Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 8 Qi Refining Level 3

Volume 2 Incarnation of Demons] Chapter 8 Three Levels of Qi Refining


Chapter Eight: Three Layers of Qi Refining

Jie Shi can advance, attack, retreat or defend, if he is really discovered by the ** door, then he will flee to the ground, as long as he turns a few turns and hides his breath, the ** door will never catch him.

The mansion covers an area of ​​100 mu. Because it was built in the mountains, although it has just been cleaned, it has been covered with many yellow leaves.

The winding paths are secluded, the flower houses are hidden, and the tranquility exudes an old atmosphere. I don’t know how many years of wind and rain have passed. The painted pillars and carved beams have blurred the original pattern, but it has lost some luxury and bright, but has more precipitation. weathered.

Li Qingshan was very satisfied, even more satisfied with the small building of the Eagle Wolf Guard. He lowered his head and said, "It seems that we will be here to help for a while." While rubbing Xiao An's head, he said, "When I fly into the sky, I will accomplish great feats. The people from the ** sect sneaked out to let blood, trying to take you away, it’s just a daydream, hahahaha!" The sun was shining brightly.

Xiao An was also infected by his laughter, with a rippling smile on his face, he said silently: Well, no one can take it away.

For Yu Shukuang to be able to buy this place, I am afraid that it is not enough to spend money alone, but also rely on the deterrent power of the violent folk gangs of Kuangjian Villa. As the saying goes, big fish eat small fish and small fish eat dried shrimps. Any random disciple from Ivy Mountain will be able to take care of Mr. Yu. He will turn his head to deal with a few wealthy businessmen, and he will be able to catch him easily.

What a cruel class society!

Li Qingshan sighed, and wandered around the house, trying to figure out where to start making holes.

Xiao An pulled out a book from the study room, and with a creak, the bookshelf turned upside down, revealing a downward staircase.

Li Qingshan gave a thumbs up: "Well done, go in and have a look!"

As soon as Li Qingshan and Xiaoan walked in, the bookshelf closed automatically. They were bold and skilled, so they continued to walk down without paying attention.

It was found that the inside was a man-made secret room, divided into dozens of rooms, connected by many secret passages, leading to several main buildings of the mansion, and a large amount of rice, flour, grain and oil were stored in it.

Li Qingshan has heard that many big families will make such a secret room when they build their mansions, in case of wars and bandits, they can have a hiding place, and maybe they can avoid a catastrophe of genocide, but It was the first time I saw it with my own eyes.

It would save him a trouble,

He took the underground square inch map and compared it again, came to a stone room, raised his right foot, and stepped down heavily.

With a bang, the floor was covered with cracks, and with a bang, the earth and rocks crashed down, causing smoke and dust to rise everywhere.

The smoke and dust cleared, and the floor turned into a big hole. Li Qingshan probed into the cave and looked, and it was indeed connected to the underground cave, showing a satisfied smile. With this retreat, he can practice with peace of mind.

Back on the ground, 20 tables of banquets have been delivered, Li Qingshan ate a lot, and ate very refreshingly, Xiao An also ate a little with him, then put down his chopsticks, and held his cheeks to watch him eat.

After drinking and eating, Xiao An went to the study to read, while Li Qingshan meditated in the yard and practiced. He swallowed ten condensing pills in one gulp, and they were swallowed by the Spirit Turtle Neidan as soon as they were digested, and all of them were transformed into demon energy.

He decided to start from today and focus on the practice of "Spiritual Tortoise Suppressing the Sea", because if the realm of the tortoise is too low, it will not be able to suppress the bull demon and tiger demon, and will not be able to transform into a human form, which will cause a lot of trouble.

"Ox Demon Powerful Fist" and "Tiger Demon Bone Refining Fist" can greatly enhance his physique and give him extraordinary fighting power. What matters to his level of demon cultivation is still the one condensed from "Spiritual Turtle Town Sea Jue" A little demon pill.

In the first stage of "Spiritual Turtle Township Jue", it formed a demon pill and reached the sixth level of human Qi refining. Then when he reaches the second level, he should be able to break through the current realm, become a monster general, and no longer have to be afraid of the door.

But this process is ten times more difficult than cultivating both bull demons and tiger demons to the second level. Of course, it is not difficult to say that it is difficult, but it takes time. For decades, hundreds of years, he really can't afford it. , he also wanted to wait for a certain day when his miraculous accomplishments would be complete, and he would find Gu Yanying to kiss Fangze.

Huh, a hundred years have passed, even if she doesn't look old, it's good if he can remember her name, no matter how profound love at first sight is, how can it be against the invasion of time, it's best to take advantage of this desire When the grind is gone, try hard.

He also promised that Xianyue would send her to Longzhou. When a hundred years passed, she would take the elixir from the State Shepherd's Mansion and practice fast. Don't worry about her magic skills before she has achieved them. Looking at the past, wouldn't his promise become a joke.

And if he spends too long on the ground, Brother Niu, who is above the nine heavens, might have to wait in a hurry, although I have never seen him in a hurry.

In a word, four words, brave and diligent, he wants to use a large number of pills to forcibly pile up a shortcut to the end, and go straight to Qingyun.

He closed his eyes, attracted the vitality of heaven and earth, received the power of the elixir, and continuously attracted, absorbed, and transformed.

Above the blue sky, the moonlight was shining like a wash, he spit out the spirit turtle demon pill, twirled and flew to the sky, released azure blue light, released and retracted like breathing, and a touch of moonlight was also absorbed into the demon pill.

