Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 12 Idea Seeds

Qiu Haitang's jade hand paused, her long nails had already touched Qian Rongzhi's skin, just a moment later, her brain would burst.

Qian Rongzhi's eyes were still blank, and she didn't seem to feel the tight veil around her.

Qiu Haitang laughed at herself, two miscalculations today made her somewhat suspicious of her charm. The mere sixth level of Qi Refining, how could it be possible to resist her charm.

He asked again: "Then how did the two grandmas, Ximen and Dongmen, die?"

Qian Rongzhi opened his mouth to answer.


After a while, Qiu Haitang had a general understanding of the matter, and looked directly into Qian Rongzhi's eyes, "From today onwards, I will accept you as my personal disciple. You must be absolutely loyal to me and never deceive me."

There was a flash of inspiration in her eyes, and she turned these words into an unshakable seed of thought, which was deeply planted in Qian Rongzhi's heart, and then she took a light breath, showing a little tiredness.

The veil dissipated, and Qian Rongzhi fell to the ground, as if waking up from a big dream. She woke up from a daze, shook her head, saw Qiu Haitang, and blurted out: "Master!" Then she covered her mouth, her face was full of surprise, don't say anything She has been expelled from the sect, and even in the sect, she is only worthy of being called the master of the sect.

Charm, for people like Li Qingshan and Xiao An who practice special skills and supernatural powers, may not be a big deal, but once its real effect is brought into play, it will be terrifyingly strong.

The Mohists can only drive puppets, and the corpse refiners can only drive dead corpses, but they can drive living people. As a spell that requires extremely high talent, it can still be passed down to this day without being lost, which shows that it is amazing.


Qiu Haitang said: "Should I thank you?"

Qian Rongzhi said: "The disciple dare not, the disciple is also lucky."

"What about the two grandmas, Ximen and Dongmen? Could it be your luck?" Qiu Haitang suddenly asked, she was extremely suspicious, and then asked the question just now. In the state of being charmed, Qian Rongzhi should have no memory.

Qian Rongzhi frowned and said: "Master knows that Wei Yingjie is just a fool, how can he compare with the two grandmas. He can kill the two grandmas. Only tenth-level Qi refiners and even foundation-building monks can do it. I think Among them, Vice Sect Master Wei is somewhat suspicious."

"That's not what you should say." Qiu Haitang said solemnly, but a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, her expression was the same as before.

Looking down at Qian Rongzhi condescendingly,

No matter how cruel and merciless you are, in front of absolute power. Also useless. From today on, your scheming talent will be used by me.

Qian Rongzhi said in fear, "Yes, Master."

But he sneered in his heart, "Absolutely loyal to you? Absolutely not to lie to you? You want to tell Hua Chengzan the most about such wishful thinking!"

Everything is in plan.

Everyone is used to using what they are best at, just as it is impossible for the disciples of Hidden Sword Palace not to use swords, and it is impossible for the disciples of Tomb Hill to not use zombies. It is also impossible for Qiu Haitang not to use the technique of charm.

Compared to playing tricks. As a matter of fact, Master Qiu is more used to directly controlling the opponent's mind.

When Qiu Haitang runs her mana, she casts her spell of charm.

Qian Rongzhi felt that her consciousness was crushed and receded like a tide. The superficial charm technique she had practiced did not help her, and the meditation pills she took beforehand did not help her at all. In the face of the power of the foundation cultivator, her preparation and resistance. Not worth mentioning.

But these are just blindfolds. What she really relies on is her deep understanding of charms through her practice during this period, so she has no fear.

She couldn't be controlled by Qiu Haitang, not even herself.

He once supported himself until he grew up with deep resentment like a sea, but in order to get revenge, he had to wear masks one after another. Suppressing oneself and hiding resentment deeply is not as easy as imagined. Apart from absolute rationality, nothing can suppress this fire of resentment.

But as time passed, everything developed, completely beyond her expectations. I don't know when, revenge is no longer the most important thing. If Qian Yannian is willing to hand over the position of the head of the Qian family to her, she can even continue to endure it, just to become stronger, which will burn her for nearly ten years. Years of resentment began to appear bleak.

Reason overwhelms hatred, means outweighs purpose.

So, when she got what she wanted and her revenge succeeded. She was finally able to uncover the layers of masks, but found that there was nothing in them. So I cried bitterly, but I didn't get enlightened and washed away all the lead, and I didn't put down the butcher's knife to become a Buddha immediately. I just wiped away my tears and continued to walk on the road with reason.

Human instinct and emotions are still providing meager power, growing and winding naturally like vines, even if the vines don't know the meaning of it.

That dazed state was not a faux pas. But absolute reason is still driving this body, it's ridiculous that Qiu Haitang still wants to use that low-level method to test her.

The seed of thought that Qiu Haitang planted at the end was nothing compared to the seed of hatred she had planted for herself, but even hatred couldn't control her.

