Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 71 In Desperate Situation

Chapter 71 In Desperate Situation

In the Palace of Hidden Swords, there is a sacred mountain named Cangjian. This mountain is not connected to the earth, but is suspended in the sky. Pull out a sword and use it as your own sword, and when the day passes away, this sword will return to the hidden sword peak, waiting for the next owner. Church www..

The kung fu practiced in Hidden Sword Palace pays attention to the unity of human and sword. Practicing kung fu is practicing sword, and practicing sword is practicing kung fu.

Even a piece of common iron, after being tempered by several generations of masters, will become a magic weapon. You can imagine how powerful these swords are. It is rumored that they also contain the spiritual will of the masters of the past generations. Pull it out, so not only people choose swords, but also swords choose people, there is no way to take advantage of it, only by chance.

Once a person and a sword meet each other, it is like meeting a good teacher and helpful friend, a confidant and a confidante, and the benefits brought to the sword holder are far from being as simple as a powerful sword. This is where the foundational heritage of Hidden Sword Palace lies, and it is also the origin of the name Hidden Sword.

And sword cultivators are already stronger than ordinary cultivators in battle, and with such a sword accompanying them, they are even more powerful.

Among all the swords, there are also high and low points, ten of them are famous all over the world, and they are also called "Ten Famous Swords". No matter which disciple pulls out, the Hidden Sword Palace will be fully cultivated. Almost every generation of Hidden Sword Palace masters comes from this, and Qingxu Sword is one of them.

This is no longer as simple as adding wings, but directly transforming from a tiger beast into a tiger demon. It couldn't be easier to deal with the three old men. It's just strange that Fu Qingjin should have just survived the catastrophe, so how could he control the Qingxu sword so quickly? Woolen cloth?

Hua Chengzan was born in a family, with exquisite orifices and strong memorization of extensive knowledge, I am afraid that there are more things in his head than in the Wanxiang Book, so he is naturally not ignorant of the history of the Qingzhou sects.

It suddenly occurred to me that another reason why Qingxu is famous is because it is the only pair of male and female swords among the ten swords. Qingxu is the female sword, and the male sword is named Zixiao. Once a sword is born, another sword will not be far away.

Now that Qingxu is out, where is Zixiao?

Thinking of this, Hua Chengzan suddenly looked at Yu Zijian, she was looking down without blinking, could it be she?

Thinking back to the way Fu Qingjin looked at Yu Zijian just now, his heart suddenly brightened. Church www..

That's right, Qingzhou is so big, why did Fu Qingjin travel thousands of miles to Qinghe Mansion to punish a monster general? With his strength, there are several monster generals who are his opponents. His purpose turned out to be this.

Among the great sects, there must be people who are proficient in divination and calculation, who can understand the secrets of heaven, and they are recruited by the sect.

In addition to looking for qualified children and others to learn from teachers like ordinary sects, there is also a very special way, that is, looking for "destined people". In this way, there are very few disciples, but they can often learn from them. From the sea of ​​crowds, Jian pulls out some amazing and brilliant characters.

These characters are like jade in the rough, and they often don't seem to have any special cultivation qualifications. They should have no relationship with cultivation for life, and can only engage in ordinary people's occupations for this life. As soon as he was instructed to step into this practice path, he immediately flew into the sky like a dragon entering the sea.

If his guess is correct, Cheng Lu would actually favor her. Although the Hua family has some power in Qinghe Mansion, it is nothing compared to Hidden Sword Palace. His thinking suddenly extended to a very far-reaching point, thinking about how to use this information to seek benefits for the Hua family, but the battle below was no longer within the scope of his concern.

Anyway, the outcome has long been clear.


Fu Qingjin appeared in Qingxu, standing on a half-truncated palace pillar, leaving the world alone.

It takes dozens of people to embrace the palace pillars. One can imagine how magnificent the palace it supported was.

"Hidden Sword Palace!" Li Qingshan's pupils shrank suddenly, and Fu Qingjin overlapped with a certain figure in his memory. Although he was wiped out by Qingniu casually, that sharp sword energy is still in his heart, and he didn't dare to touch it. forget.

"Have you heard of it?" Fu Qingjin turned around and said, the Qingxu sword had just been raised in his hand, but then stopped. (Holy Church www..)

Before Li Qingshan could answer, the Bronze Corpse General finally got out of trouble. The bronze armor on his body was broken and his bones were twisted and broken a lot. He roared furiously at Li Qingshan and was about to fly up.

Fu Qingjin glanced at it, the roar stopped, and the bronze corpse fled in a hurry, running towards the old man in the lonely grave, like a frightened vicious dog running towards its master.

The old men from Sanshan got together, slowly adjusted their aura, they didn't intend to make another move, because they understood that since he had already made a move, there was no need for them, recalling the scene of the fight on Ivy Mountain, they couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"Is there anything else you want to say? That's all, it's all nonsense, it's useless to say more." Just like Elder Fei Long's decisiveness back then, Fu Qingjin swung his sword down.

The sword light is like a stream of green, dark green, like a blue eye opened in the void, and all the mind is absorbed in it. It contains endless sighs of emptiness, telling about the rise and fall of changes, and the vicissitudes of life.

No matter how brilliant a civilization is, there will be a day of extinction. No matter how powerful an empire is, it will inevitably be destroyed. It is only for future generations to pay tribute to. What are the little creatures living in it?

