Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 1 Surprised by the cloud and rain

Chapter 1 Surprise**

Li Qingshan was awe-inspiring, and felt that he had still underestimated this woman. She was definitely not the kind of pervert who relied on selling her status or twisted her mind. This kind of sharp judgment was far inferior to Zhuo Zhibo, a self-proclaimed wise man. . This chapter is updated by netizens]

"What do you want to do? You are here because you want to tell me this? Or do you want to ask me for something?" He narrowed his eyes. It was not the first time that Qian Rongzhi aroused his killing intent, but she always managed to cleverly If he doesn't break the bottom line, he has no reason to kill her, what about this time? Will it be an exception?

Facing Li Qingshan's series of questions, Qian Rongzhi smiled sweetly and said: "Do you know? The ****mén is bound to win the child next to you? You don't know the value of the country's color and heavenly fragrance to the ****mén, the mén owner has already Personally order, even if it is against the leader of the red wolf, Huā Chengzan, that child must be taken into his hands."

"Then what?" Li Qingshan's pupils shrank, for the sake of Xiaoan, they could do this to this extent!

"Then it's impossible for you to get that child out? The reason why I came back is that I was sent to supervise this matter. If Zhuo Zhibo can't give that child to the **** men, someone stronger will take action immediately. If you can’t succeed, the four grandmothers of the ** family, and even the head and deputy head of the family, will come to Jiaping City soon! I don’t know if this news is of any use to you.”

Li Qingshan did not deny that if he was not prepared, he would be trapped in Jiaping City by this group of masters, and it would be impossible to escape. The news of Qian Rongzhi is extremely important.

"Why are you telling me this, haven't you already joined the **mén?"

"*Rong Zhi smiled contemptuously, swayed her waist, stepped forward, hooked her wrists around Li Qingshan's neck, and stuck her whole body against Li Qingshan's body, pressing softly on Li Qingshan's mouth, rubbing lightly: "Because I am more I like you! "

Li Qingshan was even more vigilant. Ordinary qi refiners joined a decent sect, which one is not careful, how many can be dismissive like her, this is not ignorance and arrogance, but from the very beginning. The arrogance in his bones seems familiar.

When she pressed against his body, there was a sticky and cold feeling from the soft and tender body, preventing him from moving the slightest desire, while Qian Rongzhi's feeling was similar, the fiery fury in Li Qingshan's body, Made her feel an uncontrollable danger.

So the lonely man and the widow were living together in the same room, but it was difficult for them to have any ambiguous feelings, and they only felt that the danger was unbearable and cold.

Li Qingshan said lightly: "Go away."

Qian Rongzhi took a step back,

Haircut: "Forget it, what a boring man."

"This is the reward." Li Qingshan took out a few things from the treasure bag, the Chunqing Pills and Baicao Pills he got from Zhao Liangqing, as well as the middle-grade spirit tool Flying Sword, and the book "Little ** Jue" ". Except for the flying sword, these few things are beyond his use.

Qian Rongzhi pursed her lips and said with a smile: "I like generous men." After taking a few things, she first flipped through the "Little Secret Art", and turned to a page, suddenly her eyes lit up, and then she took the spirit Qi Feijian threw it back to Li Qingshan: "But I'm not stingy, I'll accept the rest if you don't need them."

A middle-grade spiritual weapon that ordinary qi refiners couldn't dream of was thrown around by two low-level qi refiners indifferently.

Li Qingshan said: "Then there will be a period later." Since he got the news, it is impossible for him to stay in Jiaping City and wait for others to arrest him. He didn't have the confidence to resist a large group of sects reckless, and he couldn't resist. With the huge resources in his hand, it was serious to find a place to practice in seclusion and improve his strength.

As long as he becomes strong enough, **mén will naturally not be a problem.

Qian Rongzhi said: "Wait, do you want to get a treasure bag of a sixth-level Qi refiner?"

Li Qingshan said: "Where is it?"

Qian Rongzhi said: "In this Jiaping City, the new owner of the ** building, a brother of mine, originally the owner meant that if Zhuo Zhibo couldn't take the child down, let him do it." After seeing her in the dark, she finally revealed her true purpose.

"This person is the son of the vice-governor, and he likes girls from good families the most. Whenever he sees a beautiful girl on the road, he will definitely visit her house at night, and do whatever he wants with the means of a qi refiner."

Li Qingshan doubted: "The Eagle Wolf Guards of Qinghe Mansion don't care?"

"It's hard for an ordinary woman to resist some petty tricks of the prostitute. There are not a few who are obsessed with him. A few violent ones also have to take their reputation into account. They will give some money after threatening. Of course it’s over.”

Li Qingshan said: "You want me to kill him for you?"

"No, I want you to help me capture him alive. He has a lot of good things in his treasure bag, all of which belong to you. I only want the exercises you don't need and the medicine pills from men, okay?" Qian Rongzhi asked sincerely.

Li Qingshan was in awe, this woman is so generous, she really wanted something else, and she wanted to use her own hand to deal with her comrades. But **mén is his enemy at all, he has long made up his mind to kill Grandma Ximen, now that he is going to run away, it would be good to get a vote first, this is a request that cannot be refused.

