Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 49 Seeking Truth Society

Chapter 49 Seeking Truth Society

"Brother is benevolent and righteous!" "No wonder you are appointed as the future head of Jidu Mountain!" "Our Jidu Mountain will definitely become the top of the three mountains." , making Jidu Mountain a middle school is also a piece of cake."

Amidst the sound of flattery, Song Ming also hurriedly said: "Thank you, senior brother." But he knew very well in his heart, if it wasn't for the spirit stone worth thousands of treasure bags, how could the proud senior brother be so loyal, he has some time, use it It's too late to practice.


The snow began to fall again.

The spring water tinkled and gurgled under the frozen snow, hence the name Youquan.

Surrounded by snow-capped mountains, in a small valley, there are many exquisite huts, which look like people in a fairyland. A few unclothed Qi refiners walked among them, looking out of the dust, hanging out with each other and drinking, very happy.

All of them suddenly turned their heads together, and saw a tall figure walking from among the trees. His steps were heavy and majestic, without the slightest elegance of a Qi refiner.

"Who are you? This is the camp of the Qiuzhen Society."

Li Qingshan said loudly: "I'm here to find Han Xiong." The voice rolled throughout the valley.

Han Xiong came out of a thatched hut, and when he saw Li Qingshan, he was overjoyed: "Fellow Daoist Niu, you are finally here."

Li Qingshan nodded slightly: "Let me take a look."

Han Xiong hurriedly introduced to the group of qi refiners, everyone heard that he was the famous Niu Juxia, they were all amazed, they exchanged glances and smiled, and together they embraced Li Qingshan into the largest room.

The room is covered with a wooden floor, and everyone is sitting on the floor. There is a charcoal fire in the middle, cooking wine and food, and the aroma is hot, fumigated the whole room.

In this snowy weather, finding such a residence made even Li Qingshan's nerves relax slightly.

Han Xiong said: "Fellow Daoist, please wait a moment, I will invite our president to come."

In a short while, more qi refiners came in, there were about 20 or so, a group of qi refiners chatted with Li Qingshan, all of them were very enthusiastic, and the two female cultivators even gave a bowl Hot wine and a meaty broth.

Li Qingshan took a sniff,

Praise: "Good wine!" He drank up the wine and ate the meat, but said no more.

All the qi practitioners saw that he was unwilling to talk too much, and he didn't force it. They started talking with each other, mostly about the herbal gathering ceremony. It turned out that they planned to form a small team and go underground together, but they couldn't take their eyes off Li Qingshan.

Li Qingshan seemed to be unaware of anything, sitting in front of the fire like a stone statue, letting the swaying fire light reflect his figure on the wall.

After a while, Han Xiong came back with an old man. The old man was as thin as a monkey, wearing a loose Taoist robe, which seemed to be stolen. Han Xiong had to bend over to speak in his ear.

But all the casual cultivators seemed to respect him very much. When they saw him coming in, they shouted, "President!"

Li Qingshan also looked back, the seventh-level qi refiner, in this group of casual cultivators, this is a rare strong player, in addition to the old man, there are two sixth-level qi refiners, these three are faintly among the crowd head.

Han Xiong hurriedly said: "Friend Daoist Niu, this is Taoist Qiu, the president of Qiuzhen Club." Seeing that Li Qingshan didn't intend to come over to salute, his face was slightly embarrassed.

Gudong Gudong, Li Qingshan lowered his head and drank his wine, wondering what he was thinking.

Qiu Taoist closed the door with his backhand, and the sound of wind and snow whistling outside the house suddenly subsided, and he didn't hear it at all, sealing the hut into a closed world.

Then he chuckled and said: "This is fellow Daoist Niu, I'm poor!" He was not angry at Li Qingshan's rudeness at all.

Li Qingshan nodded slightly: "Hi Taoist Qiu."

Qiu Daoren said: "Fellow Daoists are able to come to our Qiuzhen Society, it's really full of splendor. Today, I Qiuzhen Society is also full of talented people. I don't think I will disappoint you."

Li Qingshan said: "I just took a look."

Taoist Qiu also sat down by the stove: "Hehe, it doesn't matter if you take a look, I'll come and tell you about the purpose of our Seeking the Truth Society, the so-called seeking the truth..."

Eloquent and eloquent, he delivered an impassioned speech, why everyone is brothers and sisters, and how hateful the sect is, if we want to bully our brothers and sisters, we must unite and so on.

This wretched old man started to give a speech, his body seemed to be shrouded in a halo, his body was full of charm, his words were full of provocative, all the casual cultivators raised their heads, their faces were full of excitement.

Li Qingshan is a person with a firm heart, and it is not easy to be touched, but he feels that this scene is a bit familiar.

Taoist Qiu suddenly stopped speaking, and said to Li Qingshan: "Friend Niu Daoist, do you think this is the truth?"

Immediately, more than twenty pairs of eyes were all fixed on Li Qingshan's face.

