Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 4 Breakthrough

Chapter 4 Breakthrough Realm

In the darkness, a drop of water fell from the tip of the stalagmite on the top of the cave, and fell towards the top of Li Qingshan's head. Device: no ads, full text, more "".)

On the stone platform, Li Qingshan sat cross-legged, motionless, but inside his body, he was experiencing a great change.

The extremely pure zhenqi flowed continuously in the Yangqiao meridian, and then penetrated into his skeletal body bit by bit, washing his whole body.

A month later, he had already taken nearly 3,000 condensate pills, an average of 100 pills per day.

This is an extremely terrifying number, which is enough to stun any cultivator. The monster energy has grown considerably again, but the first to break through is the "Innate Qi Refining Art".

The falling water drop, three inches above Li Qingshan's head, was shattered by the intense zhenqi, but it stirred up waves of zhenqi, approaching the edge of breakthrough.

The true qi purified by the Sumeru Ring had an absolute effect at this time. With almost no obstacles, Li Qingshan broke through the sixth level of "Innate Qi Refining Art", reaching the peak of the second level of refining Qi.

Li Qingshan's cheeks smiled slightly, both gratified and sighed. The gratifying thing is that the time he spends is much shorter than that of ordinary qi refiners.

For example, Qian Rongzhi also started practicing at a young age, and it took several years to complete the second level of Qi Refining. The qualifications of the two can be said to be comparable, or they are equally mediocre. As for Diao Fei, who was born in a sect with senior guidance, he was in his thirties, and he was only at the third level of Qi Refining.

The speed of Li Qingshan's cultivation is not uncomfortably fast, but it cannot be done without the support of a large amount of elixir, and without this Sumeru Ring, no matter how much elixir there is, it would be useless, but refining the impurities in elixir will cost a lot ten times the time.

He felt refreshed all over, and couldn't help thinking what happened to Xiao An?

Li Qingshan suppressed his desire to get out of the test. He was very close to the second level of "Ox Demon Powerful Fist". He was only one step away. He couldn't give up at this time. The second level of "Mo Daliquan" even opened up the yin swaying veins and reached the third level of Qi refining. The third level of Qi refining at the age of sixteen can be regarded as a genius!

With a flash of the Spirit Turtle Demon Pill, a smoke-like demonic aura rose all over his body, and he transformed into a demon form. With this month's practice, his figure finally broke through the three-foot mark. ("")

Although this underground cave is tall, but Li Qingshan raised his horns,

It is also about to touch the stalagmite on the top of the cave. If there is no accident, sooner or later, he will become a monster like Godzilla. No, it is more terrifying than Godzilla. Once he steps down, the whole city will collapse in an earthquake. With a loud roar, everyone's heads will explode.


In the underground palace, Wei Yingjie had completely lost his human form, his originally handsome cheeks had completely collapsed, his skin was withered and dull like an old man, all the luster in his eyes had lost, and his saliva was constantly flowing down.

Ten days ago, because he took a large amount of Chunqing Pills, he was turned into a fool by the drug force.

Under Qian Rongzhi's Yuan Swallowing Technique, his whole body's true energy was completely swallowed, and his vital energy was not let go, and finally cut off the last ray of life. It is sad and deplorable that he, who regards playing with women as his lifelong hobby, was eventually played with by women to death.

On his body, Qian Rongzhi's snow-white delicate body was dripping with sweat, the luster and smoothness could be broken, and his cheeks became more and more charming, like tender green vines wrapped around dead trees, delicate yànhuā flowers in full bloom.

She had been taking Jingxin pills for a long time, and her calm face showed ecstasy. Under his father's training, Wei Yingjie's zhenqi was extremely abundant, at least ten times that of Qian Rongzhi.

Qian Rongzhi smiled unceremoniously, and broke through the fourth level of Qi training with all her true energy, and reached the state of fullness, and the fifth level of Qi training can also be expected.

Although the Yuan Swallowing Technique is terrifying, there is no way to completely digest the true qi of a sixth-level qi refiner, and it must be lost and dissipated, otherwise she will be able to reach the sixth level of qi refinement. " ". Qian Rongzhi is quite satisfied with being able to reach this realm.

Of course, it's not without its disadvantages, the zhenqi is too complex and needs more spring weathering rain pills to fuse. But she is not worried about this, as long as the realm improves, there will naturally be more ways to obtain better pills.

From the very beginning, she did not intend to rely on ordinary people to practice these two books, big and small. There are too many impurities and the speed is too slow, and the difference in zhenqi attributes is too great, so it will be more difficult to digest, and there may even be conflicts between different kinds of zhenqi Therefore, she doesn't want to trouble ordinary Qi practitioners, and those fellows who also practice the "Great Art" will be the best prey.

A fire talisman turned the dry dead body into ashes, she thought: It's time to report to the gangsters, Master Wei Shao was impatient and went to the zombie cave to look for Li Qingshan!

She took out another elixir and took it, her true energy was suppressed to the third level of Qi training again. Then he bathed and changed his clothes, walked out of the underground palace, looked up and saw the clear autumn sky, showing a smile brighter than the sun: "Fate is in your own hands!"


