Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 7 Providence

Yitian Peak stands alone on the bank of the sea, like a peerless sword, its sharp edge is pointing directly at the sky, deterring the "Devil 6" on the other side, making the group of evil spirits ward off, and the group of demons fearful, and Yu Zijian, the master of the Tibetan Sword Palace, is this The soul of the sword with the sword.

At the top of the lonely peak, she asked Mingming Tianyi why such a party was created and brought so much killing and evil.

God's will is never high and difficult to ask! However, at this moment, he was standing beside her and was firmly held in her hand.

"Over there... So it is... I never noticed..."

Li Qingshan's line of sight crossed the boundless sea, looking at this "Devil 6" that he personally created, he instantly understood all its history, and fell into contemplation.

Yu Zijian held his breath and stared at him with a pair of purple eyes, silently waiting for his answer. Suddenly, she felt a tremor in the palm of her hand, she showed a look of surprise, and couldn't help asking: "Are you alright!"


Li Qingshan smiled, and at that moment, a flash of light flashed in his mind, as if he saw a "magic realm" created by himself.

In order to purify the land of the other great 6, so that all living beings can live and work in peace and contentment, they must extract the land that has been polluted by demons and hungry ghosts.

And in the past in the Demon Domain, did the big golden hand that took the sun have the same kindness?

Yes, in order to obtain a pure land of bliss, one must first create a piece of demonic filthy land.

He deliberately threw this big 6 in the bitter cold of Shuobei, and had no intention of letting any creatures thrive on this big 6.

The Pure Land of Bliss has drained all the vitality of the Demon Realm and turned the entire Demon Realm into a barren land. Perhaps that is a kind of mercy.

However, time has passed for so long, so long that everything has deviated from the original intention and backfired.

In the end, there are still many creatures gathered here, rooted tenaciously with admirable vitality, but become more cruel and evil in the harsh environment.

This "Devil 6" has become the base camp of the world's demon cultivators. All mortals born in this 6 have the characteristics of certain demons and ghouls. They are insensitive and powerful. Demons", infringing upon all other great six, just like the demon people's conquest of the three thousand worlds and the six reincarnations.

Li Qingshan looked up at the sky and recalled that the approaching Buddha light that summoned him to the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss only accidentally summoned him to be a small Galan general?

The "King of Demon Gods" who is fully capable of destroying him in the future still wants him to see clearly, see all the right and wrong, good and evil. The period of time as "Dansheng" was the happiest and most peaceful time in his life. Everyone lived happily. "Bliss" is by no means false.

When he fell into the Demon Realm and embraced the human son born by Jiu Ying, all the happiness and happiness turned into irony, and there were only sadness and anger in his heart.

At this moment, he seemed to see this baby grow up and grow old, his face was covered with age spots, and he gradually exuded the smell of sex, and the saliva flowed from his mouth, which was disgusting.

Is the great vow to save all sentient beings no match for the passage of time?

"The unicorn is dead, the phoenix is ​​old... The unicorn is dead, the phoenix is ​​old..."

He suddenly understood all of its meaning, but at the same time lost the ability to express it in words.

Become and live in bad emptiness,

Birth, old age, sickness and death, all things are inexorable. What is the significance of what I have done?

He couldn't help frowning and fell into contemplation. The silver-gray sea was undulating, and the north wind was wrapped in snowflakes. His expression was stern like a statue of a god, so steep that it was untouchable.

Yu Zijian couldn't help loosening her clenched hand. She didn't get the answer she wanted, but she seemed to see the will of heaven itself, which was profound and indescribable.

If it was someone else, she would never have the courage to ask, but she gritted her teeth and shouted decisively: "Li Qingshan, don't play stupid, I want to seek justice for the world today!"

Li Qingshan woke up suddenly, looked at her with bright eyes, not only smiled: "I'm just a mortal, what kind of justice are you asking me for?"

Yu Zijian breathed a sigh of relief. At that moment, it was a hundred times more terrifying than facing the most dangerous enemy. His will was almost engulfed, but he felt a touch of kindness inexplicably, and he could understand the state he was in. br /\u003e

However, she still prefers the "cow giant" in front of her.

He reprimanded: "Nonsense! You are obviously the god of the world, and you are also a 'King of Heroes'. You distribute all the cultivation techniques to everyone regardless of merit, and of course you must take responsibility."

The grand ambition of "everyone has merit training" is not as glorious and correct as it sounds. Although it has changed the pattern of the world and the fate of countless people, it has also caused countless chaos and disputes.

