Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 24 Spirit Stone Vein

Chapter 24 Spirit Stone Vein

Hush, amidst the sound of torrential water, the three of them waded through an underground river. ~~

Li Qingshan showed surprise, because he felt the faint aura contained in the river water, lowered his head and took a sip, and the evil aura actually increased very slightly.

On both sides of this aura-filled river, there are many unknown plants growing. The aura contained on them clearly tells Li Qingshan that these are rare spiritual herbs.

Li Qingshan pulled out a plant and put it in his mouth.

Malu hurriedly said: "Can't eat, it's unpalatable!" But it was too late.

An extremely bitter taste spread from Li Qingshan's mouth, his tongue was almost numb, but the spirit energy contained in the spirit grass had a small conflict with the monster energy in his body, and most of it was lost.

Li Qingshan hurriedly took a sip of wine and rinsed his mouth.

Seeing Li Qingshan's appearance, Malu laughed straight away, with tears still on his face, looking more and more stupid, smelling the aroma of wine, his eyes widened, showing a look of longing again.

Li Qingshan gave the wine jar to Ma Lu, and he gulped down the wine and hiccupped, as if he forgot all the sad things.

Li Qingshan had other thoughts in his mind, most of the spiritual herbs in this world may not be eaten directly, but there is absolutely no useless spiritual herbs.

The inconspicuous spirit grass growing by the river is likely to be the necessary material for refining a certain kind of panacea. It's just that the monster lacks the technology of refining medicine, so it will be regarded as useless, but also because of this, these spirits Only the grass can be preserved, and it has not been plucked.

As for human beings, even powerful qi refiners, it is difficult to penetrate such a deep underground. Although he did not bump into any monsters along the way, Li Qingshan at least felt seven or eight powerful auras. They felt the arrival of Malu, And avoid it far away, not daring to approach.

If it is a human being, I am afraid that it will immediately become the prey of these ferocious predators. With the addition of Malu, the overlord-level monster general, I am afraid that he will not be merciful to the aliens who invade his territory. Second kill.

Although monsters cannot go to the ground, the underground is also a forbidden area for humans.

While walking, Li Qingshan looked dead, suddenly raised his head, a little blue light appeared in his sight, like the blue stars in the night sky, quietly emitting brilliance, forming a beautiful halo. The light is so weak, but in this absolute darkness underground, it suddenly falls in the eyes,

There is a beautiful and dazzling feeling.

When I got closer, I realized that it was a small azure blue huā, quietly growing in the crevices of the rocks. The butterfly-like huā petals sometimes curled and sometimes stretched out, as if it was a living life.

Xiao An lightly touched one of the plants, the petals shrank immediately, and the light disappeared.

Li Qingshan had never seen such a wonderful plant, and felt that the aura contained in it was stronger than the spirit grass he had just seen.

And as the footsteps advanced, the dark cave gradually widened, and the azure blue flowers gradually increased, and three or five plants formed a cluster, which was extremely dazzling.

The aura contained in the air became more and more intense, surpassing the zombie cave already.

Ma Lu said: "It's almost here!"

Needless to say, Li Qingshan has already felt that a piece of blue light shines from the front, illuminating the road in front of him, as if there is a blue moon buried under the ground, waiting quietly for him to discover.

The long tunnel suddenly came to an end, Li Qingshan couldn't wait to walk forward, the light became more and more dazzling, when he reached the entrance of the tunnel, he suddenly stopped, opened his eyes wide, and was shocked by the scene in front of him.

In front of me is an open field the size of a football field, where thousands of huā flowers grow, blooming blue light in the dark, illuminating the entire cave, it is a shining sea of ​​huā, and many blue light butterflies dance on the sea , like a dream.

This is a scene that can only be seen in deep dreams.

Xiao An's sleeve touched a blue huā flower in full bloom beside her. The blue huā flower suddenly separated from the branches and leaves, flew up, and turned into a beautiful blue butterfly, drawing a beautiful trajectory.

Those butterflies were born from this spiritual grass, they are the elves of this spiritual grass.

Xiao An stretched out her hand to grab it, but the blue butterfly turned into spiritual light and dissipated from between her fingers, recondensed not far away, and fled away in the distance.

Xiao An immediately chased after her, wading across the hua sea that was about to submerge her, clusters of hua petals fluttered and turned into countless blue butterflies, lingering around her.

Li Qingshan called out: "Xiao'an!" This is Malu's home, so you have to be a little polite when you visit for the first time, maybe these spirit herbs are extremely important things to Malu.

Xiao An looked back suddenly, the blue light illuminated her whole body in azure blue, her exquisite face was like a legendary elf.

What Li Qingshan said next, he suddenly felt not only how to speak, but also looking at Malu with a silly smile beside him, he let out a breath and said with a smile: "You guy, the place you live in is pretty good!"

Not only is it beautiful and exquisite, but the aura here is so rich that he has never seen it before. If he meditates and practices here, whether it is monster energy or true energy, it will probably increase rapidly.

