Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 55: Strangling Senior Brother

Chapter Fifty-fifth: Strangling the Big Brother

The "Cursive Words and Sword Book" unfolded with a swish, and the senior brother could clearly see the winding and mysterious handwriting on it. It was clearly ink marks written on the paper, but it was as sharp as if carved on the cliff with a sword. church

A huge sense of crisis filled my heart, and the sound of the blizzard seemed to have stopped. Compared with the speed of the sword qi, the speed of the wind dancing snowflakes was like a still picture.

The elder brother's pupils shrank suddenly, and he stretched out his hand to move, and the golden rooster feather became a hundred times bigger, covering his whole body like a copper wall and an iron wall.

Dang clang clang clang, there was a sound of metal and iron, and the frenzied wave of sword energy rushed the elder brother to the sky. The eldest brother floats in the air on the golden rooster feathers, like a flat boat on the rough sea, which is in danger of capsizing at any time, but drifts with the current, forming a wonderful balance.

This Golden Rooster Ling not only integrates offense and defense, but also defends in the most unrestrained way that Li Qingshan has ever seen. The sect can become a family of its own, which should not be underestimated.

The true qi of Guishui in Li Qingshan's body poured into the "Cursive Word Sword Book" crazily, urging out a series of strokes of sword qi, and at the same time holding a spirit stone in one hand, continuously replenishing the spiritual energy. In a blink of an eye, Li Qingshan dropped it at his feet Three spirit stones.

"Extreme spiritual weapon, you actually have a top-grade spiritual weapon!" The senior brother stepped on the golden rooster feathers and shouted in the snow.

Suddenly laughed wildly: "Haha, I didn't expect that I would have such luck. Boy, with your strength, you still can't exert the power of the top-grade spiritual weapon. It fell into your hands. It's a hidden gem. Hand it over obediently! You are the darling of heaven, and I will step on your bones to reach a higher level!"

If a top-grade spiritual weapon can make every Qi refiner jealous and heartbeat, then that top-grade spiritual weapon can make all Qi refiners crazy, and it is a treasure that Foundation Establishment cultivators will strive for.

Li Qingshan opened and closed his mouth slightly, his voice was swallowed by the wind and snow, but the eldest brother read out his lips: "Go to hell!"

Two huge skulls hovered and descended from the sky, breaking through the strong wind and screaming, like a ghost crying at night, which is soul-stirring. ("")

"What!" The elder brother's face changed drastically, and he used the golden rooster feathers to fly in the wind and snow. Using the impact of the sword energy, he turned a few times without warning, drawing a tortuous golden trajectory, avoiding it. Attack of the skull.

"Bang bang bang" broke through the air barrier, and quickly fell towards the dark cliff, thinking: "No, I fell into this kid's trap!"

The screaming sound followed like a shadow, the senior brother looked around, two skulls,

One left and one right chased after him, the blood in his eye sockets spat out, his teeth clicked, and he couldn't wait to tear his flesh.

Looking from a distance, I saw a golden thread and two slightly thinner red threads plummeting down into the abyss.

The trajectory of the golden thread was extremely erratic, while the two red lines kept circling around, locking the scope of the golden thread's escape.

At this time, the two red lines suddenly cut to the trajectory of the gold line.

The two skulls rushed towards the senior brother, who snorted coldly: "It's a small trick!" With both hands clasped together, and raised outwards, the two golden beaks pecked the skull's forehead fiercely.

With two bangs, two skulls were pecked away, but at the last moment, he opened his mouth wide, and two figures appeared in the raging flames.

One tall and one petite, it was Li Qingshan and Xiao An who jumped out of the skeleton at the same time, Li Qingshan held the "Cursive Word Sword Book" in his hand, but Xiao An held a piece of white rib in his hand, which was used as a sword.

Unparalleled sword energy and Xiao An's frightening sword were launched at the same time, and the two swords were miraculously merged into one without any loopholes.

The elder brother felt that the whole world was being divided and torn apart by the criss-crossing sword energy. For the first time, panic and fear finally appeared in his eyes, and he reached for the treasure pouch on his waist.

This movement was originally extremely fast, but compared to the speed of the sword energy, it was so slow and slow. He never thought that dealing with a fourth-level qi refiner would require a waste of spirit runes and spirit stones, so he didn't do it well in advance. Prepare.

"I'm a genius, the future head of Jidu Mountain, with a bright future, I can't die here!" This thought flashed in the elder brother's mind. ""

The sword energy disappeared in a flash, the eldest brother looked down at himself, and laughed loudly: "I'm not dead, I won't..."

The words stopped abruptly, and the jaw dropped, showing many criss-crossing bloodstains, and the bloodstains were staggered.

There was a soft bang, and a blood mist exploded in the air, and the broken corpses scattered from the sky, and were burned up by the flames before they landed.

The golden rooster feather that lost control changed to its original size and drifted with the wind.

Li Qingshan and Xiao An landed at the same time, Xiao An grabbed Jin Jiling, Li Qingshan opened his palm, and there was a treasure bag in it.

The two looked at each other and smiled, and an indescribable sense of understanding rose from their hearts.

