Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 6 Gambling

Only Han Qiongzhi pursed his lips and said in his heart: "This guy has a bit of backbone. He is not like an ordinary man. He forgot his mother's last name when he saw this slutty woman. I wanted to find a chance to teach him a lesson in the future, so I forgave him." One time is fine."

Not to mention men present, even women can't resist Qiu Haitang's charm, Han Qiongzhi is a special case, the higher the cultivation level, the stronger the resistance to seduction, but it is the jealousy of women that plays a decisive role.

Han Qiongzhi is first-class in terms of cultivation, family background, appearance and figure, but no matter where he goes, he will be overwhelmed by this begonia.

Qiu Haitang looked at Hua Chengzan, and Hua Chengzan said: "Since it is a suspicion, then there is no evidence. Our Eagle Wolf Guards will investigate clearly. Master Qiumen, please don't pester me."

"Master Qiumen? Hua Chengzan, you only help outsiders to bully me!" Qiu Haitang said angrily, with slightly red eyes.

Others didn't expect that Hua Chengzan would support Li Qingshan so strongly, and this matter became a battle between Hua Chengzan and Qiu Haitang, no, it was a battle between the Eagle Wolf Guard and the ** sect, they really didn't know where to stand, He was even more dissatisfied with Li Qingshan.

But in the end it was still Hua Chengzan who was in charge of them, and they all persuaded: "Sister Qiu, it's just that a small character died, let's forget it!"

Li Qingshan looked at Hua Chengzan, a little surprised, but also a little moved, for him, it was a rare kindness. If he was standing in Hua Chengzan's position, I'm afraid he would be more willing to help that magnificent Qiu Haitang than this Li Qingshan who only met once.

Qiu Haitang said coldly: "Don't even think about it!" The voice turned soft. Some resentment, some helplessness: "Cheng Zan, the two grandmothers in my sect disappeared, and even the son of Vice Sect Master Wei died unexpectedly, all of this has a lot to do with Li Qingshan, as the sect master, how can I let it go lightly?"

Seeing her like this, everyone felt pity for her. But listening to what she said was even more astonishing.

Han Qiongzhi said: "Sister Qiu, are you joking? Grandma is a ninth-level Qi refiner. I think he has just reached the sixth level of Qi refinement. How could he be involved in the deaths of two ninth-level Qi refiners?"

Qiu Haitang said: "Qian Rongzhi, come out and speak. How did the son of Vice Sect Master Wei die?"

Qian Rongzhi didn't say a word. Stand behind the crowd. Hearing these words, he knew that disaster could not be avoided, smiled slightly at Wu Gen beside him, and walked out gracefully: "Wei Yingjie, the son of Vice Sect Master Wei, went to seek revenge on Li Qingshan, but he is nowhere to be found."

These words are exactly the same as what he said originally, but Qiu Haitang's heart skipped a beat. Feeling misguided.

Li Qingshan said loudly: "Listen up, everyone,

I was just doing a normal case. This thief actually came to seek revenge from Yinglangwei, let alone I did not kill him. Even if I killed it, what's wrong? "

Some of the disciples of the Legalists present had already joined the Eagle Wolf Guard, and most of the others would also join the Eagle Wolf Guard. Their education and sects were all targets for crackdown and restriction, so they dared to seek revenge from the Eagle Wolf Guard. Not to mention that Wei Yingjie acted obscenely, and had always been at odds with them, so he felt that it was better to die.

Seeing the change of expression on Qiu Haitang's face, Li Qingshan didn't want to do it himself in front of so many people, but he had already prepared the glass invisibility mirror, ready to meet the assassination on the way.

He dared to come to this building, not only because he believed in Qian Rongzhi's judgment, but also because he had confidence in his strength. Although Qiu Haitang is a foundation-building monk, the charm technique he is proficient in has little effect on him, and it may not be as good in actual combat. Sanshan old man.

As for the top quality talismans on his body now, he has collected nearly ten pieces, so he won't let others slaughter him. If Qiu Haitang really tries to attack him, he will fail, and then he will have to bear the pressure from all sides.

Hua Cheng praised: "Forget it, Haitang, this matter is just a misunderstanding."

Qiu Haitang said: "If you want me to give up, it's okay, but this is a matter between the ** family and Li Qingshan. Li Qingshan, you are also a man, so you just hide behind others?"

Li Qingshan said: "What do you want?"

Qiu Haitang said: "Do you dare to bet with me?"

Li Qingshan said: "Master Qiumen really knows how to joke, you are a dignified foundation builder, how can I, Li Qingshan He De, bet with you?" If he can incarnate as a monster, he is somewhat confident, but in the human state, he is no match for a builder base monks.

Qiu Haitang said: "Of course I am not the one who bet against you, his cultivation level is not higher than yours, do you dare to bet?"

Li Qingshan said: "If it's better than embroidery and needlework to give birth to a child, I'm absolutely inferior."

Han Qiongzhi burst out laughing, but he couldn't see that he was a bit of a rascal.

Hua Chengzan also smiled, but he saw that Li Qingshan was really gambling, so he didn't stop him. Although he promised Gu Yanying to take care of him, he was not a nanny, as a man, he should make his own decisions.

Li Qingshan has really thought about it, he doesn't believe that with Hua Chengzan's few words, he can stop the gangsters from retaliating and coveting Xiao'an. On their own.

And even if the gangster is willing to give up, you have to ask him if he is willing. He has already made up his mind that if he doesn't sneak out these thieves and sluts from the gangster and let them have bloodletting one by one, his surname will not be Li. After passing through the catastrophe and reaching the realm of demon generals, the four accounts of Sanshan and the ** sect have to be settled.

Qiu Haitang said: "The bet is naturally what men are good at."

Li Qingshan said: "What are you betting on?"

"Drinking, wrestling, and fighting." Qiu Haitang said three items.

Li Qingshan couldn't help laughing, these three things are exactly what he is good at, looking at Qiu Haitang, he thought: This time you are looking for your own death. With a calm face, he asked, "What's the bet?"

Qiu Haitang pointed her finger at Li Qingshan: "It's you." Then she slid down to Xiaoan's body: "And her!"

Li Qingshan said: "If I lose, the head will be cut off to you." Touching Xiaoan's head: "But I will never bet on her, unless you are willing to bet on her." Xuan shook his head again: "No , that's not worth it."

Qiu Haitang's complexion changed drastically, Li Qingshan said that it was already a humiliation to make her a bet, but he changed the subject and told her clearly that even if you were willing to be a bet, you are not qualified to be equal to Xiao An.

This is simply naked humiliation. With her status as the head of the sect, the cultivation of the foundation cultivator is not as good as that of a little girl.

All the legal disciples were also in an uproar, they had always been familiar with Qiu Haitang, and they looked at Li Qingshan even more unkindly.

Wu Gen said: "This kid has caused a lot of trouble."

Han Qiongzhi praised "good boy" in her heart, this slutty woman really thought that everyone had to revolve around her, now she knows how embarrassing she is!

Hua Chengzan sighed lightly, this grievance is hard to resolve, not because of this sentence, he has already seen that the ** family is determined to win the child, but to Li Qingshan, the child is an untouchable opposition Scale, touching it will anger you. (to be continued)

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