In a room with a wide view, Wang Pushi threw a thick stack of documents on the long mahogany case in front of huā Chengzan: "What do you think?"

Huā Chengzan leaned against the grand teacher's chair, stacked his tuǐāo on the table, stretched out his hand, and the documents flew up with a clatter, and they were arranged one by one in the air.

huā Chengzan turned his head back and forth, his eyes danced even more rapidly, skimming over every piece of paper, and taking every sentence into his heart.

I saw them pass by here... We came out with Qingshan, I don't know where he is... He said that he has a grudge against Zhuo Zhibo... Our patriarch said that we must bring the child back ...

It was like countless voices whispering in my ears with different tones. After a while, the papers flew back to the table and piled up in a neat pile.

Huā Chengzan opened his eyes: "If what that He Yishi said is true!"

Wang Pushi said: "How?"

Huā Chengzan smiled slightly: "Li Qingshan killed Zhuo Zhibo, and then killed Lao Xishan." Absolutely detailed information, after being processed by a smart brain, removes illusions, fills in blanks, and will never leave the truth. not too far.

Wang Pushi frowned: "Impossible, he is only the second level of Qi refining, how could he kill Zhuo Zhibo and so many Xuanlang guards."

Huā praised and said: "He is the second level of Qi Refining who beheaded the fifth level of Qi Refining, and it is not necessarily that he did it himself, or led Zhuo Zhibo to a monster's lair xùe, you know, It’s not safe to go underground, and even we dare not go deep into many places.”

Wang Pushi nodded, under the thick soil, it can be called a restricted area for human beings.

Huā Chengzan continued, "It may also be a trap laid by hundreds of bursting talismans, like the fire thunder of the Mo family. As long as you choose a good location and cause a small earthquake, it is not difficult to bury a group of qi refiners. In short, there are simply too many ways to kill them, if it wasn't for Li Qingshan, would I believe that Zhuo Zhibo was walking underground?"

"Li Qingshan lured Zhuo Zhibo and the others away, but he came back safe and sound. Old Wang, if you don't consider things like realm, isn't the result very simple? Only the winner can come back alive. Of course, the loser will die somewhere. .”

"I also think Zhuo Zhibo is more evil than good!" Wang Pushi was gradually convinced. Although he survived the catastrophe and reached the foundation building state, he stepped into the way of seeking immortals and cultivating truth, and became the powerful leader of the Red Eagle. But for huā Chengzan's wisdom, he has always been extremely admired, and he has to admit that there are indeed geniuses in the world. If it wasn't for that person, his realm would have already broken through the Qi Refining Realm and reached the Foundation Establishment Realm, and even surpassed himself.

Huā Cheng praised: "Then Li Qingshan and Lao Xishan stayed together, but the two of them disappeared together, and according to He Yishi, Li Qingshan had an iron armor corpse with him, because Lao Xishan had just passed the sixth floor. The level of refining qi, against the armored corpse, there is no life or death, maybe that kid is holding his spoils, where is he practicing in seclusion!"

Wang Pushi said angrily: "That kid is really a white-eyed wolf. He shouldn't have been allowed to join the Eagle Wolf Guard in the first place."

Huā Chengzan frowned and said narrowly: "You didn't expect him to kill Feng Zhang at that time, so you really dared to report to Jiaping City!"

Wang Pushi gave him a hard look: "He is lucky."

Huā Chengzan raised his head and looked at the roof: "It's luck once or twice. If you can escape from death and defeat a strong enemy every time, it's not luck but strength."

Wang Pushi said: "However, his luck has come to an end."

Huā Chengzan lowered his head and asked in surprise, "What do you want to do?"

Wang Pushi said: "Hmph, of course we want to arrest him and bring him to justice. After a few months in the Eagle Wolf Guard, he murdered the two commanders. I have never seen such a bold Black Wolf Guard. He is absolutely lawless."

Huā Cheng praised: "Hey, this is just my speculation, and it may not be true. Besides, there is no evidence, how could he admit it."

Wang Pushi said: "Is it fine if you don't admit it?"

Huā Cheng praised: "Zhuo Zhibo is looking for his own death. He does not hesitate to mobilize the army and murder his own subordinates. Are you not allowed to fight back? He has stayed in Jiaping City for too long, and he has been too close to the people. It’s time for a change.”

Wang Pushi said: "Lao Xishan deserved to be silenced by that kid?"

Huā Chengzan curled his lips and said: "It's probably what he deserves. If he silences, the most important thing to silence is the mouths of those Mohist disciples, especially the one named He Yishi. The confession seems to want to prove that Li Qingshan is the murderer, but On the contrary, if he saved them, if he had a trace of evil in his heart, he would let them die in the hands of the zombie Taoist, since he has already eaten and wiped them out, and it is not a deliberate murder, why should we be villains in vain."

He has always had a good impression of Li Qingshan, apart from the one-sided relationship at the beginning, he also has a lot to do with Huā Chenglu, not listening to her words. And even though Li Qingshan was in danger, he didn't come to establish a relationship with the Huā family, or use Huā Chenglu to say that Zhuo Zhibo was wrong.

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