Ma Lu said: "What's good?" Pointing to the blue butterfly: "This is edible, but it's not delicious!"

Li Qingshan tapped his bald head: "What else do you have in your head besides eating?" Such a beautiful thing, even if it is delicious, you will feel that you can't eat it!

Malu mōmō's head continued to smirk, without the majesty of a demon general. When Li Qingshan agreed to go underground with him, he never heard of his smirk, and he completely forgot about being bullied by other monsters.

"Don't laugh, be serious, you look like this, no wonder you are being bullied and can't eat sweet potatoes!" Li Qingshan scolded, since he is determined to help him regain the lost ground, they are no longer just drinking buddies, but also comrades in arms fighting side by side. The next step is to rely on Malu's strength. Seeing that he is so stupid, he can't help but want to teach him a few words.

Malu quickly pursed his lips, and said seriously: "You stay here, it's okay if you don't eat sweet potatoes!" But it was rare that his thoughts were clear and his expression was clear.

Li Qingshan's mouth became hot, and he was very moved, "My friend, how can I have no sweet potatoes to eat!" Malu is not smart enough, but he treats him with sincerity. On the seventh floor, there is a bully pretending to be a trafficker, and I don't know how many times stronger.

It was the first friend in his life that he recognized from the bottom of his heart, and he would never let his friend down.

"Friend?" Malu pondered the word.

Li Qingshan patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Good friend!"

"Good friend." Malu also patted Li Qingshan's shoulder, as if he understood something, he laughed.

Friends, it's better than sweet potatoes.

After wading across the sea of ​​flowers, an unknown number of blue-light butterflies were startled. In the middle of the open land, there was a huge stone platform without flowers and plants. It was three feet long, two feet wide, and seven or eight feet high.

Malu lay on it, stretched his limbs to form a big character, with a relaxed and happy expression on his dull face, and let out a sigh of relief. After looking at Li Qingshan and Xiao An, he rolled to the side, leaving a space.

Li Qingshan didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Are you asking us to sleep?" Then he heard the sound of snoring, this guy has already slept first to respect him!

Li Qingshan and Xiaoan looked at each other.

Is it really so refreshing to fall asleep on this stone bed?

Li Qingshan hugged Xiaoan to the stone platform, then tried to lie down on it, but sat up as if struck by lightning, his face full of shock, at that moment, he felt that he was not lying on a stiff stone, but a sea of ​​surging spiritual energy .

He rubbed the surface of the stone platform vigorously, looked carefully, and saw that under the stone platform, there was a faint brilliance, as if the most beautiful gems in the world were melted and solidified together. This kind of magnificent color, Li Qingshan seemed not to be See you for the first time.

His heart moved, he took out the spirit stone hesitantly, compared it with the stone platform, and finally confirmed: "This... this is the spirit stone chuáng!"

This feeling is probably like the first reaction of ordinary people seeing the golden bed is unbelievable. But I immediately understood why Malu chose this place as the cave mansion in the vast underground world.

The first instinct of all monsters is no longer to seek food and drink, but to look for places with spirits so that they can absorb more spiritual energy from heaven and earth.

However, although the Lingshi bed is big, it can't withstand the absorption of a monster for decades or hundreds of years!

Li Qingshan had a thought in his heart that he didn't quite believe. When he came to the bed and pushed away the dirt from the heel of the bed, his expression was extremely strange. His guess was correct, this was not a bed of spirit stones, but a vein of spirit stones.

This stone platform is just the tip of the iceberg of this vein.

If it is said that a spirit stone chuáng can make practitioners envious and heartbeat. That one spirit stone vein can cause two sects of practitioners to start a war, and let the noble monks die like ordinary people.

The law of people dying for money and birds dying for food is the same in the practice world.

Spiritual stone veins are all natural crystallizations of heaven and earth spiritual energy, often condensed on spiritual veins.

Most of the Lingshi veins on the ground are in the hands of powerful forces, guarded by powerful practitioners. But spirit stones are not only equivalents, but also consumables. After tens of millions of years, many of them have been excavated by humans, and even fished in dry lakes, and even their spiritual veins have been directly cut off.

But in the depths of the ground where the spiritual veins are the most abundant, the monsters have no habit of trading spirit stones, and they will not press spirit stones on magic circles, puppets, and magic weapons. These spirit stone veins that are not excavated are just It can be recycled and continuously absorb the aura from the aura of heaven and earth, breeding countless monsters and spiritual grass.

Li Qingshan thought to himself, it really is a fool's blessing, this guy is a poor man, so he came here to eat and drink, but he didn't expect him to sleep on the spirit stone veins every day, it was extremely extravagant.

Malu came to him to eat and drink, and today it was his turn to sleep. If you don't take advantage of such a holy place for practice, it will be a shameful waste.

Li Qingshan lay down on the stone platform again, closed his eyes, lifted up the "Spiritual Tortoise's Art of Township" and sank his mind, like a spirit turtle sinking in the deep sea.


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