Chapter 29 Calming the Territory

The blackwater salamander had been wondering what kind of monster Li Qingshan was. in G.

Li Qingshan said: "You are the thing!" He swung his fist and hit it, the Blackwater Salamander, even though it was exhausted, did not lose its agility, and dexterously avoided it.

Li Qingshan stared at him: "Do you still dare to hide when the leader beats you? Do you still want to live?"

Xiao An's two skulls threatened to come over, the Blackwater Salamander rushed forward helplessly, and beat up Li Qingshan.

Li Qingshan breathed a sigh of relief, sat down on the ground, and looked at the number one demon soldier under him with satisfaction. He didn't expect that he would be the leader of the Demon Dao before he became the leader of the mysterious wolf, and the leaders were all first-class Powerful Yokai.

If the strength of the Blackwater Salamander is calculated according to the standard of human Qi refining, it is about nine or ten layers, not very far from becoming a demon general.

If the strength of Li Qingshan's demon cultivator is calculated by refining qi, it is already great to be able to reach the seventh or eighth level, and it is still far away from the demon general. There is no other way, Yaoxiu is a super time-killer, to reach this level, it is already a great help from those pills.

The victory this time was entirely based on three powerful supernatural powers.

Seeing that there was no danger, the blackwater salamander also stopped to rest, looked at Xiao An cautiously, and said, "Boss, that millipede..."

Li Qingshan said: "Call the king."

Blackwater salamander said: "Why did King Malu want you to beat me?"

Li Qingshan said: "It's not just you, I will beat all the monsters on the ground, if you obey the order, that's all. If you don't obey the order, I will kill them all."

Although the black water salamander is not the strongest monster on the ground, it is the most difficult monster to deal with. Malu's unwillingness to go deep into the water, even if it comes, it is not easy to subdue it, so Li Qingshan regards it as the first monster. a goal.

The blackwater salamander looked at Xiao An: "Boss, is this?"

Li Qingshan said: "This is the deputy leader!"

The flames in Xiao An's eye sockets flickered, and he became the deputy leader.

Li Qingshan said: "Do you know where Malu King's cave is?"

"I know, I know!" In this land, as long as there are any monsters with a little intelligence, I'm afraid there is no one who doesn't know.

Li Qingshan said: "Okay, after three months, I will hold a conference there. If you dare not go then, you don't have to stay in this black water lake."

He not only beat these monsters once, but surrendered them one by one. His most fundamental purpose is to form them into a fighting force that can be dispatched. So he and Malu combined up this monster conference to gather all the monsters that condensed into monster cores. All the monsters are called together.

The blackwater salamander had no choice but to agree.

With a thought in his mind, Li Qingshan took out an uneaten roast chicken from the treasure bag, and threw it to the Blackwater Salamander.

The blackwater salamander swallowed it in one gulp. It was rich in various seasonings, especially the taste of salt, and it melted in its mouth. It excitedly swam around beside Li Qingshan, looking at Li Qingshan eagerly: "Boss, are you still here?" Do you have!"

Li Qingshan thought to himself, as expected, this underground, although it is a big treasure house, has all kinds of spiritual veins and spiritual herbs. But the food resources are far from abundant on the surface. Even a monster like Malu can't eat whatever he wants, let alone these ordinary monsters.

Although as long as he breathes out the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in this black water, he will not die even if he does not eat for ten years, but the biological instinct will not disappear. Adding carrots and sticks has always been the only way for Yuxia, Li Qingshan used it properly, and it really worked wonders.

"Hmph, if you go there by then, you can eat as much of this kind of food as you want!"

"Definitely go! Definitely go!" The Blackwater Salamander immediately looked forward to it infinitely. If he could eat this kind of good food every day, it would be fine even if he became a demon soldier.

Li Qingshan and Xiao An left the black water, ate a handful of herb pills, almost recovered the evil energy, then asked Xiao An strangely: "Why did you become like this again?"

Xiao An explained that she was trying to hide her identity. There is always time for them to return to the ground. If she is here, she will be remembered by too many eyes under the ground. Maybe at some point, Li Qingshan's identity will be exposed. And in this underground world, a non-human appearance is more conducive to action than a human appearance.

Li Qingshan also admired Xiao An's cautiousness, the world of humans and the world of demons may not be without intersection. It's not a big mistake to be careful, anyway, you can communicate with breath, and Xiaoan's breath is the flame rising from her body.

"Go, go to the next place."


Outside Yanshan City, behind Silent Manor, in the big cave in the garden.

Li Qingshan looked at the light above his head, felt dazzled for a while, turned to Ma Lu and said: "I'm going to prepare some food and drink for guests, you go back first!"

Malu left reluctantly, Li Qingshan brought Xiaoan to the surface, and saw a vast expanse between the sky and the earth.

Heavy snow covered the land and distant mountains. Obviously, during the time he was away, it snowed a few more times.

