by leaps and bounds.

The two skull rosary beads were both refined on the basis of her own strength.

Although "Zhu Yan Dao of Bones" has a chapter on refining weapons, and the various artifacts in it are more powerful than each other, the fundamental pursuit is still to strengthen oneself, refining one's own bones into the most terrifying weapon in the world.

This little girl was usually silent, but she did not expect to be so strong, and she was sure and ruthless in her strikes, which won his true teaching.


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