"Master's pure and clean body, how could this old man defile him? I don't think there is anyone else worthy of Master except Commander Hua."

"If you really think so, I'm relieved." Qiu Haitang's face softened slightly, and she thought to herself, besides thinking like this, it's impossible for you to have any other thoughts.

Sure enough, Qian Rongzhi said: "As a disciple, even if you go through fire and water, you must help the master get what you want. And Li Qingshan, I will not let him go. I want to avenge my master."

The bet has been won, it's time to collect the bet.

Qiu Haitang took out a jade slip from the treasure bag, "The relationship between you and me is inconvenient to be known to others, and I cannot teach you every day as a teacher. On this jade slip, the cultivation experience of "The Secret Jue" is recorded. There is also a more advanced charm technique, you can go back and slowly understand it, and there is no rush for revenge."

Then he took out several bottles of elixir and handed them to Qian Rongzhi, all of which were urgently needed by Qian Rongzhi to practice "The Secret Art" and the charm technique.

This kind of preferential treatment is rare even in the ** school. Not only does the disciple need to have sufficient talent, but also needs to pass many years of loyalty tests. Qian Rongzhi's loyalty is naturally no problem, and giving some sweetness will also help the growth of that seed of thought.

Qiu Haitang is not worried that Qian Rongzhi's strength is strong enough to obliterate the ideas she planted. Qi refiners who have been planted with the seeds of ideas will have a distorted mind and will, and practice will become very difficult. Even if the realm of refining Qi can still increase , and it is absolutely impossible to break through the Foundation Establishment Realm.

Qian Rongzhi said happily: "Thank you, Master!"

Qiu Haitang said: "You go!"

Qian Rongzhi saluted very respectfully: "Disciple leave." Turning around and walking to the door, Qiu Haitang suddenly heard: "Do you like that Li Qingshan?"

Qian Rongzhi turned around, her face blushing, she bit her lip and muttered for a while, as if she couldn't speak, but under the action of the thought seed, she had to say: "I...I like Master." Kneeling in fear Come down: "Master, please forgive me!"

Qiu Haitang smiled slightly: "You are very honest, how could I blame you!" Absolute loyalty will produce emotions similar to admiration, if it is not like this, it would be a little strange.

Unknowingly, Qian Rongzhi also planted a seed in Qiu Haitang's heart, "This woman is absolutely loyal to me, she will never betray me, and she will not pose any threat to me."

Qian Rongzhi stepped out of the first floor safely, she is really a stupid woman, if she wants to control others, the charm is just an aid, if you want to be Xiaoan's master, you are not qualified enough!


Hua Chengzan, Li Qingshan, Xiao An, and Mu Kui walked slowly, they all had their own concerns and didn't say much.

Hua Chengzan suddenly said: "There are some things, you better know Qingshan."

Li Qingshan said: "About the ** gate?"

"Yes, the disciples of the ** sect, no matter men or women, mostly rely on the method of harvesting and nourishing to practice, but it is only the method of those with poor aptitude. Those who really have excellent talents will be specially selected to practice alone. Compared with the former's debauchery , the latter is almost strict, it is necessary to ensure that the vital yin is not lost until the foundation is established."

"Then find another foundation-building cultivator before you can practice both yin and yang, and once the object of this dual cultivation is selected, it cannot be changed at will until it lasts for a hundred years and a thousand years. It is more stable than ordinary people's marriages. It is the most orthodox yin and yang dual cultivation in Taoism." Dao is a shortcut.”

Only then did Li Qingshan understand. Seeing Xiao An's worried expression, he simply picked her up and carried her on his shoulders, "Don't worry, we're not going anywhere, you just follow me, don't you trust me?"

Xiao An bit her lip and smiled embarrassedly.

At this time, Hua Chengzan felt that she was an innocent child, and even Li Qingshan seemed to be contaminated with a bit of her childishness. I really don't know how they got together, and the words "depending on each other" emerged inexplicably in my heart , looking forward to seeing Hua Chenglu.

Li Qingshan asked: "Brother Hua, are you very familiar with Qiu Haitang?"

Hua Chengzan said: "If you don't mind, just give me a compliment. I have known Haitang since I was a child. It was the last master of the ** sect who brought her to my house as a guest, because they are all in Qinghe Mansion. So we communicate more frequently.”

Hua Chengzan said it simply, but Li Qingshan saw the nostalgic expression on his face, and he knew that the two were not only very familiar, they were childhood sweethearts, they were also geniuses in cultivation, and their ages were not much different. is strange.

Li Qingshan said with a smile: "Brother Hua, I wish you to cultivate the foundation building realm as soon as possible, and embrace the beauty back. I think that Qiumen master is very interesting to you." This playboy seemed to be a little unhappy, and the reason for this was really puzzling to him.

If Qiu Haitang is willing to join him in a joint double cultivation, he agrees 100%. Although he still talks about Gu Yanying, the long-term goal is to eat and drink. Thinking of this, he suddenly seems to understand What.

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