Li Qingshan said: "Is this the truth?"

Everyone showed joy, and Taoist Qiu also continued: "I have practiced for a hundred years, and the biggest problem with observing the way of practice is that the selfishness in people's hearts is so selfish. Many talented people are unknown in the grass, and many good exercises have been lost!"

The casual cultivators nodded repeatedly. They are such talented people, and they all became casual cultivators because they didn't get the inheritance.

"If we can break the sect's and family's views, and exchange the experience of the practice in the whole way of practice, so that every senior can be the teacher of the younger generation, how can the way of practice not prosper, and the way of practice can also be much less strife. In a hundred years, both the number and quality of practitioners will inevitably increase by a hundred times, so what's so difficult about killing all the demons in the world?"

This grand blueprint made all the casual cultivators very excited.

Li Qingshan was also slightly surprised. He thought this was just a mutual aid alliance of casual cultivators. How could he have imagined that they had such a lofty pursuit, and this pursuit is really fantastic. If it can be realized, it will not be far from "the Great Harmony of the World" .

Taoist Qiu said solemnly: "Of course it is not easy to do this, but as long as we work hard, there is no hope. Our Qiuzhen Society is the hope of the world to practice Taoism!"

Then it was time for a group of casual cultivators to communicate. A man stood up and said, "I was originally only on the second level of Qi Refining. Since I joined the Qiuzhen Club, I have benefited a lot from the communication process with fellow Taoists. I just broke through recently and reached Passed the third level of Qi Refining!"

There was cheering all around, and the other alchemists also stood up to speak one by one. After everyone finished speaking, there was a burst of cheers, and the hut was immersed in a warm atmosphere.

Finally it was Li Qingshan's turn, Li Qingshan shook his head, expressing that he had nothing to say.

The casual cultivators refused to let go, and urged in a neat voice: "Say, talk, talk, talk, talk..."

Li Qingshan frowned slightly, Qiu Taoist raised his hand, and the urging sound stopped immediately.

"Since Fellow Daoist Niu doesn't want to say anything, let me say a few more words. Whether it's for the development of the entire practice or for personal progress, the most important and most important thing is to break this selfish thought." Taoist Qiu extended to Li Qingshan Make a fist, then let go.

"Only by opening your fist can you hold more things. If you can give others kindness, others will give you something in return. The most fundamental sentence is that you can only gain if you give up!"

Taoist Qiu clapped his hands: "Now it's time for sharing, everyone take out your things! Fellow Daoist Niu, as long as you need something, just ask."

The casual cultivators followed the order just now, and took out the contents of the treasure bag one by one to share, or spiritual herbs, or spiritual pills. When it was a female casual cultivator's turn, she suddenly unbuttoned her clothes, revealing her plump and strong chest , to share his body, as long as there is a need, he can go to her room to find her later, which made Li Qingshan dumbfounded.

Seeing Li Qingshan's expression, the female cultivator proudly said: "We are all brothers and sisters. In this lonely world, we should comfort each other. My body can satisfy everyone, and I can also be happy. Why not for."

After winning the admiration from all the audience, she raised her chest even higher, as if she had a more noble spirit that replaced the vulgar concept of chastity, making her whole being sublimated, like a saint.

Li Qingshan grinned, didn't say anything, only felt that what he saw today was really bizarre.

The entire sharing process was carried out in an extremely harmonious atmosphere, there was no dispute, no quarrel, and a harmonious atmosphere. Sometimes two or three Qi refiners valued the same thing, and they would immediately give in to each other. Brothers are probably not so friendly of.

In Li Qingshan's two lifetimes, he has never seen so many friendly, humble and kind people.

Everyone's face is filled with happy smiles. On this lonely path of practice, being able to love each other so much and warm each other is simply wonderful.

Finally it was Li Qingshan's turn.

Li Qingshan, who had been silent from the beginning to the end, said again: "I have nothing to share!"

As if a bucket of cold water had been poured on this warmth and happiness, everyone's expressions changed, and more than twenty pairs of eyes stared at him coldly.

Qiu Daoren said: "Don't forget what I said, you can only gain if you give up. Only when you give your heart to others, can others give their heart to you."

Han Xiongdao: "Friend Daoist Niu, didn't you buy the general staff of "Guishui Ningqi Jue" and the "Book of Vientiane", and there is no loss if you share it?"

The eyes of all casual cultivators lit up. The general staff of "Guishui Condensing Qi Jue" is the sacred product for cultivating Guishui True Qi casual practice, and "Wanxiang Book" can be said to be common to all casual practitioners, but the value of these two books is too high, and generally there is no scattered practice. Repairs are affordable.

Li Qingshan shook his head firmly: "I don't want to share it!" He spent two hundred spirit stones to buy these two books, and there is no reason to give them to others for free. The store has been closed for a long time.

He didn't mind exchanging them, but the things that the casual cultivators took out were not of high value, and none of them could be valued by him, and they were worth a few spirit stones at most. Is already poor.


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