Li Qingshan stuffed a magic talisman held between his fingertips back into his belt. It was a top-grade magic talisman seized from Ximen's grandma. He didn't know what its function was. "Book", but did not find the corresponding information at all, but the middle and lower grade spirit talismans are well recorded.

Obviously, the preciousness of this top-quality talisman cannot be recorded in the "Book of Vientiane". However, this book was not bought in vain. By referring to the styles of other talismans, Xiao An deduced that this talisman should be an offensive talisman with a fire attribute.

The lethality of fire among the five elements is considered top-notch, and the power of the top-grade talisman goes without saying.

Li Qingshan intends, if he and Xiaoan's joint efforts cannot kill the elder brother, he will immediately activate this top-grade magic talisman to kill him. If he fails again, he will try his best to leave traces of demonic energy, turn into a demon, and kill the elder brother.

Before the battle, he already had a 100% chance of winning.

"The people behind are chasing you." Xiao An licked his lips with the tip of his tongue and said, the flesh and blood of the nine-level Qi refiner is far more delicious than ordinary people can compare.

"Send them all to the west!" Li Qingshan's eyes flashed red, and his bloody killing intent had been fully aroused in three consecutive battles, his exhaustion had disappeared without a trace, and even the confused Thinking, the fierce battle between heaven and man no longer exists, he only needs more killings.

In the face of the choice between life and death, he didn't have to bother to choose at all. He wanted to live and kill all the enemies, it was as simple as that.

Li Qingshan and Xiaoan didn't even exchange a glance, they quickly disappeared in the dark mountain depression, forming a corner, quietly waiting for the prey to take the bait.

Li Qingshan buried his body in the snow nest, holding his breath and concentrating.

When the second wave comes, it should be two eighth-level qi refiners. It is also not easy to deal with them on the premise that they cannot transform into monsters. If the two cooperate properly, it may be even more difficult than the ninth-level qi refiners just now. deal with.

You must sneak attack at the first time, kill one of them, the other is easy to say, kill this wave, and the rest will be easy to deal with.

The "Cao Zi Jian Shu" can completely kill Qi refiners on the sixth and seventh floors in a flash. With the cooperation of two skull rosary beads, with the sword skills recorded in the "Cao Zi Jian Shu", there will be no single match.

When the gap in strength reaches a certain level, the quantity becomes meaningless.

He was also 100% sure of this battle, but for some reason, the anxiety in his heart not only did not relax, but became more intense, and his heart was beating restlessly, faster and faster.

"No, let's go!" Li Qingshan bounced up from the snow nest, calling Xiaoan.

Then immediately ran towards the predetermined underground hole.

Xiao An flew to Li Qingshan's side, and asked strangely: "What's wrong?"

Li Qingshan said: "I don't know, but it's very dangerous!"

Xiao An thought for a moment, then suddenly raised his head and said, "I see, it's the head of Jidu Mountain, a cultivator who established the foundation!"

Li Qingshan frowned, Foundation Establishment cultivator? Yes, I am afraid that only a foundation-building cultivator can give himself such a sense of crisis and oppression. If he is a Qi refiner, even if he is on the tenth level of Qi refinement, he will try his best to expose his identity and transform into a demon, and he is confident that he can fight a bloody path. There is even a chance to turn defeat into victory.

But the Foundation Establishment cultivator is an order of magnitude stronger. The spells he unleashes are all the power of top-grade talismans, not to mention the effects of using spiritual weapons.

Even if Li Qingshan turned into a monster, he would definitely not be able to fight against it, but in such a snowy mountain, he just killed the Jidu Mountain Qi Refiner, and did not give him a chance to ask for help. How could he alert the attention of the Foundation Establishment cultivator? Woolen cloth?

Xiaoan saw Li Qingshan's doubts, and explained in a charming voice: "The core disciples in the sect recorded in the "Book of Vientiane" often have a life lamp, and the life lamp is in the hands of the master. will go out and indicate the location."

Needless to say, the Ninth Level Qi Refiner must be the core figure among the core figures in the sect.

Li Qingshan still doesn't know that the elder brother is the future head of Jidu Mountain.


A moment ago, a hundred miles away, on the top of Ivy Mountain, three old men sat opposite each other, discussing the matter of the three mountain herbal gathering ceremony.

They are the supreme rulers of the three mountains, the heads of Qingteng Mountain, Jidu Mountain, and Tomb Hill, and they form the "Three Elders".

The old man Qingteng is the host and occupies the upper position. He is dressed in green clothes, with hair and beard twisting down his face, leaving almost only a pair of clear eyes.

On the left hand side of old man Qingteng, there is an old man in gray clothes, his eyes are white, his face is expressionless, it seems that even his face is gray, his whole body exudes a faint corpse aura, his eyes only turn occasionally, but there is no trace of anger .

When ordinary people see it, they will probably regard it as a corpse, and even the movement of their eyes will be regarded as a fraudulent corpse.

On the right hand side of old man Qingteng is an old man wearing a golden costume. Naturally, he is the head of Jidu Mountain, the old man with a golden rooster. What is embroidered on his body is not chicken feathers, but a golden chicken head with a comb like Fire, chicken beak like a knife.

Compared with the other two old people, he has a high-spirited vigor, like a rooster declaring the morning sun, with his chest always puffed up and held high, but it is inevitable that he looks a little arrogant.

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