Qian Rongzhi said: "On the way here, he kept telling me that he really wanted to try a woman of national color and beauty, even if she was a little younger, it doesn't matter."

Li Qingshan raised his head, red light flashed in his eyes: "Oh, then I want to see you!"

Turning off the lights and leaving the small building, Qian Rongzhi was stunned when she saw Xiao An in the darkness: "This child... is so clean!" What she saw was not the beauty of heaven, the strange sense of cleanliness was probably only After going through so much, she can feel it so deeply, she couldn't help stretching out her hand, wanting to mōmō Xiaoan's cheek, but stopped, as if she was afraid of her own filth, polluting this purity.

Xiao An stretched out her hand and patted the back of Qian Rongzhi's hand, and she didn't seem to have any ill feeling towards this woman who made her understand "The Way of the Bone".

Qian Rongzhi shrank her hand slightly as if flattered, and then said with a smile: "No wonder you refuse to let her out, even I can turn against anyone for her."

Li Qingshan said: "You would turn against anyone for profit."

Qian Rongzhi said: "Is there something wrong?"

Li Qingshan remained silent.


Walking in the dark alleys, Li Qingshan was very close to Qian Rongzhi, he didn't fully trust this eloquent woman, he was worried that once he walked into the building, he would see the four grandmas of the family in ambush There, it is necessary to ensure a distance that can kill her with one move.

Xiao An and the Iron Armored Corpse fell far behind to meet Li Qingshan at any time.

There is a faint light on in the adult building in the distance. It has been bought back by the adult, and it is currently being rectified, and it will open soon. He has been listening carefully, her heartbeat and breathing have always been very stable, without any panic,

"Actually, you don't have to be so guarded against me. How could I do something that is not good for me? If the **** men kill you, I won't share much of your belongings. If you are someone else's dog, you can only get The minced meat left by others, but I like to eat big pieces and fresh." Qian Rongzhi ǎn ǎn mouth chún.

Li Qingshan acquiesces, never need to worry, she has a great spirit of risk, she will take risks for the sake of others, and use herself as bait.

Qian Rongzhi continued: "Actually, if Qian Yannian is willing to pass on the position of patriarch to me, I will not destroy the Qian family." In order to maximize benefits, hatred is nothing. "But I squeezed out all the value of Qian's family, and then found those people one by one, and tortured them to death slowly, haha." In the nervous laughter, she seemed to be venting her gloom that she couldn't tell others, because Li Qingshan saw through her, so he didn't need to bother to hide it.

The ** floor is here.

Li Qingshan restrained all his breath, stepped into the darkness, without ambush or encirclement, the upstairs was completely dark, only the flying yùnv on the ceiling was still dancing.

Qian Rongzhi was surprised, she was so close, but if she didn't have to look, she couldn't feel Li Qingshan's aura at all. This kind of concealed aura alone is a powerful means to defeat the enemy, it is perfect for assassination.

Climbing to the top floor of the ** building, Li Qingshan felt a powerful aura, which seemed to be not under Zhuo Zhibo, and showed a cautious look.

Qian Rongzhi cast a wink at Li Qingshan, and then pushed the door in by herself.

Li Qingshan then heard a young man's obscene voice: "Junior Sister, you are here, do you miss Senior Brother?"

Qian Rongzhi's voice was a bit cold: "Brother, don't go too far." On the contrary, this could arouse a man's desire to conquer more than that kind of flattering voice.

The man said: "I want to show you too much!" The sound of clothes rubbing, hugging and kissing wěn.

"Senior brother, stop!" Qian Rongzhiyu resisted, holding the man in her arms and turning around, the door of the room was open, and there was faint excitement in her eyes.

Li Qingshan stepped on the thick carpet and walked in silently, but no matter how thick the carpet is, there will still be voices coming out, which can't be hidden from ordinary people, but it can't be hidden from the hearing of a sixth-level Qi Refiner.

The man was about to look back when Qian Rongzhi's red spring came up, his consciousness flickered slightly, and his reaction was a beat slower. When he felt the whistling wind behind him, it was too late.

Li Qingshan straddled the distance of several feet in one step, and raised his hand to stick a low-grade body-fixing amulet on the man's back. This was found from Zhuo Zhibo's treasure bag, and it was specially used to deal with those Qi refiners who needed to be captured alive, so that they could be brought back for more information.

The talisman released a round of spiritual light, which spread throughout the man's body, and the man's body froze immediately, as if frozen in an invisible layer of ice. The man was startled and then angry, he used all his true energy to hit the invisible layer of ice. After all, it is only a low-grade spirit talisman, and it can only last for a moment when used to deal with sixth-level Qi refiners, but it is enough.

Li Qingshan made a lightning strike and clasped the man's arm joints, but a burst of true energy naturally protected his body, as if he was pinching a tough rubber tube, he didn't need any strength.

ps: There is another chapter tonight, please rest assured that this book will be updated!


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