Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 44 Sword Qi Book

Chapter 44 Sword Qi Book

The wrinkles on Shi Peipei's face appeared like ripples: "Then I will write down the certificate with my fellow Taoist. An important auction can attract more Qi refiners to participate.

"Fellow Daoists, it's better to have some spirit stones left over. At the auction, I will prepare the VIP seats for fellow Daoists. At that time, many rare and rare treasures will be born. If there are valuable ones, but you miss them because of your lack of money, wouldn't it be pity."

Li Qingshan's heart moved: "I don't know what treasures are there? Do you have a catalogue?" Maybe you can find the second half volume of "Immeasurable Art of the Sea".

Shi Peipei said: "It's not convenient for us to disclose the specific eyesight, but we have publicized some of the extremely rare items, and we will add this demon pill soon. You can ask Ruping about these."

"Fellow Daoist, just ask me." Liu Ruping smiled softly, gentle and elegant, and looked at Li Qingshan with affection.

If Li Qingshan hadn't seen her face-changing kung fu, he would have almost been fooled by her.

Shi Peipei handed a jade lottery to Li Qingshan: "Remember, fellow Taoist, this item must not be lost. We recognize the lottery but not the person. If someone else takes this lottery, we will also give him the spirit stone."

Li Qingshan sank his mind into the jade lottery, and immediately showed a proof, "I will keep it safe!" Then he reached out his hand to Xiao Zhangyi.

Xiao Zhang hurriedly put the "Long Whale Absorbing Water" into Li Qingshan's palm, a cold breath pierced his body, but it was extremely comfortable. As the true energy poured into it, there was a feeling of blood connection, It's just slightly sluggish, as if a blood clot is blocked in the blood vessel.

Xiao Zhang said: "If a high-grade spiritual weapon is to achieve the best effect, it will take some time to refine it with true energy, then it will truly work smoothly and be invincible."

Li Qingshan nodded, instead of putting it in the treasure bag, he kept it in the palm of his hand, playing with it casually, and infiltrating his true energy into it. This crystal clear ice whale is as exquisite as a work of art, and no one would think that it is a weapon.

Shi Peipei bid farewell and left, Liu Ruping said softly: "Fellow Daoist, what else do you need, even if Daoist comes."

Li Qingshan said casually: "What if I say I want you?"

Liu Ruping blushed, "Oh,

How can fellow daoists talk nonsense, besides, what good do I have. w w wh u n h u nn e t / 网/ Full text txt download”

Xiao Zhang looked on with a smile. It is obvious that this kind of scene is commonplace. He was also very happy to sell a high-grade spiritual weapon, and said with a joke: "Based on today's expenses, friend Daoist, what do we Ruping do?" , she can't refuse!"

"Old man Zhang, if you keep talking nonsense, I'll tear your mouth apart!" Liu Ruping gave Xiao Zhang an angry look, but she didn't show any annoyance.

When Li Qingshan and Liu Ruping went downstairs, the women in palace costumes who greeted the guests below had all heard about what happened upstairs and raised their heads in unison.

Liu Ruping held her head high, straightened her chest, her expression was very different from the indifferent attitude she had when she went upstairs, she intentionally walked very close to Li Qingshan, wishing she could stick her body against him, the scent of powder on her body made Li Qingshan's nose tingle itch.

Although Li Qingshan has heard about women sugar daddy in his two lifetimes, but when he became such a "big money", he still couldn't help but be surprised that a woman can do this step. How much difference is there?

The eyes of those women in palace costumes are full of envy and jealousy. How could Ruping catch up to such a good thing? If she was the one who went up to her just now...

When looking at Li Qingshan, his eyes are even more different, there is a reverence that can make all men intoxicated.

Li Qingshan suddenly understood, this is the treatment of the strong! No matter in any era or in any world, the strong will show their power and the weak will cling. The strong get, the weak lose.

Only the losers will lament the warmth and coldness of human relations, the weak will complain about the cruelty of society, and the strong only need to grit their teeth and become stronger.

After comprehending this point, the slightly uncomfortable feeling disappeared completely. Playing with the ice whale, a meaningless smile floated on his face, and it fell into Liu Ruping's eyes, making him even more attractive. Of course, this is only for the strong. Charm.

Li Qingshan brought Liu Ruping to the teahouse and opened the chair for her. Liu Ruping was naturally flattered and smiled very reservedly. After Li Qingshan took a sip of tea, he asked about the auction.

Liu Ruping naturally knew everything, and told him all the items in the auction. Among them, there were all kinds of spiritual herbs, stones, rare and exotic beasts, and there were seven or eight top-grade spiritual weapons alone. .

Liu Ruping also quietly revealed that the finale treasure of this auction is a top-quality spiritual weapon, the low price is 5,000 spirit stones, and it is estimated that more than 10,000 spirit stones can be auctioned.

Although Li Qingshan was tempted, he knew that this kind of thing was not something he could afford, and even if he could afford it, he would not dare to buy it. Those who could take out so many spirit stones were at least the foundation-building cultivators at the level of the head of Sanshan. Snatching food from them is purely asking for death, and I am afraid that they will be bombarded to the ground as soon as they leave the market.

