Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 94: Heaven and Earth are Useless

The Qiqi Mountain pierced into the sky, reaching a height of 18,000 meters. It was the highest peak in the Demon Territory. It was the Qiqi Demon God who pulled it up to such a height with his powerful divine power, allowing him to climb up and look far away.

Even if you look up from a distance, there will be an illusion that the mountain is about to collapse.

Qiong Qi is lively and entertaining, and this Qi Qi Mountain will never be lonely. The cave dwellings of the twelve evil gods under his command are also built in the mountain, and at the foot of the mountain is an incomparably huge demon city, inhabited by hundreds of millions of demon people.

At this moment, all the demons took to the streets and worshipped the top of the mountain. Densely crowded, chanting words in their mouths, repeatedly throwing their bodies to the ground. Looking around, I saw a black head, like an ant.

Qiong Qi was standing on the rooftop of a mountain above 18,000 meters and looked out, the corners of his mouth were raised high, as if they were about to split, and his smile was evil and weird. He opened his arms, and the surging power of faith rolled towards him, pushing his powerful divine power to an unimaginable height.

Twelve evil gods gathered behind them, oppressed by this divine power, and retreated a hundred feet, looking at each other. Although they felt some kind of change, they were not as clear as those of the demon gods, and I don't know why they made such a big battle.

Could it be that Emperor Zhenwu personally led the gods and entered the Demon Realm? Otherwise, even if a true immortal descends, he would not dare to trespass into the Demon Realm, let alone attack a Demon God's cave dwelling, which would be like sending him to death. Only a "God King" like Emperor Zhenwu can force the demon gods to such a situation.

But if Emperor Zhenwu came down to the earth to fight demons, then the twelve demon gods should join forces to set up the "Twelve Capitals of Heavenly Demons" to defend against it.

Seeing that Qiongqi seemed to be in a good mood, he asked boldly, "Sir, what happened?"

"Black Sun, it's really coming!" Qiongqi Demon God announced loudly, but he was not answering the evil god behind him, but said to the other demon gods: "Are you ready to welcome our king?"

The demon gods were silent and watching, except for the Chaos Demon God and the Taotie Demon God, they were all ready to kill their king. A king who can not be strangled by his subjects is a king. Even the gluttonous demon god tried to kill it.

The strong eat the weak is the supreme law of the Demon Realm.

When Li Qingshan's figure appeared at the end of the horizon.

Qiongqi jumped up happily and let out a cheer, happy like a child: "Come on, come on, I want to see, how are you going to overthrow Qingqi Mountain?"

The Twelve Evil Gods were awe-inspiring, and they had all heard the prophecy of the "Dark Sun Demon Heart".

The man was still thousands of miles away when he felt the shadow spread over and enveloped the entire Qiqi Mountain at once, making him breathless. I couldn't help but look up, as if I saw the incarnation of the devil.

Without the slightest hesitation, it turned into twelve magic lights and flew back to the cave. Their cave houses are twelve palace towers built around the mountains, and they set up a "Twelve Capital Heavenly Demons Great Demonic Array", which guards the Qiongqi Demon Palace at the highest point, and supports the outer mountain guarding array. With this as the core, with the 108 temples in the magic capital as the nodes, a circle of larger and wider formations enveloped the entire magic capital.

The Qiongqi Demon God is the supreme ruler of the Qiongqi Demon Realm, possessing the "time of the sky", while the Qingqi Mountain occupies an absolute "geographical advantage".

These three-layered formations, combined into one, brought together the three talents of "Heaven, Earth and Man" to form an indestructible fortress.

In the twelve palaces, the twelve evil gods sit high on their thrones, firmly believing in their hearts that even if they are legendary people with the "Black Sun Demon Heart", if they dare to bump into them, there is only one way to die.

"Hmph, in the face of absolute power, how can legends come true?"

Li Qingshan finally stopped, and the sky above his head was like a sea of ​​robbery. The strange thing was that there was not a thunderbolt falling, and a muffled thunder rolled in his ears, as if a chariot ran over a chariot, accumulating ominous omen.

He didn't even look up.

The front is where the enemy formation is!

Immediately he showed a hideous smile. With this smile, the violent power in his chest could no longer be suppressed, and rushed out of his heart and throat, like a volcanic eruption, turning into a roar.


Heaven and earth lost their color, only a roar, incomparably heroic and brilliant, destroyed everything in front of him, whether it was rolling hills or lush forests, all shattered in brilliance.

The roar swept thousands of miles in an instant, and violently impacted the defensive formation at the outermost periphery of the magic capital. The defensive formation twisted and collapsed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and a single breath shattered like a soap bubble.

High-rise buildings collapsed in an instant, and hundreds of millions of demons were turned into flying ashes.

This violent energy did not show any signs of weakening, and then slammed into the defensive formation of Qingqi Mountain.

Just like the breath of an angry dragon, it is not to break through the face, but to make a comprehensive breakthrough.

Even Li Qingshan can't completely control this power, he can only breathe out freely.

This contained not only power, but also the anger and hatred that the Demon Domain had accumulated for hundreds of millions of years. And as long as he wants to, he can spit forever. The entire Demon Realm is his "small world". To a certain extent, the power is just circulating in his body.

"what is that?"

The Twelve Evil Gods were stunned, and their eyes were full of brilliant brilliance.

The so-called formation is just a certain manifestation of the laws of heaven and earth, and Li Qingshan is the incarnation of the devil, which fundamentally denies all formations.

Time is useless, geography is useless, and people are useless.

"Heaven and earth are useless!"

Li Qingshan took a step forward, and the violent energy went straight to Qiongqi on the top of the mountain.

"Tsk, these rubbish things really can't stop you!"

Qiong Qi's eyes were full of brilliance, and with a wave of his hand, this violent energy rushed into the sky.

All the demons looked up to see a bright star rising, shining in the night sky.

"You still haven't 'refining the gods and returning to the void', you can't hurt me with this trick!"

Li Qingshan can deny the formation, but he can't deny a demon. Qiongqi has already reached "refining the gods and returning to the virtual", and the real "devil king" must be "refining the virtual and combining the Tao" in order to deprive him of the law at will.

At this moment, there was a loud bang, the robbery cloud split, and a thunder shadow condensed and flashed, transformed into a human shape, the appearance of a warrior, naked belly, wings on the back, three eyes on the forehead, face as red as a monkey, feet as eagle claws. , holding a wedge in the left hand and a mallet in the right hand.


The seven calamities are different from the past. After passing through, you will become a true immortal. The real immortality is immortal, but you can reach the nine heavens and become the righteous god of the heavenly palace.

When the calamity is over, there will be a thunderbolt coming to test on behalf of Tiangong. If it is a true person, the thunder will be a little slower. If the demon is an outsider, the thunder will be violent.

At this time, Lei Gong overlooked and stared at Li Qingshan on the ground, his expression was full of anger.

"It's finally here!" (To be continued.)

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