After all, Li Qingshan is determined and resolute, it is extraordinary, his mind was shocked and he reacted, he punched out, his body retreated violently, and at the same time he lifted the spirit tortoise armor, the three movements were completed almost at the same time.

Li Qingshan retreated tens of feet away in an instant, and the sword light swept across the Spirit Turtle Armor, his monster energy quickly consumed, and the Spirit Turtle Armor trembled and swayed, but finally held on.

He was panting slightly, his red pupils were burning like fire, he was no longer the Li Qingshan he was back then, and he would never be struck by someone's sword without any reaction again.

Elder Sanshan looked at each other, and they could all see the astonishment on each other's faces. What kind of monster is this? Li Qingshan can block their blows, but they are easier to accept, but they all have a deep understanding of Fu Qingjin's strength.

"Oh?" Fu Qingjin also showed a look of surprise. He planned to kill the little monster with a single sword, and then go to deal with the monster general, but now he was a little surprised: "From the level of monsters, you can be regarded as a good one. It is worthy of being a mixed blood, but because of this, it is more necessary to kill it now to avoid future troubles."

Just as Fu Qingjin was about to strike, a black shadow enveloped him, and he turned his head slightly, Malu's ferocious mouthparts were close at hand, and the mouth was full of blood, more like the entrance of hell.

At such a short distance, Fu Qingjin launched an attack suddenly, and Fu Qingjin wanted to dodge it, but it was a little too late. The wind hit his face, and he raised his long hair, but his expression remained unchanged.

With a loud bang, Malu smashed his head against the palace pillar, but Li Qingshan's face was not at all happy. He had never underestimated any enemy, and Fu Qingjin was not an existence that could be underestimated. Taking a strong step forward, a crack spread rapidly forward, and the pile of rocks exploded with a loud bang, but there was no sign of Fu Qingjin in it.

A little bit of cyan flowed across the line of sight, and then tens of thousands of points, like fireflies, gathered together and turned into the appearance of Fu Qingjin.

Li Qingshan opened his eyes wide, is this the power of Qingxu Sword? Isn't this invincible?

Fu Qingjin threw the Qingxu Sword casually, pointing like a sword, and used the most common sword control technique, but the Qingxu Sword turned vertically and horizontally, completely disappearing the blade, interweaving a thick and complex geometric figure in the air, covering the On Malu.

Malu neighed in pain, blood splashed all over his body, and he turned around and bit him.

Fu Qingjin turned into blue light again and scattered, gathered in another place, touched his chin and said to himself: "It really is a kun-like monster with extraordinary vitality, it seems that it needs to be decapitated." His eyes fell on Malu's head and body In the place, he raised and swung his sword in an ordinary way.

It was a move that even a third-rate swordsman like Yu Zijian knew, and when he used it in his hands, it became an invincible lore.

The billowing demon energy turned into a flood that rushed towards Fu Qingjin, and with a twist of the sword, the flood split the sky.

Two skulls roared down from the sky, and all the remaining steel armored corpses roared and rushed towards Fu Qingjin.

Fu Qingjin suddenly showed surprise, turned around and collided with a crystal bone sword, and praised: "Good swordsmanship!" Even he was a little surprised by the sudden burst of sword power and sword intent. The latter was a skeleton, even more surprising.

Xiaoan endured for a long time, sacrificed all the steel armored corpses to lure the enemy, and stabbed with his sword with all his strength, but he could only praise him three words.

The swordsmanship changes, sometimes light and nimble, sometimes dignified and thick, and sometimes like an antelope's horns, which is unpredictable. Xiao'an played the swordsmanship learned from "Cao Zi Jian Shu" to the extreme. Coupled with the fact that every move is a desperate fight, it is even more powerful.

Fu Qingjin didn't need sword skills either. He held a sword in one hand and used his sword skills. He fought swords with Xiao An, wanting to see her sword skills.

Xiao Anjin, the sword's momentum changed to the extreme. Fu Qingjin retreated, chopping horizontally and vertically, but he was able to block Xiaoan's sword every time.

In an instant, the two swords clashed a thousand times, and there was a strange and long buzzing sound. Countless sword qi, as thin as a cow's hair, shot in all directions on the ground. Where the two of them passed, the sky was full of dust.

A relatively complete pavilion along the way collapsed suddenly, completely destroyed by the sword energy, and collapsed by its own gravity.

Numerous cracks appeared on Xiaoan's white bone sword. She only attacked but not defended. If she was a flesh and blood body, she would also be shattered by the sword energy at this time.

Li Qingshan yelled at Malu: "Come back to your original form!" The advantage brought by his huge body is gone, there is no chance of winning this battle, he must escape.

But everything in front of him is covered by the illusion, not to mention the cave, even the tiankeng can't be found, if he wants to escape, he can only break through the illusion first, but it's not easy.

Malu didn't listen to him this time, shook his body, and rushed towards Fu Qingjin again. Every movement he made was as ferocious as a thunderbolt, but with Fu Qingjin's strange light-dissolving technique, no matter how many times he launched this kind of attack, it would be useless.

Sure enough, Fu Qingjin's body once again turned into streamers, gathering together in the air, shaking his head and saying, "Stupid!"

Xiao An lost his strength and fell from the air, and was caught by Li Qingshan, no, this is not possible, we must think of a way!


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