"Aren't there any exercises to be auctioned?"

Liu Ruping shook his head, Li Qingshan bowed his head and sipped his tea, thinking silently, thinking about it, how could such things be so easy for him to come across, otherwise Sun Fubai would have fed all his years of effort to dogs. But he is not discouraged, the sky pays off, and his footsteps must be wider and farther than Sun Fubai.

Seeing that Li Qingshan was disappointed, Liu Ruping hurriedly said: "There are no exercises, but there is a calligraphy."

Li Qingshan said casually: "What calligraphy?"

Liu Ruping said: "What is it called "Sword Qi Book", it is said that it was left by an ancient sword fairy, but I think it is just a middle-grade spiritual weapon, with strokes here and there, it must have been thought up for auction Only a fool would be fooled into buying it? If you want to use it, of course it’s better to use a high-grade spirit weapon.”

Li Qingshan looked at the rippling blue water in the cup, saw his expression move slightly, and said without raising his head: "It is true that a fool would buy it, but since the "Sword Qi Book" is a middle-grade spiritual weapon, what function does it have? ?”

Liu Ruping said disdainfully: "Hmph, just like its name, it can emit several sword qi."

The green tea swayed for a while, Li Qingshan suppressed the excitement in his heart, and chatted with Liu Ruping, but he knew that Liu Ruping and Qian Rongzhi's backgrounds were very similar, they also came from a small family that was not considered a family, and their own qualifications were limited. There are not many resources that can be used, and complaints with sighs are indispensable.

Li Qingshan said: "It is said that the Eagle Wolf Guard, regardless of their status, anyone who refines Qi can join, why don't you give it a try?"

Liu Ruping was surprised and said: "The Eagle Wolf Guard? That's killing people all day! And I'm not boasting about running around in the wind and rain. I can earn more than ordinary Eagle Wolf Guards for a month in this grocery store. To much more."

"It's true!" Li Qingshan knew that she was completely different from Qian Rongzhi, far less visionary and vicious than that woman, but if the world was full of women like that, men wouldn't have to live.

Liu Ruping couldn't help but said: "What else do you want to buy, why don't you cut another set of good clothes, I have a good eye in choosing clothes, so I will choose a few for you."

Li Qingshan interrupted with a smile: "No, I want to sell some more things!"

Liu Ruping was stunned.

In the end, Li Qingshan sold all the hundreds of spirit talismans on his body, except for the top-grade spirit talisman and the top-grade spirit talisman, to the grocery store, and got hundreds of spirit stones. It was near the Three Mountains Herb Collection Ceremony, and the value of the magic talisman was at a high time, so he was worthy of selling it.

Li Qingshan originally wanted to collect a pill furnace, but he gave up for now, anyway, he is not in a hurry to open the furnace for alchemy now.

If the "Sword Qi Diagram" is really as he expected, and it is really a part of the "Cao Zi Jian Shu", then he is bound to win it. It must never fall into the hands of others.

The "Cao Zi Jian Shu" in his hand is basically between the top grade and the top grade. If he can find another piece to complete it, he can get a top grade spiritual weapon that is really worth more than ten thousand.

And "Cao Zi Jian Shu?" The actual value of this is probably far more than that, and it can make Qingniu appreciate a few words. He may not understand what this means before, but now he is very clear about how high Qingniu's vision is.

And a middle-grade spiritual weapon is usually worth no more than a hundred spirit stones, but he doesn't dare to treat other people as fools. As many spirit stones as possible, make sure you can win them.

After this matter was over, Li Qingshan ignored Liu Ruping's disappointed gaze, he walked out of the grocery store and was about to leave the market.

Walking on the noisy street, he turned his head and looked up at the verdant Ivy Mountain, wondering if Yu Zijian had waited for Hua Chenglu.

Not everyone is worth waiting for, so he chooses not to wait for anyone, but he also hopes that she can wait for the person she wants to wait for.

Carrying the bamboo basket, he went to the bookstore to bid farewell to Sun Fubai, went back to the inn and retired from the room, turned around and left the inn, and suddenly stopped in his tracks.

Yu Zijian stood in the sunshine outside the inn, smiling brighter than the sun, holding a petite girl in his hand, her face seemed a bit reluctant, it was Hua Chenglu.

Li Qingshan showed a relieved smile, this is the value of human trust, isn't it?

If you can trust others bravely, even if you are deceived a hundred times, you will always make true friends. Although he was walking a lonely and courageous path, he also admired her bravery and determination.

"Niu Juxia, this is a presentation!" Yu Zijian almost dragged Hua Chenglu to Li Qingshan, introducing him with excitement.

Hua Chenglu still had that cute and mature appearance, she pretended to be chic and cupped her hands to Li Qingshan, and said softly: "I didn't expect the people from Qingteng Mountain to be so bold. Thank you for taking care of Zijian during this time." Fei Li looked up With Li Qingshan's tall figure, he muttered in his heart, wondering how Zijian knew such a strange person.


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