Magic Dao exercises tend to be biased and eager for quick success. Although it is easy to go crazy, it is not necessarily a price compared to the temptation of immortality. The degree of practice is also much faster than that of the right way, and the spells used are also vicious and powerful, and the monks with the same cultivation level are often not the opponents of the magic monks.

Therefore, many practitioners have embarked on the evil way, and they have specially selected this type of practice in the Tianshulou, so that they can win in the battle. So much so that in the early years of the Wuzhou World, the Dao and Demons grew, which greatly overshadowed the momentum of the Right Way. It was not until the strong rise of the Tibetan Sword Palace and Yu Zijian's vigorous killing that gradually recovered the decline.

Li Qingshan held his chin and said with emotion: "There are bad people in the crowd!"

"You just know!"

Yu Zijian has seen a lot, and none of those powerful magic monks were originally mortals, and none of them looked like bad people. Once mastered the mortal power, it will immediately become vicious and vicious.

"I almost forgot, I'm not a good person, hehe!" Li Qingshan laughed unconsciously, and patted Yu Zijian's shoulder with relief: "Fortunately, you are here, you just need to kill all those bastards."

"Big bastard!"

"What did you say?" Li Qingshan simply wondered if he had heard it wrong. Alas, when I took care of you, I used to call them "Giant Niu", but now that my wings are hard, I called them "Big Asshole".

"Big bastard!"

Yu Zijian frowned, adding an evil spirit, confirming her years of experience. Not to mention that it was an evil demon, even someone from the same sect was trembling and afraid to speak when they saw her appearance.

Over the years, the Tibetan Sword Palace has presided over the righteous path, beheaded countless demon cultivators, and made countless sacrifices. This is the case for practitioners, not to mention mortals.

With her current cultivation level, one person and one sword can suppress the world's demon cultivators, but this advantage will not last long. Sooner or later, the demon cultivator will also give birth to a human emperor and make a comeback. Jieshi is a war of good and evil, endless killing, I don't know how many innocent people will die, but he can still laugh.

"Okay, what do you want from me?"

Yu Zijian did not hesitate: "Kill all the demons in the world first!"

"Hey, what a suffocating suffocation!"

"Believe me, although there are a lot of hypocrites in the righteous way, there are not many good things about these demons. I would rather kill a thousand wrong people than let one go. It makes everyone in the world feel lucky, thinking that they can do evil with impunity, and the poison is endless."

Yu Zijian's brow was even more suffocating. Little benevolence and little righteousness, sometimes even hypocrisy is not as good as hypocrisy.

Li Qingshan has no doubts about what he said. People in the right way are hypocrites, and people in the devil way are good men with true temperament. He never believed this kind of nonsense. When a hypocrite does things, he still has to take into account the opinions and opinions. These good-natured men kill and slaughter the city, but they are not soft-hearted.

"and then?"

"Then destroy all those demonic cultivation techniques and cut off the foundation of these demonic cultivators. Then announce the world in the name of 'King of Heroes', so that everyone can learn from it. In the future, even if there are some fish that slip through the net, it will be easier.' Dispose of." Every word she said was full of suffocation and unquestionable determination.

"There is no such thing as right and wrong in practice."

"Well, the key is to kill all the demon cultivators and use the name of 'Xiawang' to shock the entire cultivation path, so that all practitioners dare not take a step beyond the thunderous pool."

"But killing all the demons in the world will not kill the evil in the hearts of all living beings. It will only become more hypocritical and despicable. All enemies are referred to as 'magic cultivators', and all resistance is 'the way of the devil'."

"That's always better than doing nothing."

"Actually there is an easier way."

"any solution?

? "

"Killing the heart is worse than killing people." Li Qingshan pointed to his head: "I don't even need to shoot directly, as long as I have this determination, I can directly transform it into the will of the world, influence the thoughts of all beings, and make them all abandon evil and promote good, Return to the right path, what do you say?"

Yu Zijian slapped his palms and smiled: "That would be great! Wait, since you have this ability, why didn't you take action earlier?"

"So, are you willing to be influenced by me?"

"Of course, haven't I been influenced by you all the time?" Yu Zijian grinned: "I trust you."

Li Qingshan was speechless, and said again: "What if it wasn't me?"

Yu Zijian thought for a while, then shook his head: "I don't want to..."

Li Qingshan showed a moved and gratified expression, and was about to say something, but she heard her continue: "...But I can die."

Her expression was normal, there was nothing passionate and compassionate, as if she was talking about a matter of course.

"If the world can do without tears, I am willing to cry. If the world can do without sacrifice, I am willing to sacrifice."

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