Li Qingshan's mind cleared up, and he smiled at Xiao An beside him.

This time, the crusade against the group of monsters went much smoother than Li Qingshan imagined. Apart from the hard bone of the Blackwater Salamander, there were also several top-notch monsters.

One of the giant rock vipers, whose body is nearly ten feet tall, is even stronger than the black water salamander. It has almost replaced its body with earth and rocks. .

But when Li Qingshan told his purpose of coming, the Giant Rock Viper immediately expressed his willingness to obey Malu's order and participate in the Demon Conference.

The Blackwater Salamander dared not to take Malu seriously because of the favorable location, but even the Giant Rock Adder did not dare to confront the monster general head-on.

So, Li Qingshan didn't even take out the carrot and stick, so he took the second powerful demon soldier. As long as the king has absolute strength, the general who goes out to fight becomes very easy.

Although there were a few battles, they were basically safe and sound. Of course, this was because Li Qingshan was strong enough, otherwise he would have died countless times.

Although those few strongest monsters are afraid of Malu's power, they always have to try and compete with Li Qingshan, the leader of the monster soldiers. The reason why the Giant Rock Viper was able to obey so quickly was because Li Qingshan failed to attack Li Qingshan, but Li Qingshan punched the stone on his body to crack.

Although Li Qingshan didn't dare to say that his odds of winning were more than 50% in a deathmatch, but no monster would fight to the death with a monster of the same level as him for no reason.

Everyone in the world thinks that human beings are intelligent and rational, and monsters are bloodthirsty and crazy.

But this is not the case. Even if the wild beasts compete for the territory of their spouses, they will not fight to the death with their opponents. The loser will not even suffer too serious injuries. The winner is often determined by roaring and intimidating.

But human beings often bet on their own wealth and life desperately for women and power. Even if they know they are invincible, they still have to fight. Or because of a little friction, they escalated from insults to fights, and finally turned into a life-and-death fight, all for nothing but vain dignity.

What exists in the body of wild beasts is only the instinct of survival, without the complex emotions of human beings. This point, after they turned into monsters, has not changed in any way.

So what Li Qingshan faced was a group of surprisingly rational opponents.

The powerful monsters obey orders, let alone those weak ones. Almost as soon as Li Qingshan's demonic aura erupted, the little demons bowed down and bowed. Li Qingshan didn't even think of it. It only took a mere month, far less than he expected.

Malu was too dull, easy to be fooled, and didn't have the consciousness to summon his subordinates, so he got to where he is today. When Li Qingshan made up for Malu's shortcoming in intelligence, he immediately took control of the territory.

Now, Li Qingshan has dozens of demon soldiers under his command, and the identity of the leader of the demon soldiers has become worthy of the name. He can dispatch these monster soldiers after the demon assembly and completely establishes his rule. There is Malu, a monster friend.

If the door wants to deal with him again, it will be a dead end. As long as there are no masters who have survived the catastrophe, no matter how many come, he can eat it. Even if that sect master dares to enter the ground, let him have a taste of the power of kun-like monster generals.

With a bright vision for the future, Li Qingshan brought a big bamboo hat and a bamboo basket on his back, and let Xiaoan enter it.

Although he has been able to return to normal, he deliberately maintains this huge figure to facilitate walking in the world. In order for this monster conference to be successfully held, a feast is indispensable, and this matter has to fall on Yu Shukuang.

In Kuangjian Villa, Yu Shukuang pulled Li Qingshan's hand excitedly: "You're finally back!"

Seeing Yu Shukuang's panicked expression, Li Qingshan hurriedly asked: "What happened?"

Yu Shukuang then explained the whole story, Li Qingshan said angrily: "It's really deceptive, did you inform Hua Chenglu?"

Yu Shukuang said bitterly: "The letter has been sent, but there is no reply."

Li Qingshan knew that even if Hua Chenglu took some action, it would be impossible for him to reply specifically to explain to Yu Shukuang. But this matter may not be that simple, even if Hua Chenglu has the heart, the Hua family may not be willing to go against Qingteng Mountain for the sake of friendship between children.

He had seen the tyranny and arrogance of the cultivator's sect as early as at the gate. The Eagle Wolf Guard dared to kill, let alone forcibly recruit a disciple.

Yu Shu said madly: "What should I do, alas, it's useless for me to be a father!"

Li Qingshan persuaded: "You don't have to be too impatient, she is going to be a disciple, at most she will suffer a little bit, there will be no danger. It is not a bad thing to experience the dangers of the world." Qingteng Mountain is also a serious sect anyway, not a den of bandits cave.

Yu Shukuang sighed heavily, even though he said that, how could he be relieved.

Li Qingshan was also a little worried, he also liked Yu Zijian's frankness and kindness very much, and he didn't want her to be bullied.

"I will go to Ivy Mountain to visit her. You stay here and prepare something for me."

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