However, his consciousness kept sinking, like a turtle sinking into a bottomless abyss, sleeping for thousands of years, almost to the point of nothingness.

The vitality of heaven and earth poured into his demon core and his body continuously.

The Fengchi acupoint on the back of his head, where he usually has the most sensitive sensitivity to the vitality of heaven and earth, seems to be an excellent entrance. Much of the vitality of heaven and earth rushes directly into the Yangqiao meridian, flowing through his meridians.

This was originally something that only practitioners in the Foundation Establishment Realm could do, but this young man who was both humane and demonic had achieved this step unconsciously.

The incomparably pure vitality of heaven and earth, the fine nectar and jade wine that can only be enjoyed by powerful monks who have truly stepped into the door of self-cultivation, are all flowing into the body of this little qi refiner.

Human beings meticulously collect medicinal herbs and refine the condensate pills. Compared with the vitality of the world, they are like distiller's grains and fine wine.

Li Qingshan's "Congenital Qi Refining Jue" has been cultivated to the sixth level, reaching the highest state of the second level of Qi Refining, and the true energy that can be stored in the Yang Qiao Vein has been full.

The seventh focus method of "Xiantian Refining Qi Jue" naturally surfaced in the heart, and started to operate in a completely unconscious state.

First, they flocked to the Zhaohai acupoint on the ankle, because there was no control of Li Qingshan's consciousness, so they couldn't condense into a cone to break through the barrier, and all of them were deposited there, unable to move forward.

However, with the support of the vitality of heaven and earth, true qi surges in like tides, one after another, without getting tired or stopping.

It does not need the support of any pills at all, and the true energy is not consumed at all, and it is endless, hitting the Zhaohai acupoint one after another.

Even a hundred shocks would not shake the "dam" in the slightest, but what about a thousand, ten thousand, or one hundred thousand times?

Finally the dam was soaked and disintegrated and collapsed, true energy poured into the Yin Qiao veins like a flood, and then faced the second checkpoint.

Originally, failure before any checkpoint means that all previous efforts have been wasted and you need to start all over again. Therefore, when attacking meridians and acupoints, Qi refiners always prepare as many pills and spirit stones as possible.

It seems to inject new water into the river of true qi, but now, the river of true qi in Li Qingshan's body is connected to the boundless sea, and there is no limit to the vitality of heaven and earth.

No matter how many times his true energy is blocked by the dam, it will not subside, but just proceed silently, and try again a hundred thousand times. Extremely slowly, yet extremely firmly, the acupoints were opened one by one, reaching the final destination of the Yinqiao Vessel, the Qingming acupoint on the face

The owner of the acupoint is blind, so it is named Qingming. Once this acupoint is opened, Qi practitioners can see far as near, small as big, and see every detail clearly. When Li Qingshan penetrates the Yang Qiao Meridian, this acupoint is the only way to go.

There is no difficulty, the true energy penetrates into the Qingming acupoint, and connects with the Yangqiao meridian, like two big rivers converging to form a wonderful ring, Yin and Yang Qi circulate in the meridian in an endless stream.

And Li Qingshan knew nothing about all of this, and broke through to the third level of Qi refining completely unconsciously. I'm afraid no one would believe it if he said it.

The golden wind swayed the tall trees, a dead leaf couldn't support it, it fell from the branch, fluttered over the white wall, and landed on Li Qingshan's shoulder.

Hengli stretched out a small white hand to catch the dead leaves and throw them aside. Xiaoan took a broom she found somewhere and swept the fallen leaves in the yard into a pile. The dustpan picked up the fallen leaves and dumped them outside the wall.

There were a few knocks on the door, Xiaoan went to open the door, and two Kuangjianmen disciples moved dozens of large food boxes from the car and placed them on the stone steps outside the door.

A young man with gentle eyebrows said: "Little sister, this is today's meal. Is Niu Daxia still practicing?"

Xiao An nodded, looking quite unfamiliar, in the past Li Qingshan was the one who dealt with these interpersonal interactions, when Li Qingshan was in meditation, she was the only one to deal with it, and she was still not used to it.

The young man has been here a few times, knowing that Xiao An has always been silent, he is not surprised, so he said softly, "Do you want me to send the food box in today?"

Xiao An shook her head.

The young man was a little disappointed, but he really wanted to meet this great hero who made his master look up to him like a god, or in other words, like a great enemy.

Yu Shukuang didn't dare to neglect Li Qingshan, according to his words, he asked two trusted disciples to bring twenty tables of banquets every day. These two disciples were raised by him since he was a child, they were half sons, and he also ordered them Countless times, the importance of this matter and the importance of keeping one's mouth in check aroused the curiosity of the two young people, but they came a few times, but they could only deal with this silent little girl .

Another young man said: "Little sister, who are you to Niu Daxia?"

Xiao An was taken aback. She couldn't answer this question even if she could speak.

The gentle young man raised his whip, and the carriage quickly disappeared into the forest, leaving only Xiao An standing in front of the door, packing up the food box, and suddenly his heart trembled slightly.

ps: It’s the middle of the month again, and it’s going to be three months, and it’s a miracle that it hasn’t been updated! Since I wrote "The Biography of the Great Sage", my character has come back to me again. Believe it or not, I believe it anyway. I beg for a monthly ticket so that I can continue the miracle.


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