Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 13 Han Qiongzhi

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In the wilderness, Li Qingshan frowned and stood still. !

The red sun rises in the east, and before it has time to spread the rays of light all over the earth, a strong wind protrudes from the horizon, rolling up a black cloud like splashing ink, and the sky is covered in a blink of an eye. The torrential rain was pouring and the wind was blowing, as if the Tianhe River had burst its banks and was about to drown the whole world.

Without warning, the morning suddenly became like night. He stood in the middle of this dark night, with no escape and no escape. No matter how the wind blows and the rainstorm washes away, it seems to be venting the pain in the heart, but it is dull and does not hear a thunder.

That sullen breath, like this dark night, can't be vented no matter what. It's just like this dark rainstorm, blindly pouring out loud noises.

Thousands of miles around, all sentient beings looked up and were surprised by this sudden change in the celestial phenomenon, and faintly felt the ominous omen it contained, and their mood became dull and depressed, almost breathless. Many ordinary people have fallen to their knees one after another, begging God to worship Buddha.

This is the prestige of the gods, which is connected to good fortune. When one's mood changes, the situation changes, and all living beings worship him.

The river water poured by the torrential rain swelled, the houses swayed by the strong wind swayed, and the ears of wheat fell one after another.

Li Qingshan's heart moved, and he heard many voices, which were full of fearful prayers, praying for Cang to change his mind and stop the heavy rain.

There are thousands of villages within a radius of thousands of miles. If this torrential rain continues for another hour or three, I don't know how many people will be engulfed by the flood.

"Alas!" Li Qingshan let out a long sigh and took a deep breath. In an instant, the clouds and rain dispersed, and the sky was like a wash.

So all beings were surprised and inexplicable.

However, he seemed to have sucked up the dark clouds and torrential rain in one breath, all of which were held in his chest.

"All beings can ask God to worship Buddha, but who should the gods pray to?"

He sighed like this, took a step forward, disappeared in place, and tried to walk into the memory, hoping to hide from the rain.

When Li Qingshan's figure reappeared, there was an ordinary farmyard in front of him. The low fences on both sides were covered with ivy, and a firewood door was half closed. Bauhinia flowers are blooming in the sun.

"How could she be in such a place?"

It is not a big sect with towering mountains and sky like Tibetan Sword Palace. It is not a secret forest with blooming flowers and beautiful scenery like Baihuadongfu.

Li Qingshan was astonished, looking left and right, it was indeed just an ordinary village, not a fantasy.

Han Qiongzhi is also a practitioner who has survived four calamities. Even if he doesn't have his own sect, he must have his own cave, but this small village is not a paradise.

The village cook smoke curls up, chickens croak and dogs bark, and there is a world of fireworks. A wisp of cooking smoke also rose from the courtyard in front of him, and the smell of food and her breath came from the door.

"That's right, she's here."

But this world's fireworks, ordinary people, but any Zongmen cave mansion and famous mountain secret realm, all seem even more illusory and illusory, which makes him feel a little uneasy, it seems to be close to the nostalgia.

"Dong, dong, dong!" Li Qingshan tapped three times with his fingers.

Before the lingering sound fell, the door opened, and a group of fiery red ushered in.

Han Qiongzhi, dressed in a red dress, stood tall and straight at the door. The corners of her bright red lips were full of smiles, but she was surprised but not surprised, as if she had anticipated Li Qingshan's visit and had been waiting for his return.

"You're here! Why are you so wet? Is it raining?"

Han Qiongzhi looked strangely at Li Qingshan, who was wet and a little embarrassed. He couldn't help but look up at the sky. The sun was shining brightly, with a few faint white clouds hanging in the sky.

Li Qingshan couldn't help showing a smile and pointed to her right hand: "What are you doing? Do you want to murder your husband?"

It turned out that Han Qiongzhi was carrying a bloody kitchen knife. If ordinary people saw it, they would be startled.

Han Qiongzhi rolled his eyes at him, waved the kitchen knife, and said of course, "Cook!"

Then turn around and walk into the courtyard

, took out an old hen from a cage in the corner of the yard, cut off the chicken's head with a knife and cut off the chicken's head, then heated the legs and gutted it.

She was attentive and skilled, but she did not use any magic. Even the old hen was not a rare animal, but an ordinary, dedicated old hen that had laid eggs for several years.

She had already carried the slaughtered chicken to the kitchen, she was too busy to entertain Li Qingshan, she just greeted: "The wine is on the table, pour it yourself!"

There is a square table and two benches in the yard. There are some dishes and a pot of old wine on the table.

The dishes are not delicacy, they are just seasonal fresh vegetables and common dishes. The wine is also not a nectar, it's about someone's daughter Hong, who can't wait for the day when her daughter gets married.

Li Qingshan closed the door, took a seat at the table, poured himself a glass and drank it all. He took another peanut and chewed it in his mouth. Looking at her busy back in the kitchen, his mood gradually calmed down.

It was as if the husband from a long trip had finally returned, and the beloved one had left the expedition, so he could finally sit down in peace and drink a glass of wine slowly.

Cup after cup, until the jug is dry, until the wine tastes slightly drunk. The wine jar was at the corner of the table, and he lifted it up to refill the jug.

If he hadn't taken this nine-day road, he would have wanted nothing more than this!

When Han Qiongzhi heard the sound of cups and bowls colliding from the courtyard, his eyes turned red, but he didn't dare to look back at him. With hands flying, washing and cutting vegetables, frying and cooking, the mind is in a trance.

The regret of some people is that the girl is Huaichun, and nothing really happened with that favorite man.

The regret of some people is that they never cook a table of meals for him and become an ordinary couple for a day.

I thought that there would be no chance again, I thought that with his temperament, he would never look back.

But he came back, his eyes tired and his expression almost desolate. It was a look she had never seen on his face. The Li Qingshan she remembers will always be that young man with high spirits.

She felt a tingling in her heart and asked without looking back, "What happened? Why did you come back?"

"Come back and have a look." Li Qingshan said casually.

"How did this happen?" Han Qiongzhi couldn't help but ask.

"What?" Li Qingshan just wanted to drink a glass of wine quietly, and didn't want to mention the pure land of the devil and the war of the gods.

"Hmph, I'm very embarrassed! I'm afraid I didn't suffer a defeat and was driven back by someone."

"Ha, a joke! Your man's name is now in the heavens and the world, which one doesn't know, which one doesn't know..."

Just as he was about to brag a few more words, the humming sound that he tried to ignore became harsh again, and he lost his mood and waved his hand impatiently: "It's your meal, women don't care about men's affairs."

Han Qiongzhi suddenly stopped his hands and turned his head to stare at him, but his eyes were full of tears.

Li Qingshan put down the wine glass and smiled bitterly.

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